Renegade Kid interview
DSiWare plans, next game coming at E3, cannot comment on Son of the Dragon cancellation
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"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
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Dr Wood.
Well, when you have an ass for a face, there's not much you can do.
Try to be real, be yourself, you’re an adult know so you shouldn’t need any advise if you just follow your instincts, not that hard if you’re a guy! Lol stop randomly showing up at a veterinary practice she must think somethings going here if you don’t even bring in a sick pet
She's not exactly a great help lol except that last bit.
I bet if you just asked her straight up "Do you fancy going for a drink with me sometime?" she'd be flattered, and if she's single she'll most likely say yes.
I'm not an adult. I'm a boy inside a mans body. Hey wait, that's a Leo line. This is no help!
I'm not randomly showing up. I have good excuses, paying bills and picking up medication.
I would rule gay pr0n if I ever ventured there. Then I would climb the power and influence ladder (with steps made of bulging penises) and become a world renowned pr0n mogul, with a huge ass (not ass-shaped) house and a penis shaped swimming pool, where I would throw parties every weekend featuring the best that porn has to offer.
But seriously, I'm rooting for you, man. Hope you ask her out soon. If you lack balls to do so, I can lend you some. I have testicles to spare.
See, she's useless. You need a guys perspective on this
Steel, would you house be A huge ass, or would it just be huge ass.
No you don't! You got only one remember?! It was a huge cosmic prank I pulled with a black hole and your right testicle.
You pick up the medicine to help you crap at the local vet?!
Turkish?! Ay yay yay! GG I am going to be honest with you, your chances are slim. Turkish people usually only go out with other Turkish people or at least Muslims. And even if she likes you, there is still the problem of her family. In Turkey family is everything and the girl is the one who keeps the honour of the family high. In other words, she must remain virgin until she is married. The father and brothers are there to watch over the girl. So this is a added problem, maybe she will like you won't be a guarantee that her family will accept you. Girls that go against their family can be in mortal danger, in Holland their are a few cases known when a family member kills a girl to save the honour of the family.
So GG keep in mind that when you ask her out, she might reject you just because you are not Turkish. Sad, but it is what it is. So am I telling you to forget about it? No, just giving you some info, so you do not feel too bad if she rejects you. My advice, ask her out for a drink, and if she accepts go sloowwly.
P.S. if she is one of the few percent that is not Muslim then disregard everything I said. And even if she is a Muslim the is still a chance that everything I said does not apply for her, you know here better than me.
Just tell her you're Turkish. . . from the waist down!
I'm going to have to send you "Robio's Guide to Manwhoring" one of these days. It'll teach you everything. . . ahhhhhh the good ole days. I miss being single.
Make sure it's the hardback edition.
I think if ASK story asked out his bird, I would do the same.
I'll second that!
You sure you want a woman in your life GG? You've got a pet already, there's your companionship, and Steel can send you pr0n!
Neither of them will get in the way of your games
(altough steels videos are hugely distracting I hear)
There'll be plenty more fish in the sea waiting to be battered
A huge ass. I'd live between the buttocks, which would serve as the two main wings of the house.
Where's the studio? People would ask.
In the southern buttock. I'd answer. Don't ask me where the hall would be.
People check out the interview with the Super Meat Boy designers
BA: Why buy Super Meat Boy when the flash version is free?

Edmund: Because they aren’t the same game at all. Super Meat Boy is a totally new game that’s based off the flash version, but nothing from the flash version is being used in the console version.
That isn’t to say if you liked the flash game you wont like the console version, if you liked the flash version of meat boy even a tiny bit, you’re going to cream in your pants over super meat boy, I mean we put the word “super” at the start of the title… fuck, I’d want to throw down cash for that reason alone.
BA: Can you give an explanation of the controls?

Tommy: Well to move Meat Boy, you will have to rapidly flail your arms in the direction in which you want to make meat boy run. To make Meat Boy jump, you have to get the Wii Fit balance board and stand on it, like a stair master. Then to respawn after dying in a level, the player must connect a second Wii Remote and juggle it successfully 14 consecutive times. We really want the game to be a challenge. Also there are standard NES controls.
Totally agree with Kaepora. In fact, let me give you my sure fire 100% never failed and never will fail pick-up line. Seriously this things works. Though I've only tried it out on strangers. Not sure how it works with pre-existing relationships.
"I lost my teddy bear, will you sleep with me?"
Lame isn't it? Works like a charm though. Or if you've got someone a little more .... dark try this one.
"Hey does this sniff this rag and tell me if it smells like cholorform to you."
THIS RULES. This is someone obviously quite confident in their product. I'm looking forward to checking out the game.
It definitely is worthy of the Master of Manwhoring. I salute you, robio!
Well if you like that interview you will love this one
I can't copy paste funny stuff from that site, so just red the whole thing!