Books No Match For Violence, Says Concerned Parent
Sacramento public library won't "think of the children" news
Pachter: Nintendo's Online Strategy Is Hurting Wii Sales
"I think everything Nintendo has done online has been bad" news
PS3 Bioshock Infinite Won't Be a Cheap Port
Like the other Bioshock games. news
Lengthy Interview with Splatterhouse Developers
"The 2D parts of the new Splatterhouse are some of the most fun." news
The Press Room Episode #81
Homer and Foolz give impressions of the latest games and comment on this week's news. editorial impressions news
Sakaguchi Reveals Final Fantasy 9 Design Document
Can you imagine what else he has? news
Double Fine Updates Their Company FAQ - Funny
Addresses Nintendo hate, and what games they can't make sequels for. news
PALGN review Epic Mickey 6.5
A wonderful love letter to Disney art and memorabilia, but a disappointing gameplay debut from Junction Point, set back by unpolished and unrefined design. impressions
Sony Starting Label in Japan for Western Games
"Western Game Buyer Selection" includes Castle Crashers for PSP. news
Weekly Japanese Sales Figures
PSP has another good week, BLOPS tops the charts. news
Activision: COD Multiplayer Will Always Be Free
"we will never, ever charge for the multiplayer." news
Mark Walberg to star in Uncharted movie
Oh well, there's always the Halo movie to look forward too news
VGD Gran Turismo 5 review
8/10 "What PD have delivered is unquestionably a phenomenal achievement and will represent countless lost hours for petrolheads the world over, but the GT series is no longer the gold standard." impressions
thegamershub Gran Turismo 5 review
4/5 "the bottom line is the title has a lot to offer and is not to be missed by any PS3 owner." impressions
Adam Sessler "More Creativity, Less Penis!"
We are all playing giant penii that yell "Ohh look at me" editorial
K-Mart offering big bonus for Splatterhouse
$30 credit towards another game news
The Guardian reviews Epic Mickey
4 stars out of 5 "Epic Mickey proves satisfyingly original, fun and absorbing – it's a pleasant, and at times interestingly twisted world in which to immerse yourself" impressions
Valkyria Chronicles 3 Video
Introduces characters for next PSP game. media news
Meristation review Epic Mickey 8.5
"If you're looking for an incredible experience and something by the like, bear in mind you'll have to be patient." impressions
Darkzero Epic Mickey review 9/10
"Junction Point have managed to create a game that is finely balanced, well crafted and visually wonderful." impressions
Last Story music samples
Hear Nobuo Uematsu's take on Chaos and Order. media
How the Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Plot Was Created
Heavily directed by Capcom. news
Arkham City Won't Have Batmobile
"There aren't any playable vehicles in the game" news
Sakaguchi's Design Files for FF9 Now in English
A look into how the game was made. news
Duke Nukem Gets Site, Forum and Podcast
It's a "fan" project to remake Reloaded using Unreal. news
New "Warning A Huge Podcast" - Japanese Gaming New
Japanese developer tweets translated, Tactic Ogre and more. editorial impressions news
Zombie Nation B+ Review
Or, Why Vader Needs to Get a Working PS3 SOON! impressions
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Recently Spotted:
HD 3DS. And remember Vade, Reggie said the Wii HD is not happening, which means it most assuredly is.
Yoda awould give it a 5 at best.
Does the camera blur when Donkey Kong reloads his coconut gun?
International VGpressers, expect a slow news week -- thanksgiving week in the US -- all the PR drones will likely have the week off.
I listened to the second worst gaming podcast I've ever heard today.'s Mobcast has been listenable (but not good) for some time, but today they got taken off my list. Just terrible, terrible stuff. Starts with a huge ad for OnLive, has some anti-gamer hate mixed in for good measure (why do people who hate gamers and buying games continue on as writers in this industry?), and after about 7 minutes of Harry Potter talk I had to turn it off. Oh yeah, and to get the podcast started off in a nice way they talk about whether or not OnLive is a threat to "Sony or Microsoft". 'Cause I guess Nintendo isn't a game console manufacturer.
If you want to listen to a much better podcast Homer and Foolz do an admirable job in episode 81. This week it is a short but sweet 46 minutes of gaming news, views and analysis.
"Bethesda is said to be working on a direct sequel to 2006's excellent Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Eurogamer says an unnamed source 'not only confirmed that the game is in current production, but also spoke briefly about the content - with fantasy-sounding phrases like Dragon Lord, something with The Blades'.
