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"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
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Yes it is online. The question is, do we have to pay for it? If yes, than I lost all interest!
Talking to ONM about the making of House Of The Dead Overkill, Neil McEwan admitted "There was a time when my scriptwriter was very nervous about the amount of swearing we had in the game and we even considered cutting a lot of it or bleeping it out. But in the end we're pleased that we stuck with it."
McEwan also said that they've already got ideas for where there characters could go next. Yet, when asked, he wouldn't be drawn on a sequel:-
"I can't really say but when we were working on our characterisation for Agent G and Washington we gave them a backstory and because we feel a lot of love for these characters we worked out where they went after Overkill. So there's definitely still scope in the Overkill universe."
Yeah, I really do not understand it. If you have a DS and you are a gamer that loves GTA, based on the reviews you just have to buy it. But that makes the Gamestop comment so puzzling. Were people waiting for DSi to launch and picking up a copy with the game? It fell just outside of NPDs tracking period and Gamestop say its a huge success and proves the power of the franchise? What?
And I just read that worldwide it was already at 340'000 and I also read just before that Rockstar have reduced their sales esimates from 2 million this year to 500'000. If its sold almost 500'000 already then that is low balling it.
Also, deal of the day:
Also Blood of Bahamut looks awesome
I feel like Rockstars estimates were right on, I felt GTACW should be a 2 million seller easy this year. Oops.
I think it will continue to sell, I think that maybe one day it will reach 2 million, its just not that breakout success I thought it would be. I swear I expected around 300k -400k units to be sold easy.
Well I have a DS and I didn't buy GTA:CW but I bought GTAIV. GTA:CW just doesn't really appeal to me much visually and expecting those who bought GTAIV to buy CW is like comparing apples to oranges for incredibly obvious reasons. Not only that but I have so many other games I'm interested in buying more then CW so money is always a factor as well so I'm always prioritizing things and CW just falls far to low on my list for me to take $40+ from something else I'd rather get.
So Wii music sales quadrupled the month after. It was initially considered a failure, maybe it still is but it still sold 2.5 million copies. Maybe this will happen with Chinatown wars? The gamestop statement is quite encouraging.
Holy crap at the Bahamut screens I posted above. Wow that the DS can do artistic visuals like that.
So it's just a graphics thing? The design of the game is proper GTA through and through, the reviews are incredible. I can understand prioritising things, there are alot of good games out at the moment. But given how good Chinatown wars is and its superlative reviews, it should be a top priority.
It's not really apples and oranges in this case because Chinatown wars is a proper, fully fledged GTA game as worthy as any other in the series.
So from my perspective it's almost like there is a misconception about what this game is and just how worthy it is. It isn't a spin off, or cash in or cheap portable game.
If you love GTA you love this, full stop. It would be like a Halo portable game that was just as good in design as the main games. Or a 3-D mario platformer as good as mario galaxy on a portable.
I find that totally understandable. Thats how I manage my games, I need to go with whatever I feel l want more at the moment.
I dont understand because you love GTA + it has great reviews.
Where is the Carnage quote when you need it?
I think it should be noted though that I'm not really one of these big GTA fans that you guys speak of, I loved GTAIV and really enjoyed Vice City but outside of those I really didn't play much of the other ones and never played any of the handheld ones. Also while I really do enjoy some of the games on handhelds I've always been much more into home console games so that definately affects my purchasing habits. Hell you guys should know how much I love Ninja Gaiden games and I still haven't gotten around to picking up NG: Dragon Sword yet.
That game is hella good. It's pretty close to the Xbox ones.
And you managed to fuck it up within minutes.
*golf clap*