Renegade Kid interview
DSiWare plans, next game coming at E3, cannot comment on Son of the Dragon cancellation
Cave Story blog updat
Cave Story ‘very done’, Pixel interview coming soon to Nintendo Channel
Little Kings Story Telegraph review
"treads its own path with complete confidence in itself. And that is truly regal."
Six Year Old Boy Asks for name change to Sonic X
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Screens of Pikmin 2, really? Thats just a waste of space.
Watching the youtube vid... lol. The reality is that its FUCKING GTA AND IT SOLD 90K.
So new Fallout game by the whores of this industry, Obsidian. Thoughts?
I assume it will be an imitation of what Bethesda did and it will be even more glitchy and maybe not even have a complete ending.
I might buy it and not play it beyond the first two hours like FO3.
I have a disease.
And of course no one is around. *scratches balls* I guess that means I could talk about Sonic and no one would mind. Muahahaha!
So Sonic Unleashed DLC, actually really cool. It adds new missions to a certain area, one is this super hard version of the main level. One is this awesome 2D level which is brilliant, why is the whole game not like this. Another is a level with no floor, its up in the sky and you have to chain enemies, ring dashes, springs to keep moving forward. Sega knows what could make an awesome Sonic game, but why do they always mess it up with other crap.
I agree. But they don't. And wont.
Good discussion.
Monster Hunter 3 demo
Awesome. *clicks*
What the heck. Firstly he doesn't know how long the game has been out or how long the NPD sales account for (19 days of sales) and he doesn't even know if they are worldwide or US sales.
But you know what just dawned on me? Has anyone actually compared the sales of this game to the last gba portable GTA? Might be insightful.
EDIT: BTW I just saw that Chinatown wars is at 340'000 worldwide? Unconfirmed.
I didn't see the story. Are Obsidian only good for sloppy seconds or what?
I am here and reading...
UP !
Didn't they make KOTOR 2? What a crapfest.
Yes sir. (Damn you Travo I was supposed to be pointing to Samuel L Jackson, even though I do agree on you about KOTOR2)
Muramasa lost its publisher... they claim another will bring it over. Phew.
(BTW the old GTA for GBA probably was crappy, this one is excellent)
Yeah, but you guys are not seeing the bigger picture. Moon was a 3d DS game that run 60 fps. It is a technical achievement, so it would probably be one of the more expensive games. Yet the can make a profit by selling 90k. I did not know, that 90k was more than enough to make a significant profit. This puts all the other games in perspective. I guess The World End With You is a success. Perspective people!
That's always been my philosophy!
...what?! I'm only being agreeable!
IT'S ON ! ! !
GTA Chinatown wars was in development for 2 years. I think it's a much bigger game than Moon which had like 9 freelancers doing it. Not trying to run down Dementium but they are a team of a few guys literally.
The TWENY team have raised the possibility of more games but then wouldn't Square just have them do another FF game instead?
But great games don't automatically sell. People might just assume that it's another Nintendo handheld GTA and not realise the reviews of the game. If the DS is indeed made up of casuals then you really have to push home the message as to how good it is and effectively communicate why people should buy it. Some of the reactions on forums from gamers has been eye opening. It looks like a NES game? I hate drug dealing etc?
I mean these are GAMERS who aren't buying it.
I just recorded the Michael Douglas episode of Will and Grace by the way. That is the single funniest thing I have ever seen. His dancing is epic. I am putting this on disc for all time.
In an interview with ONM, creative director Jacques Exertier told us about which games has influenced him when making Rabbids Go Home. Exertier said "I think the controls are a mix between Mario Kart and Mario Galaxy. You are walking but also driving a vehicle, so these are the two main references. But the big difference is definitely the humour. We are not going directly up against Mario Galaxy because it's not the same type of gameplay."