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"When I finished, I forget what (brain) age I was, but I was much younger."
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gamingeek (5m)
Yeah the Wii Sam and Max game has some obtuse logic in there. Telltale are far from recapturing Lucasarts glory days IMO.
We've since been told that it's a Wii-exclusive where you paint your way through levels using the Wii Remote. This 'painting your way' involves you drawing, etching and erasing whole or parts of levels as you go. Capcom's Okami immediately springs to mind but we've not got enough info to go on to make any kind of informed judgement.
As for the story, we've also been told that it'll be based around very old and/or forgotten Disney characters who are out to get their revenge on Mickey, presumably because they're jealous of all his fame and fortune. We Googled 'early Disney characters' and found that Oswald the Lucky Rabbit returned a lot of hits. A bit before even CVG's time all that though.
So not much to go on. We've contacted Disney about the extra info but don't really expect any confirmation as the game's still unannounced. But looking at the concept art, we're quietly excited already
Now the question is do I post all 100 Monster Hunter 3 screens in the thread?
Am I that crazy?
FU Sega, no Yakuza 3, are you morons. PS3 isnt exactly flooded with exclusives at the moment, with proper marketing Yakuza 3 would easily sell more than the other two combined.
Sonic excuses, well the story is incorrect at the start, Unleashed is not mediocre its a really good Sonic game. The fact that the wii version scored higher on metacritic shows that game reviewers are just going to shit on anything with the name Sonic on it.
Epic Mickey could be the best third party game on the wii.
Nice, underboob and all.
You know that massive boss in LP2 that I spooged over? The massive black frog with lava coloured globes to shoot? After playing RE5 I get the impression that this will be a Taekuchi spectacle that is great to watch but boring to play. Boss wise at least.
Now we know of Epic Mickey's hook, the drawing stuff, it makes it possible and likely that the game can be multiplatform now with Natal and the Sony blue ball controller working as well as the wii-mote.
Stylised visuals work no matter the hardware, De Blob as it is would look great on 360/PS3 upscaled.
So from CVG is sounds like this game is indeed a reality. Interesting. Shame about that Next Big Thing Pandemic game, there is a lot of initial hate on the GAF for it, but it looks quite fun to me.
Yakuza 3 did so well in Japan too, along with RE5 on PS3 and they boosted platform sales to boot. PS3 are region free right? Maybe like Aquanaughts there will be a general asian version with subtitles? I will look out for it.
Yep it is. All Sega needs to do is rerelease it in Japan, it could be greatest hits version and just include a subtitle version.
Why should I look at that Pandemic game trailer, its cancelled.
BTW Shatter is awesome, so much better than Lost Planet. PSN games for the win.
It's not 100% certain that the Next Big Thing is cancelled. EA let the studio go and let them retain rights to it. They would have to align with a new publisher to get it out. As you can see at the beggining of the trailer they have a placeholder publisher logo up there.
From AustralianGamer..."The main question now is what will happen to the leads of the studio and the current, secret, next gen title they were working on (not the aformentioned bat related one). It's been speculated that they key staff will form a new independant company with EA's blessing, and are being allowed to take their game with them!"
"If this is the case, it's certainly a very unique set of developments, and all things considered would probably be the most positive outcome to result from a studio closure."
Kotaku has additional rumours that EA has "let go" of Pandemic Studios Brisbane to find a new publisher, and is letting the company keep its I.P and assets.
It's certainly a terrible outcome for Pandemic Studios Brisbane, a studio that had some extremely talented staff on board. And it's particularly unfortunate to not see any results of their hard work since Destroy All Humans! 2: Make War Not Love from late 2006, as I'm sure if they had the chance to finish their game in development, it may have brought upon a different outcome for Pandemic Studios Brisbane.
Electronics Arts has shuffled off Pandemic Studios' Brisbane office, a reliable source tells Kotaku. The Australian developer was best known for Destroy All Humans! and its rumored development of an ill-fated Batman game.
According to the information we were provided, Pandemic's Brisbane staffers weren't necessarily laid off by EA corporate, which purchased the developer alongside BioWare in 2007. Instead, we were told that the studio was "set free" with the down under arm of Pandemic retaining its original IP and even its equipment.
"It was more of a 'Find a new publisher. Good luck.' kind of thing," according to the source. And you can keep the tea kettle, apparently. No mention was made of the fate of the other Pandemic Studios office, which is based in Los Angeles.
Pandemic Studios Brisbane was widely rumored to be hard at work on a video game adaptation of 2008's The Dark Knight. That project, while never officially announced, was also said to be canceled. Speaking to a second source familiar with the project late last year, we learned that a lack of direction and an already massive budget may have lead to EA cutting its losses.
According to our source, the allegedly now-closed Brisbane studio was working on an "open world reality show" game called The Next Big Thing for the Wii. It's unclear if the studio will continue to work on that particular project outside of the bounds of EA's ownership.
We're following up with both Electronic Arts and Pandemic Studios Brisbane to get clarification.
That sucks for PS3 owners. Clearly Micro$uck paid id Software off!
"The PS3 edition was thought to be the most technically capable of the console pair, thanks to id being able to squeeze the gigantic shooter onto a single-player Blu-ray disc, compared to Xbox 360's four DVDs."
WTF? Four DVDs?!
Hmm, I wonder if we'll be able to install all four DVDs to the 360 HDD?
Ninja Gaiden (Arcade) Japanese Virtual Console Gameplay
First Super Mario Kart (SNES), and now this! You suck NOA!
Oh crap. I think I'd still take 60 fps over one disc any day of the week.
true, if i had a choice i think i would too. however i don't know/haven't seen enough of this game to get excited just yet. and it's not my favourite genre so who knows.
anyways, did you guys watch the little big planet psp trailer? i'm so excited about this game. loved the original, i love platformers and i tend to play handhelds more than consoles. i'm well excited for this game
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Was Ninja Gaiden arcade that good? I played it only a few times and never got real far. And frankly I found a lot of entertainment of letting the Continue? screen go down to zero.
For those of you not in the know, in the arcade game Ryu would be tied to a bench with a buzz saw slowly inching its way closer to his chest as the Continue countdown went from 10 to 0, and the whole time was panicking and had an awesome look of fear on his face. Once it hit zero the buzz saw hit his chest and the entire screen got coated in blood. That alone was worth the quarter.
Its on PSP, therefore I hate it.
That really is strange. Id was complaining about the 360's disc space but it looks like it actually runs better on it?
Looks like the PC version is the definitive version.
Oh yeah, also, here's some cool news!
MS and Ubisoft re-shelled the price for TMNT Turtles in Time Re-Shelled from 1200pts ($15) to 800pts ($10!)
In other words, PICK IT UP!!!
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns