Mississippi library adds videogames
$13,000 worth of games to be in the public library
joystickdivision.com news
Gundam 30th Anniversary Collection
Wii, 360 and PS3 will include all PS2 games.
andriasang.com news
Nintendo Power Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Full review text
shshatteredmemories.com impressions
SunSoft Returning to Western Game Development!
Bringing Blaster Master Back With It!
1up.com news
1up review Zelda Spirit tracks
" exceeds its predecessor in every way"
1up.com impressions
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How about I call you American? Because it fits the stereotype.
Fair enough. Now pardon me as I return to my life of cheeseburgers, cheap beer, and TV.
It's Dynamic Slash. Just remember it as that.
It's on rails though? WTF? The footage I saw didn't look like it. It could be like Sin and Punishment though.
Cursed Mountain Impressions: Only buy it if you're into Eternal Darkness
I played it.
Rabbids review is fixed... sort of.
Well, stop posting news from Gamespot then!
Another demo? WTF? Isn't that what GT5 Prologue was supposed to be? Just release the game already!
I've seen it here occasionally. It's pretty expensive for a used GC game (around $20-30).
Looks like you chose "advanced" instead of "simple" on the review type form?
Seriously, I didn't think of that.
But it's been so long since the Prologue and the demo it would be interesting to note the differences.
I chose simple and it came up blank when I posted it. Then I edited it and its posted it all at the bottom. Needs to be dunce proof. And it aint
Watch the new FFCC trailer
So yeah, turns out it's been 15 years since the Playstation brand started, going by the Japanese date.
Groovy, I should celebrate by finishing my download of MGS1 on my PS3.
Ezio Sackboy compels you to purchase him for LBP.
Also, this is brilliant: The Rogue Warrior Credits Rap!
Basically, the base music is taken from the credits of the game, and all the clips of Mickey Rourke are taken from random points in the game. It works so well, that you NEED to see it.
Oh, and it's NSFW.
Anyone know anything about smoke flavours?
Mesquite or Hickory? I want to use liquid smoke for stir frying. I dont want it to taste like a BBQ.
Fuck cool.