EA May Sue Southpark Over Tiger
Probably just trying to get some publicity.
dailyinformer.net news
Japanese Gaming Industry Pay Rates
To convert *roughly* divide by 100 for USD.
andriasang.com news
Super Street Fighter 4 Interview
Yoshinori Ono interviewed about upcoming game.
thetechjournal.com editorial impressions news
Epic Opening Japan Branch
Suda 51 appearing at ceremony - will he run studio?
andriasang.com news
GameCrush lets gamers pay to play with girls
Somebody actually greenlit this idea
news.com.au news
Examiner Red Steel 2 review
Ubisoft has finally shown us what kind of games can be made for Wii and has set a new benchmark for Wii FPS titles
examiner.com impressions
Digital Chumps review Red Steel 2
Few other Wii games provide a comparable sense of hard-hitting action fused with the gritty and rugged nature of a true action title.
digitalchumps.com impressions
Analyst on PS3 Move
It will succeed because I can play mature ping pong
industrygamers.com news
Silent Hill Shattered Memories canned?
In Australia? Was supposed to release 3 weeks ago
aussie-nintendo.com news
Gaming Nexus reviews Red Steel 2
"Are you a gamer? Do you own a Wii? Then you need Red Steel 2. In fact, this game is a reason to own a Wii all by itself."
gamingnexus.com impressions
How to Train Your Dragon Surprise Launch
That's *train* your dragon, not drain your dragon.
gameguru.in news
PLAY reviews Red Steel 2
Red Steel 2 is a series of hugely entertaining combat skirmishes linked by some slightly formulaic level design.
play.tm impressions
Gamervision review Red Steel 2
It single handedly proves the Wii MotionPlus’s value for adventure games, while providing one of the best action experiences on the system.
gamervision.com impressions
Pachter Watch: he makes more guesses
Halo Reach and Mario Galaxy 2 aren't system sellers
industrygamers.com news
Prince of Persia movie impressions
Does it sink in the Sands of Time?
bitmob.com impressions
Natal should work fine in small rooms
Microsoft has dismissed the claim that 13 feet of space between user and TV would be required.
1up.com news
Red Steel 2 Roboawesome review
" Red Steel 2 isn't perfect, but it's one of the best games to release this generation"
roboawesome.com impressions
EA Won't Sell Before June
Some trading activity indicates stock will remain low at least until June (which means no buyout).
schaeffersresearch.com editorial news
Knights in the Nightmare Coming to PSP
Atlus DS cult-fave will be PSN download.
andriasang.com news
Red Steel 2 Aussie Nintendo review 9/10
"Quite possibly the most enjoyable, adrenaline-charged combat system I've ever experienced"
aussie-nintendo.com impressions
Extraction Very Likely to Be Ported
Likely to appear on Sony Move says deverloper.
gamercenteronline.net news
Red Dead Will Have Multiplayer
Rockstar announces "surprising" multiplayer.
vgrevolution.com news
Red Steel 2 Wii Italia review
9/10 - how many more until you buy it?
wiitalia.it impressions
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Recently Spotted:
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
From GAF!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Virtual Big Daddy?
Heh -that'd be the perfect game for it. Or some sort of space sim.
Was from some 2yr old article
It could be the way we will be watching our TV programmes and PC games in the near future. Toshiba has developed a giant full-faced helmet that weighs around three kilo and facilitates the wearer to see a full 360-degree view on a 40 cm dome-shaped fish-eye screen. The idea of full “360-degree viewing is fabulous but does anyone think it’s really fabulous with that gigantic 3 kg helmet on your head? It could have been a ground-breaking gizmo if they had made it a bit smaller ?
from 2chan
I am the oracle, I speak for everyone. GTA IV needed more 80s tunes.
Which is part of the reason this game is no fun.
I think it's because he's comparing it to GTA IV.
3D Phoenix Wright? I'm IN.
And at the other pics.
Did you guys actually watch that DSi head tracking game video I posed like 3 times but everyone ignored it before?
3D DS system confirmed. Right now everyone should be checking out the GAF thread.
1) Two screens, with virtually no seam between them when open
2) Screens are larger and higher resolution, but exact resolution is unknown
3) Powered by nVidia Tegra
4) Roughly as powerful as a Gamecube, and apparently similar to program for
5) Uses carts - believed to be same physical size as DS/DSi carts, only with different guts
6) Due out in 2010 in at least one territory
7) Accelerometer for motion control
This 3DS sounds very cool and I'm really looking forward to seeing it in action. I'm mostly interested in seeing how good the games will look on the more powerful hardware but the 3D effects could be quite neat.
The optimist proclaims we live in the best of all possible worlds
while the pessimist fears this is true.
The one thing that worries me, if this is gamecube tech made more cost efficient, this is nintendo we are talking about....
Are we going to see new play control GC games, New 3D view?
There have been rumours for years about nintendo trying to get its GC tech down to portable size, the funny thing is that GC discs are mini-tiny UMD sized things. If they somehow allow backwards compatibility with cube discs, that would be amazing to me.
Wow, I just read a comment about 3D DS that blows my mind. In Phoenix Wright the accusatory finger could be poking out of the screen at me.
Also remember that they patented a force feedback stylus.
This has got me interested in E3 and Wii.
If they've been tinkering around with DSi head tracking and now a 3D handheld, will we finally get to play head tracking wii games like this?
I'm sure the tech is cost efficient by now since it was cost efficient when the Wii came out. The format for the 3DS is the same as DS with the little carts so no GC disc bc for 3DS which I think is good since even the small GC discs would be too big and clumsy for a handheld plus it means more stable hardware.
From 1Up.Com's --A-- Review:
"More importantly, though, Cave Story is a truly great game. It was crafted as a labor of love, a fond romp through a bygone age of the medium. Its precise balance of playability, challenge, story, and depth have served as an inspiration to a generation of indie developers who can look to Pixel's work as proof that a small team really can create a game capable of standing up to cIassics like Super Metroid. I know gamers aren't especially known for their generosity and altruism (the success of the Child's Play charity venture aside), but the prospect of Amaya finally earning a little something for the hard work he invested in this masterpiece strikes me as satisfyingly poetic.
What makes Cave Story worthy of such adulation? It's all well and good to talk about its greatness or its heart or whatever, but beneath all the hyperbole it's simply a beautifully crafted action game. It's not quite as non-linear as your average Metroid, but there's an element of adventure to the way the story unfolds and you're forced to seek out items and conversations to advance to new areas. This free-roaming element hides a number of very different endings, a multitude of secrets, and what may be the single most challenging bonus stage ever seen in a videogame. You have to make tradeoffs -- for example, do you take this amazing weapon, or do you instead pursue that alternate outcome? -- and overcome a number of nail-bitingly tough battles in order to see the quest through to its conclusion. It's a game that tests your reflexes and engages your mind, all while laying out a simple but intriguing story.
In short, Cave Story feels like the most amazing console game from the year 1990; that it's only now coming to console 20 years later shouldn't be held against it. On the contrary, Pixel's indie cIassic feels right at home amidst a screen full of Virtual Console channels. It's a must-play masterpiece for anyone who like cIassic action games -- or any kind of action game, really. The only real question is which will amaze you more: That this is the work of a single man, or that they actually do make 'em like this anymore."