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Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOH NO YOU DON'T. GET 'EM FREDDIE & BRIAN!
-It's off-topic. There are just suddenly blogs in the middle of the news page.
-It's clutter. It's excess information that hurts the concept of GG Weekly being convenient.
-It's redundant. Blogs were added to GG Weekly because they weren't on the front page. That has changed.
-It's a hinderence. There is going to be more development on interface and options for GG Weekly that would otherwise be further cluttered by the blogs.
-It's a misrepresentation. Blogs here also suggest that this is all the user content, downplaying reviews.
-It's xenophobic. Having blogs aggregated in the news section promotes GG Weekly as a hub, suggesting not to go elsewhere on the site.
The front page and user pages are more natural and organized for this for the small benefit of a little more exposure to blog posts, and possible convenience of never navigating elsewhere.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileGiant Fedor avatar FTW.
Sometimes I tick them, sometimes I dont. When you do 28+ updates in one day you cannot be bothered to be ticking and de-ticking boxes constantly, sorry man.
Updating now
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Updates done.
EA's on-rails shooter Dead Space Extraction sold 9,000 copies in the US between its release on September 29 and the end of the NPD’s monthly reporting period on October 3, the market research firm has told us.
Developed by Visceral Games, the Wii exclusive title is a prequel to survival horror Dead Space, which launched in October 2008 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC to critical acclaim and had sold around 1.4 million units as of May this year.
While Extraction hasn’t enjoyed a strong start, EEDAR analyst Jesse Divnich told us that the title’s early sell through wouldn't come as a surprise to publisher EA.
“Electronic Arts didn’t market Dead Space Extraction as much as it does with other titles. And the success or failure of a Wii title usually correlates directly to marketing spend. If Electronic Arts spent little on marketing, I am sure the sell through was no surprise to them. So I do not believe sell through was a disappointment to EA.”
We contacted EA to for comment on the game’s opening week performance, and to find out how the game has been performing at retail during October, but received no response.
“Given Wii games tend to have a flatter sales curve, I don’t think 20,000 plus units is out of the question for October and maybe we get a holiday bump in November and December,” Divnich suggested.
EA said previously that the performance of Extraction would influence the company's decision to create mature-content games for Wii in the future, and Divnich implied that the publisher’s decision not to heavily market the title may have been based on the poor performance of other mature-rated Wii games released while Extraction was still in development.
“Most games have a 12 to 24 month development schedule and over a year ago the industry was under the assumption that mature-rated games could succeed on the Wii. Unfortunately, as we progressed and witnessed the sales results from games such as MadWorld, it became pretty clear the market size for games with mature-content was extremely small, much smaller than any other home platform. The truth is most core gamers who gravitate towards mature content likely own more than just a Wii.”
Despite being well reviewed, Extraction also made a weak debut in the UK following its early October release, failing to crack the all formats chart top 40. It’s currently floating somewhere outside of the Wii top 40.
I spent a little time with Dead Space Extraction and it's okay, but it didn't blow me away. For whatever reason the game doesn't quite click. I walked away with a feeling like I got from Wario: Shake It - all the elements of a great game are there, but for some reason it just doesn't all come together.
Another issue that I think is there is despite being a prequel, to fully enjoy the game you have to have previous knowledge of the series. That's a big problem for many Wii owners such as myself who don't own another console and didn't get to play the original. There have been times in the game where I feel live I've missed something, or something got referenced and I have no clue what they're talking about. So there's either some very poor story-telling or they're counting on some prior knowledge of the original Dead Space.
That's a shame.
I played Dead Space and enjoyed it, but not enough to complete it. Extraction has got great reviews and since its selling poorly I'm going to assume that its going to get some hefty price cuts. So I'm going to do it a favour and get it gifted to me for Christmas, or pick it up earlier assuming it gets cheap enough.
Did you and ASK buy this game yet?
*readies beating stick*
Yeah I got it over the summer. I played it during "Robio's Summer of Handheld Gaming." It was cool, and the drug dealing was particularly fun. But at the end of the day I'm just not a GTA fan, and after a while I just put it away and never picked it up again.
*bat crunches on Robio crotch*
Ack, now I need to watch these trailers.
What did they say that was good about RE Darkside? I only skimmed it.
As reported earlier, Japan's Famitsu magazine gave a 40/40 score to the Xbox 360 version of Bayonetta, the 12th game in the history of the mag to achieve the feat and (after Dragon Quest IX and Monster Hunter Tri) the third "perfect" game this year alone.
Even more newsworthy, perhaps, is the fact that Sega's PS3 port of Platinum Games' Xbox 360 original got docked a couple points in the review standings. Three out of Famitsu's four reviewers brought up the PS3 version's graphics, one calling them "a bit less smooth than the Xbox 360 version" and another saying "the fun is the same, but the controls and overall look [on the PS3] feel a bit more unwieldy than the Xbox 360 one, which is a shame." This is important because Famitsu almost never gives different scores to individual releases of multiplatform titles, much less take points away from the 12th "perfect" game in their 23-year-long history of reviews. For Japanese readers, the message is pretty clear: If you buy the PS3 version, you aren't getting the Bayonetta we think is best.
That isn't the only noteworthy game to hit Japan next week, though. Some of the other highlights from this week's stable of Famitsu reviews:
- Tekken 6 (9/8/8/8, 33 points for both the PS3 and 360 versions): "I'm just overwhelmed by the 40-character roster," one writer said. "That alone gave me a lot to play with." Reviewers had many good things to say about the core arcade game, which "lets you enjoy the dynamic combat that's a hallmark of this series," but the original campaign mode isn't quite so hot: "The campaign mode gives you a lot of backstory in the movies, but the action itself is pretty bland."
- Final Fantasy Gaiden: 4 Warriors of Light (9/8/8/8, 33 points): "The story, music, and so on evokes memories of an older age," said one writer, "and it mixes well with the modern gameplay to make things seem pretty fresh." It's a very traditional RPG storywise, in other words -- "it's trite, yes, but there are some cute touches to it," as another put it. Praise also went out to the soundtrack, although some of "the more unique aspects of the gameplay" apparently take getting used to.
- Persona 3 Portable (8/8/8/8, 32 points): Essentially this is an updated PSP port of Persona 3: FES on the PS2. "The story doesn't change with the new heroine," one reviewer noted, "but there are enough differences in the Social Links to make it fun even for old players." Most of the other additions are pretty small in nature and serve to make the game easier to play: "Dropping the 3D map makes things look a little more plain, but movement is far quicker, making it good for multiple playthroughs."
I'm sorry that my standards are just a little bit higher than yours.
*twists bat, catching the hidden nails in Robio's balls*