Voice acting work for the game's characters is apparently being carried out at we speak.
'The same source confirmed, with official game documents in hand, that this will be the chronological sequel to what happened in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion,' the site adds.
'The sequel to Oblivion is coming, we can hereby confirm without hesitation.'
It's obviously not official, but it would make perfect sense to us, and the news is sure to please many, including UK rapper Dan Bull."
Hey quick question. For the online gamers here who own HD consoles, what is the console of choice for this site? Turns out my amazing deal on a 360 is out the window now that my step-daughter's ex-boyfriend stole it from her. Now it appears I'll be paying retail, so the definitive reason for choosing the 360 just got swept off the table and I'm back to a neck and neck decision. So the next question is, who would I see playing online... and would thoroughly crush me as I have no skill in anything aside from Harvest Moon.
By the way I've got to recommend a comic to you guys - Assassins Creed: The Fall
It's good, though not an incredible book, at least not so far. It jumps back and forth between two different stories - one current day, and one around the time of the Russian Revolution. At times it gets a little confusing (due to poor editing). But the art is good, and this first issue does lay the ground for what could very well be an excellent story. The writer, Cameron Stewart, has some fantastic mini-series in the past, and I suspect that once all 3 issues of the story are released it will all fall into place and be a must-own for any Assassins Creed fans.
Thanks for all the kind replies, guys. Very much appreciated. Leo, I'm waiting for that massage.
Elder Scrolls 5 in production, 'is a direct sequel' Bethesda reportedly hard at work on Oblivion follow-up
Nice updatez Foolz.
Also, a percussion massager with heat is good. Steer clear of the shiatsu ones, they hurt and only work in a very small, narrow area.
As we found out when Leo got a 360, I think that is the predominant online HD console of choice around here.
Yes indeed! Looks like I got on this band wagon at the right time.
Many of us own both, but I believe that from the single system crowd, the 360 is more prevalent.
So quiet around here! Everyone either getting ready for Ireland to riot, NK to invade or Thanksgiving/ Black Friday I guess (depending on where you are).
Metorid 2 Fan remake.
WTF is up with North Korea? South Korea is pretty cool aside from the dog eating. Mega super, ultra-fast broadband on toast and some kickass movies too.
Let's say it escalates, do you think the US would support the South and China or Russia might support the North? Do we have another world war on our hands? And would North Korea on the brink of defeat use the nuclear bombs?
Today I have a migraine.
Well Robio off the top of my head I know me, Steel, Leo, Ask, Aspro, and GG have 360's although GG's isn't online. I'd recommend the 360 overall because the slim version is one sexy beast and being able to run all your games off the HDD is awesome. Most multiplats as generally a bit better on it.
i found one of the greatest wiiware games made, and yet it moves
the game is just so evil and yet insanely fun, i have never died so many times and yet so determined not to give up
Since NK has nukes its a stand-off issue. China won't get involved anymore than they currently are (which is propping up NK ). They can't afford to piss off their customers.
This is why Iran (and everyone else who hasn't got them) wants nukes. It's the ultimate license to do as you please. If Iraq has actually had any WMD there is no way we would have entered a land-war with them.
Three months ago, rather then escalate things the US and South Korean made up every possible excuse for the sinking of that South Korean ship before they finally had to admit NK did it.
I think you'll see some airstrikes, tighter sanctions. If NK responds poorly to the airstrikes, then who knows. Hopefully a landwar, uniformed army against uniformed army -- those are wars the west knows how to win -- and it would provide a good rationale to exit wars we aren't good at (insurgency).
Have you guys seen the North Korean propaganda news clips they show? All about the capitalist devils, they blame everything on the USA, calls them dogs and shit. Really just beyond belief.
Eurogamer Splatterhouse review
"If you want players to gasp, frown and delight in the guilty pleasures of shocking violence these days, it's not enough to do have us slice up ugly brown lumps that bear no resemblance to anything. You need to taunt, degrade and humiliate. You need us to recognise what things are or what they used to be. (And while you're playing Dante's Inferno for inspiration, have a look at the combat system and level design too, please?)
It's a measure of how far we've come that just over 20 years ago the sight of blood alone was enough to shock and offend, whereas now it is nowhere near enough. Sadly though, it's also a measure of how little Splatterhouse has advanced that its guilty pleasures are too tame and abstract to match even that achievement, while the game underneath is too generic and rough around the edges to compensate for its other shortcomings."