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The Five: Punch-Out!!
Will the first new Punch-Out!! in 15 years be a K.O., or a LAME-O?
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robio (8m)
You're welcome
First off, still loving the Night Game. Now we're seeing a few extra gameplay challenges so while its still getting from point A to point B, there now looks like you have to accomplish a little minor goal of opening a path or creating a bridge first. Anway just looks great. That's one of my two WiiWare buys for the rest of the year.
I loved MadWorld. Solid midrange 8 game. It's just a little short but that's the only real criticism I have of it. In regards to the bad reviews I noticed a few things they had in common - most of the time was comments about it being repetitive. I think those reviewers didn't play past the first level, which did get repetitive and didn't have the most interactive environment. I will admit I wasn't real excited about the game after that first level and had to push myself to play more but I'm glad I did. The game gets better and better as you proceed to each level and in the final level I was practicaly bouncing up and down in my seat.
Plus the story doesn't really become clear until after the second level is completed and it's a surprisingly good story. Once you start getting into that you'll be even more compelled to play.
Neat article on Gamasutra.
She (Heather Chaplin) argued that games' age is not the correct source of blame for the often insultingly juvenile nature of games, the tiresome prevalence of space marines, bikini girls and typified young male power fantasies. Her point: Games aren't adolescent. It's game developers who are a bunch of, in her words, "fucking adolescents."
Chaplin essentially maintained that this adolescent "guy culture" and the games it produces prevents development from diversifying -- it repels women who might bring alternate perspectives to the table, it repels, basically, everyone who isn't part of it, which means that games are in danger of staying stuck in this self-perpetuating rut.
Where I take a sharp detour from her argument is where she accuses developers of arrested development. She says that true sophistication in games requires "responsibility, introspection, intimacy, and intellectual discovery," traits she says "frighten men."
According to Chaplin, these baby-dog developers are so childish the only material they're capable of manifesting creatively is the "adolescent male power fantasies" they can't actualize in reality. Translated plain, she's calling them impotent.
And more.
Ahh yes, this year's official "stirring up shit" conferenceat the GDC. Lord knows she made some valid points (though last year's balloon arguement was stronger and much more creative). And ulitmately this one breaks down into something hilarious when the developers start calling out the gaming media as illiterate monkeys that don't know how to type (also completely accurate).
I think the only real counter that you can claim is that up until about 10 years ago, gaming was an extremely inclusive media that made virtually no attempt to ever attract an audience outside of the core demographic. Whether that's the fault of developers or not is another arguement.
That woman needs a good seeing to.
Is crap on a stick a British delicacy? Because the game looks delicious!
Wow. Now that is graffiti
I watched the trailer again. First part with that ragtime music is awful. Then FF proper starts and its all good. Why are they trying to destroy the image of their own game with these nonsensical videos?
Make a new trailer, put up some awesome screens, perhaps an interview. Job done. They are arsing about.
Did you not see him using his telekinetic powers to turn on the TV? I mean we all thought about that, when the remote was just out of reach, did we not? The videos show some nice things.
1) Nice graphics
2) Enemies have their own behaviour, they are not just waiting to kill you
3) No turn based battles
4) No map, battle screen transition
5) You can change TV channels with your mind!!!
You know I wouldn't mind some turn based battles that use the pointer. Graphics are better in the trailer. It does look like a zelda take in a good way, via the trailer at least.
I really dont see the point of these videos though.
The thing that those mediums had at those times and that gaming didn't was that they were seen as and excepted as "higher culture" videogames are still trying to shake off the "geek" aroma.
One of the site's forefathers.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
Why am I not surprised.
Tell us more.
I never played it so I can't say. But their criticism seems to be the RE5 control scheme and that the game isn't just built for multiplayer.
Sounds reasonable to me. That's what I thought as well. In Gears, you can duck, cover, strafe, and it's a blast. I just can't picture having that same competitive feeling in RE5. It's great for just Mercenaries and doing RE5 stuff but I'm just not sold on multiplayer against human players.
Now Playing: Golden Sun Dark Dawn, God of War Ghost of Sparta, and DKC Returns
It really reminds me of a PS1 Namco type game. Not the visuals obviously but the art and guns and setting stuff. Almost looks like a throwback. Square Enix, apart from on DS have been all over the place so far this gen and really slow too.
Updating now, Famitsu scores:
Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! DS Fate of Heat II - Unmei no Futari (NDS, Marvelous): 5 / 5 / 6 / 6 - (22/40)
Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon: Sora no Tankentai (NDS, Nintendo): 9 / 9 / 8 / 9 - (35/40)
Fantasy Golf Pangya Portable (PSP, Takara Tomy): 7 / 8 / 8 / 7 - (30/40)
Deca Sporta 2: Wii de Sports 10 Shumoku (Wii, Hudson): 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (28/40)
The Godfather II (PS3/Xbox 360, EA): 8 / 8 / 7 / 8 - (31/40)
You're in the Movies: Mezase! Movie Star (Xbox 360, Microsoft): 6 / 6 / 6 / 7 - (25/40)
"Nintendo holds the publishing rights to 'Fatal Frame Wii,' which was developed by Tecmo LTD. and Grasshopper Manufacture and released in Japan on July 31, 2008. Nintendo of America has since then decided not to publish the title in North America – consequently, the title will not be released in this territory. As the owner of the IP, Tecmo feels very unfortunate that the fans of the series in North America will not have a chance to play the game, but respects the final decision made by Nintendo of America."
New co-op Dead Space Extraction info
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
One of the highlighted features for Dead Space Extraction is the 2 player co-op. Glen Schofield of EA Redwood has already stated that this game will make full use of the second player being present and that the second player will be just as involved as the first player,
and it has been revealed that this is in fact true.
There will be many times in the game when the second player is a valuable component, example of this will be the puzzles which range in difficulty. This will not be a “pick up the yellow key card”, these puzzles will either be motion based or timed and will be a great fit for teamwork. Schofield explains “That’s when it’s good to have a friend to watch your back, because you could be getting mauled while you are trying to get the door open, and if you screwup, it might close again.”
The second player also comes in handy when you are protecting Lexine, a major key character linking the story together. There will be times when Lexine will be
Dead Space Co Op details^