Hudson discusses Marble Saga: Kororinpa
did you know you can create/share levels?
Platinum explains why MadWorld is Wii-only,
sees the title as a system-seller
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aspro (8m)
The latest issue of the Official Nintendo Magazine UK brings with it the first review of the brilliant GTA: Chinatown Wars, slapping it with a huge 94 percent score.
"With the arrival of Chinatown Wars, the DS can now boast a GTA title that's every bit as compelling, impressive and fun to play as its home console cousins. If not more so," gushes the review.
"While some might suggest that hosting a Grand Theft Auto game on DS would prove to be a restrictive, watered-down experience, we'd argue that the opposite is true," it adds.
The full six page review is in issue 41 of the Official Nintendo Magazine, in subscribers' hands now and on news-stands Friday. Look out for our review next week.
Because GG lives there.
At least leave them some water and Oreos.
No let them see it, you do not want to raise a bunch of pussies now, do you?
At 2 years old I'm sure my son is already as hardcore as it gets. He liked to walk around the house pull down his pants and yell, "smell my butt!!" That's not too far from what MadWorld offers I believe. Still I don't want him repeating a few of the more choice words that the announcers drop. The older one. . . well if I thought it would toughen her up I'd make her play it but I think she's a lost cause and destined to be a delicate flower. Pfftt.... girls....
Probably a good idea. Though we're more of a Chips O'Hoy family.
Hey, Iga is a girl, and a pretty tough one!
Yep check her out
So though, she grown a beard
And because non-English speaking European countries don't count.
Especially the French.
Just kidding.
New female lead known as Lexine - won't see much of her due to the on-rails design. Wii remote was the deciding factor to switch to this view/gameplay style. Nunchuck is used to reload, shake off enemies by waggling both controllers, and use telekinesis with an on-screen pointer. Tilting/motion control for close attacks, precise aiming with the pointer. Wii-remote speaker used as an audio-log throughout the game.Muramasa-Demon-Blade-preview
Not only does it look incredible, it's also got a fluid, responsive combat system which makes each battle feel like an epic movie fight.
All that and we haven't even touched on the main aspect of the game: its graphics. Simply put, Muramasa is absolutely stunning to watch. The hand-drawn character sprites are fantastically animated and when mixed with the impressive pseudo-3D backgrounds it's truly a sight to behold. Safe to say, there's nothing like this on Wii and fans of stylish, artistic games will be in for a treat.
When Pat first booted up MadWorld, the ensuing screams of chainsaw mayhem brought editors and staff members a-running from every corner of the building. Every single person in the office crammed into the test cube to watch the bloody spectacle and holy hell were we impressed. Dark, brutal and hilarious in just the right way, MadWorld is a title that has rocketed to the top of every staff member's must buy list.
4.5 out of 5
Is this for the Xbox 360? Because those characters look exactly like Microsoft's Avatars.
MadWorld is not a perfect game, and for some it might be a tad on the short side (five-to-six hours). But I had a blast on this roller coaster through a unique world. The immersive combat (aided by shockingly-fun Wii Remote and Nunchuk controls) would not have been as enjoyable if played on a traditional gamepad. Despite my early skepticism on the decision to bring this game exclusively to the Wii, I don't think the experience would be nearly as interesting on either HD console. The design constraints of Nintendo's system forced the developers at Platinum Games to be creative, and they followed through on their creativity by putting together a thoroughly enjoyable brawler with just the right amount of the ultra-violence.
EA Grand Slam Tennis
It's leading development on Wii, both visually and of course the exclusive Wiimote and seperate enchanced Wii motion + controls. But this will eventually be an all format game. The noises EA have made in the past are that it may have a limited exclusivity period on Wii before moving onto other platforms as far as I know.
IGN were raving about it on the podcast, best game since Super Tennis or Virtua Tennis etc. They have a preview up. They said its already a must buy and they didn't even get to try motionplus or nunchuk controls.
PROS: An amazing take on the beat 'em up genre; hundreds of ways to butcher enemies; awesome boss battles
CONS: Two-player mode feels cheap and tacked on; play-by-play commentary gets old; motorcycle levels are clunky
Gamepro 4.5 out of 5
Vin Diesel rules! Riddick: Dark Athena will be GOTY! It's less than a month away, people! Be there or be square!
GG post the MadWorld Review on GGweekly, just in case someone want's to look them up in the future.
And who is going to make the MadWorld thread?
P.S. Vin Diesel sucks and Little King's Story will be GoTY.
I thought it was a Wii game, but those characters sure look like 360's Avatars. I mean, they're practically identical in both look and style.
Were the nuns hot and nekkid?
I can't be bothered Iga. You and me have done enough updates for today.
I heard that they looked like Shaun White in style. I prefer Chibi big head style myself.
I cant tell from SW pics.