Mississippi library adds videogames
$13,000 worth of games to be in the public library
joystickdivision.com news
Gundam 30th Anniversary Collection
Wii, 360 and PS3 will include all PS2 games.
andriasang.com news
Nintendo Power Silent Hill Shattered Memories
Full review text
shshatteredmemories.com impressions
SunSoft Returning to Western Game Development!
Bringing Blaster Master Back With It!
1up.com news
1up review Zelda Spirit tracks
" exceeds its predecessor in every way"
1up.com impressions
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Yes! Finally! Avatar Cats! M$ knows how to milk money out of their customer base! Kudos, M$!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHoly shit, Billy Gibbons is in a video game? AWESOME!
Almost as awesome as that ballsy Dane who wants to be put on trial to prove a point!
Did I miss it? It's $36 right now.
EDIT: Got it for $25.
Does everyone in Denmark have such huge steel balls?
So having a game set in Iraq is too recent, having a game involving a terrorist attack vaguely similar to a recent one is too close to home, but having one set in a current war---occupation---err, peace keeping---oh okay then.
Rules of decency don't apply anymore. They haven't since that Nick Cage 911 flick.
Cutest cat ever.
I just got a two for one deal on Dead Space Extraction and Cursed Mountain. I didn't really want CM but for the price I thought I would never be able to experience it otherwise and I can always flog it on ebay.
Ugh, seeing the gamespot logo on this site is just.... wrong.
ASSpro, when are you going to start City Folk? I need a trading buddy now everyone has stopped playing it?
Dvader do you not visit the non-gaming forum? You are the lead character in our sitcom.
Silent Hill Memories trailer with MUCH better quality
That's pretty cool. The music though...
Famitsu magazine:
- Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (10/10/9/10, 39 points): Square Enix handled the Japanese localization of Infinity Ward's latest, and while the translated version ignited the ire of Japanese message-board denizens, MW2 still received massive adulation from the Famitsu crew.
"Out of all the games modeled after war, nothing feels closer to reality," one reviewer wrote. "The amount of near-death situations you have to deal with are just incredible. "If you consider yourself a gamer, then you really want to try out this masterpiece at least once for a taste of what world-class quality really means."
The only major complaint: "The main campaign mode's a bit short," one writer said, "but the way it brings the futility of war home to you makes it a must-play."
- Tales of Graces (9/9/9/9, 36 points): Namco's latest Tales game, out on the Wii this time, gets typically Tales-like scores. "It just feels like everything they could've possibly implemented, they've done," one wrote. "Trying to master every aspect of the game system takes some getting used to, but the game's approachable enough that you never feel like you're expending much effort on that process."
This Tales is a fair bit different system-wise from other titles in the series. "The evasion system in battle has been upgraded, and the action and strategic elements are both improved from before," as one writer put it. "Maybe it's because the battles are too fast-paced, but the loads after battle seem a bit long to me."
- Luminous Arc 3 (8/8/8/8, 32 points): The other big JRPG release of the week -- "a very easy-to-play simulation RPG," Famitsu wrote, "one that covers all of the basic features from quests to (the surprisingly easy) weapon forging." Despite the potential complexity of this DS strategy RPG, most reviewers found it more than accessible enough: "Even if your level's low, you stand a pretty decent chance if you take advantage of the skill/combo system. That makes the main story go by pretty quickly, which I like."
- Again (8/7/7/8, 30 points): Tecmo's DS adventure game, due out next spring in America, received decent but not overwhelming praise. "The visuals are cool, and the story's the sort of thing that's all but guaranteed to keep your interest," one reviewer wrote. "The investigation bits use the dual screens quite uniquely."
On the negative side, several reviewers brought up pacing problems. "The animations alongside each line of dialogue, along with the shift in viewpoint whenever the speaker changes, makes things atmospheric but causes the tempo to suffer," said one writer. "You aren't really solving puzzles or figuring out the mystery," added another, "so much as you're hunting for differences in the pictures."
- R-Type Tactics 2 (8/7/7/8, 30 points): The sequel to R-Type Command is just as inscrutably cool as the original, apparently. "A pretty serious, and pretty difficult, simulation," as one editor put it. "With all the features, it's undeniably hard to make sense of it all. It would've been more helpful if your assistant's advice was more closely related to actual battle mechanics."
While other reviewers praised the depth and fascinating aspects that the new units and battle configurations in this game unlock, everyone agreed that the user-friendliness could've been improved a tad. "The system has to be complex to make all this possible," summed up one editor, "but I wish the rules were explained in smaller bites."
- Toshinden (6/6/5/6, 23 points): The Wii-exclusive update to the somewhat tired '90s fighter series failed to impress Famitsu much. There was some damning with faint praise: "The game's simple controls make fighting fun. You can unleash combos with only two buttons, and it's particularly neat to go behind your opponent's back and land a combo that way."
This simplicity works both ways, however. "Once you find a strong combo, then it doesn't take long for you to realize that repeating it over and over again is the one surefire way to victory," wrote one editor.
Updates done.
A few quick things to know about Zangeki no Reginleiv, a new Wii title Nintendo is putting out February 11 in Japan:
- It supports Wii Motion Plus, one of the few straight-on action games to do so as of right now.
- It's developed by Sandlot -- the folks behind Earth Defense Force 2017, arguably the strangest (and, yet, strangely addictive) title in the Xbox 360's library.
- The story, heavily influenced by Norse mythology, paints Asgard gods Freyr and Freya cooperating with mortals in their war against a race of giants attacking a village to the north -- the first skirmish in what will ultimately escalate into Ragnarok itself.
- The game's basically a rail shooter -- or rail sword-slasher, you could say. Point the Wiimote at the screen and slash (i.e. draw lines) to attack. The game's on the bloody side, and Freyr can hack arms and legs off enemies.
- Freyr is best with melee weapons while Freya is more of a sorceress. Between the two characters, you can wield over 300 different weapons, from swords and bows to warhammers and javelins.
- Given that this is Sandlot making the game, Reginleiv has a lot of huge enemies -- including a frost giant that towers 90 feet into the air. Yipes.
For perspective, they gave Phantom Hourglass 10/10
Phantom Hourglass is listed as reviewd by "CVG Staff" whereas Spirit Tracks by "Mike Jackson". Unknown if he's included in "CVG Staff"
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileHe is, I've met him, he used to work for NOM in Peterborough.
Remember though that Gamesradar, CVG, EDGE online are all part of the future network of magazines and canabalise their reviews from mags mostly - unless specified directly. Most real CVG reviews are by the staffers listed on the contacts page, Andy Robinson, Mike Jackson etc.
The Phantom Hourglass review is an import review, which makes it more likely that it came from NGamer.
Wow, ebay sucks.
It wont let me sign in, or when I do sign in it forgets who I am before I can do anything. It says that my browser wont accept cookies. Funny because cookies work with every other site.
So I try opera and I cant upload pictures using the ebay tools. Wonderful. So I cant sell any more redundant games.
Give them to me instead then.
So my first VGpress review didn't work, all that text and it came up blank.
Yoda, work your magic, magicman.