Books No Match For Violence, Says Concerned Parent
Sacramento public library won't "think of the children" news
Pachter: Nintendo's Online Strategy Is Hurting Wii Sales
"I think everything Nintendo has done online has been bad" news
PS3 Bioshock Infinite Won't Be a Cheap Port
Like the other Bioshock games. news
Lengthy Interview with Splatterhouse Developers
"The 2D parts of the new Splatterhouse are some of the most fun." news
The Press Room Episode #81
Homer and Foolz give impressions of the latest games and comment on this week's news. editorial impressions news
Sakaguchi Reveals Final Fantasy 9 Design Document
Can you imagine what else he has? news
Double Fine Updates Their Company FAQ - Funny
Addresses Nintendo hate, and what games they can't make sequels for. news
PALGN review Epic Mickey 6.5
A wonderful love letter to Disney art and memorabilia, but a disappointing gameplay debut from Junction Point, set back by unpolished and unrefined design. impressions
Sony Starting Label in Japan for Western Games
"Western Game Buyer Selection" includes Castle Crashers for PSP. news
Weekly Japanese Sales Figures
PSP has another good week, BLOPS tops the charts. news
Activision: COD Multiplayer Will Always Be Free
"we will never, ever charge for the multiplayer." news
Mark Walberg to star in Uncharted movie
Oh well, there's always the Halo movie to look forward too news
VGD Gran Turismo 5 review
8/10 "What PD have delivered is unquestionably a phenomenal achievement and will represent countless lost hours for petrolheads the world over, but the GT series is no longer the gold standard." impressions
thegamershub Gran Turismo 5 review
4/5 "the bottom line is the title has a lot to offer and is not to be missed by any PS3 owner." impressions
Adam Sessler "More Creativity, Less Penis!"
We are all playing giant penii that yell "Ohh look at me" editorial
K-Mart offering big bonus for Splatterhouse
$30 credit towards another game news
The Guardian reviews Epic Mickey
4 stars out of 5 "Epic Mickey proves satisfyingly original, fun and absorbing – it's a pleasant, and at times interestingly twisted world in which to immerse yourself" impressions
Valkyria Chronicles 3 Video
Introduces characters for next PSP game. media news
Meristation review Epic Mickey 8.5
"If you're looking for an incredible experience and something by the like, bear in mind you'll have to be patient." impressions
Darkzero Epic Mickey review 9/10
"Junction Point have managed to create a game that is finely balanced, well crafted and visually wonderful." impressions
Last Story music samples
Hear Nobuo Uematsu's take on Chaos and Order. media
How the Ace Attorney Investigations 2 Plot Was Created
Heavily directed by Capcom. news
Arkham City Won't Have Batmobile
"There aren't any playable vehicles in the game" news
Sakaguchi's Design Files for FF9 Now in English
A look into how the game was made. news
Duke Nukem Gets Site, Forum and Podcast
It's a "fan" project to remake Reloaded using Unreal. news
New "Warning A Huge Podcast" - Japanese Gaming New
Japanese developer tweets translated, Tactic Ogre and more. editorial impressions news
Zombie Nation B+ Review
Or, Why Vader Needs to Get a Working PS3 SOON! impressions
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Recently Spotted:
What is beyond beleif is how they've managed to have a closed society, I mean, it's like 1984. Can you imagine the social anthropology you could do in that country?
The idealist (naive and stupid) part of me thinks that the democractic nations of the world should get their shit together and "sort out" the bad regimes around the world once and for all.
Of course it will never happen and it wouldn't work anyway.
(naive and stupid)
Yeah maybe we could come together like a League of Nations, no, wait, even better a "United Nations" group so that we could act in global accord on issues of peace, trade and human welfare! Good idea.
What we really need is an Earth Defence Force EDF! EDF! EDF!
We need the world police force. Its team would look something like the cast of the original Star Trek.
Hey, where's Sulu? Probably behind Kirk somewhere.
Cool news on Elder Scrolls sequel! I expect HUGE improvements. I thought the jump in quality from Oblivion to Fallout 3 was huge. The character models backgrounds, art, everything looked far more professional if you know what I mean.
Elder Scrolls V could be amazing!
