Tiger to Share Cover on PGA Tour 11
Elin doesn't get half, some Irish guy does.
sportbusiness.com news
Will Wright talks Wii
Says its a toy market, talks Nintendo investment in software
gamedaily.com editorial
Sneak Peak at Warner Bros FPS
Video here including American Idol's Randy Jackson
bigdownload.com news
Max and the Magic Marker review
The physics engine is as rigid as World of Goo, and the concept is as orginal as Lost Winds.
thehanafudatimes.com impressions
Y's Vs Legend of Heroes Date Set
RPG titans join forces. Should be amazing.
andriasang.com news
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Dvader when are you gonna trade in some old games and get a 360?! Fuckin thing's been out for 5 years now man...
Fucking English people, why must you be such naggers?!
I had to work overtime to satisfy their nagging.
Why GG, explain it to me?
I would absolutely HATE to be a developer in this day and age!
In one breath, little whining-bitch gamers scream: "JRPG's aren't doing anything new! WAAAAH!" Then FFXIII comes out and in the very next breath: "What did they do to my Final Fantasy game? It's nothing like the OLD ones! WAAAAH!"
I don't sell old games.
I'm totally lovin' the Final Fantasy XIII impressions guys. I soooooo can't wait to scoop up a copy this weekend. Man these next few days are going to be agonising.
Woah. That Arc gif looks freakin' wicked. I'm really looking forward to seeing more on that thing.
They effectively removed the boredom from the game by eliminating the expansive towns and the need to talk to each and every person you come across. Thank God!
The Linear game keeps you focused on the Story. Keeps you pointing in the direction of your next goal. Urges you ahead to play just a bit more, just a bit more. There are no pointless breaks in the game and that's a very good thing. It is paced like an incredible action game but the battles are still RPG battles.
Even though you are STILL just choosing menu options like you do in every other rpg out there, your decisions need to be quick and efficient. You have to think of your whole party as the "character" you control. Changing Paradigms changes their actions on the fly. You need to keep up with what's going on with THEM while still considering Enemies weaknesses while making quick decisions about your strategy all at the same time. It's hard to describe, but it works WELL, and, again, it keeps you engaged.
One of the best ideas this game has is a "The Story so Far..." kind of option in your Menu. It splits the game into chapters and spells out the story in plain text so you can review events, so as not to get lost. You can read what has just happened. You can look up Monsters. Locations. Character Bios. You get a huge Reference Guide so you can actually keep track and almost understand what's going on in the story! This is BY FAR one of the best things they have ever introduced to this series! Final Fantasy ALWAYS tries to tell a story but whether by poor translation or by losing track of all the volumes of story-line elements they tend to throw at you, it often gets lost along the way, or misunderstood entirely after the game is said and done. Now each and every time you load the game you are reminded where you are and what you should be doing and you are thrown right back into the fray! FINALLY! GREAT JOB, SQUARE!
^ Despite the widely varying reviews, THIS game's STORY may be the most memorable of all FF games due to the STRONG sense of Focus and the Well-done recaps! Very impressed!
Why? You can just download them all eventually anyway. How many do you really play? DO IT!!!
Oh wow. Looks neat.
Vader is like an old fart, clinging to his old-ass stuff.
Noooo, it's my collection.
Leo is like a dude in the corner talking to himself. Who are you arguing against?
I LOVE the database, like you said it makes keeping track of the story so much easier. If FFXII had that I would probably have finished it using Rags save file but I havn't cause I forgot everything in the story.
Dude, you're new in the job, be happy to work overtime to satisfy your English superiors.
Yakuza 4 got a 38. Yay! BBC2 34, that's surprising given the source.
Are you trying to win the "Most Cogent and Well Assembled Posts" Award for 2010? Stop making so much sense.