Also, stupid question guys, but what's the difference between and Is it the same? Is like a fake website or something?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Hopefully better horse controls, a tougher horse with armour, horseback combat like Twilight Princess. Custom caves and dungeons, screw this procedural generation nonsense. Perhaps a bit more humour and more Dark Brotherhood missions plz.
K, okay. Bye.
Looks a bit like Sam Worthington
Justin Calvert (reviews boss at gamespot) was on their podcast today. He said of GT5)
= You can advance through the game without doing the licenses. The licenses add greatly to your characters XP though (XP unlocks tracks/cars).
= AI is "better than it has been" but is "not good".
= Reviewers have not had access to multiplayer either.
= Car damage "doesn't seem" to affect driving and is minor where it is. He said it will impact the formula one cars more, but he has not tried those yet.
= NASCAR is "pretty neat"
= Rally is perfunctory.
= Top Gear track is included and has a bunch of challenges.
= There are Challenge Modes that are "kind of fun" -- racing "camper vans".
Not sounding like a 10 from gamespot. He had to be kind of vague because of the embargo, so it's hard to tell where they will come down on it, but it's not a 10 on their scale judging from his reaction to the game.
Justin Calvert is reviewing GT5? He's a good reviewer but he is kind of harsh and really critical with racing games.
At best, I expect a 9. I'd be surprised if he gives it a 8.5 though.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
I'm curious to see what'll happen if this game doesn't get spectacular reviews. For a game that's spent as long as it has in development I've got to believe that reviewer expectations will be very high, and maybe unfairly so. Regardless though unless the games see's scores in the 8's I don't think anyone is really going to care.
Final Fantasy XIII comes to mind since it took so long. Can you belive FFXIII Versus is taking longer than GT5 and FFXIII!?
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
FF XIII had a lot of other factors against it though. There were some drastic changes to the gameplay that turned a lot of people off.
This is kind of interesting. I have a friend in San Francisco who goes to a lot of videogame launch parties, and as luck would have it she and her husband went to the Gran Turismo 5 launch party last night. It wasn't a good time. It's not an indictment of the game so much as Sony's party planners, but it's interesting all the same:
...but the Gran Turismo launch party last night? Pretty much a fail of massive proportions. It had its reasons (mostly something called "lack of true Sony involvement and possibly run by rejects from the Gold Club* across the street"), but I won't make a big production. Suffice to say that the drink ticket for the mandatory Windex beverage (vodka, Red Bull, and mint) didn't make things any more appealing. We've gone to better events with far smaller budget run by overstressed cult film geeks who were about to be new fathers.
The best part was actually outside, where all of the really pretty luxury cars were parked. There was a blue Lamborghini right up by the venue itself, and a Tesla, a Corvette, and several other pretties parked further down. I didn't really see too much, but I saw enough to find that cool.
I think the event suffered several problems..lack of proper communication, lack of attendee interaction, something going on upstairs that was, I think, VIP and therefore not privvy to us lowly paeons just felt like we crashed a party, and found out it wasn't worth the bother to crash it.
^ Hell yes!
Screw that, I want a new Goonies game.
Last Story music: Order and Chaos
Like Yoda and Robio mixed together
Wait... I'm chaos? How did that happen? Is this because I still don't know how to post YouTube videos correctly?
Funny that you mention Star Trek. Does the Prime directive ring any bell? It is not really democratic to go and sort out other regimes, because you deem them to be 'undemocratic'. 'Sorry for throwing the bomb at you, but we are doing it for your own good!' It is not just stupid and naive. It is totally insane and retarded. How about we stop meddling with other countries business? Because it worked so well in Vietnam and Iraq.
Hopefully a land war?! Great let's fight a army that is armed with nuclear weapons. Yes, who cares out Seoul, or Tokyo?! Small price to pay for victory. How about not fighting any wars for now, because God knows the USA can't afford one. For God's sake even China fears North Korea, these guys are scary armed and motherfucking hungry.
I don;t want any form of war, but not wanting wars doesn't stop them. Go back to listening to Imagine. War is here forever, better that they be ones that don't go for 10 years and end in an unresolved mess forever.
China does not fear NK, it just doesn;t want their poor swamping their borders.
Not starting wars would be a good start. I am looking at you George W. Bush.