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Archangel3371 (4m)
Pretty much everything else, tohugh doesn't really take advantage of it. IMO the biggest graphical improvements this gen have been depth of field, weight, and the three dimensionalness of objects (nice technical term for you there), and it is nice to have them in games, but at the end of the day, it doesn't really affect my experience of them much, unless they're actually taken advantage of in direct relation to what the gameis trying to achieve.
The same could be said about the wii-remote, of course, but just like the bells and whistles of technically better graphics that isn't really used to serve a purpose, waggle can be fun. I know I enjoyed TP more on wii than I would have on GC, so I can see where you graphics whores are coming from.
And THAT is the entire problem here. You and Archangel have more than just a Wii, so of course you needn't care about things like RE5 going to the Wii. But when you look at the Wii as a person's primary console, instead of as a secondary one... or when you look at it as a person's only console... the situation changes dramatically.
I don't care about multi-console-owners not wanting the same game available on two consoles separated by such a huge power gap--you guys get to play it no matter what. Having such a game available on both platforms would hurt neither you nor Archangel, but not having it available on ours sure does "hurt" people like me and Ravenprose. You can go ahead and say "too bad, you'll just have to get a Real Gamer's Console (TM)", but the fact is that I did--there is no console that can not be host to "Real Gamers' Games (TM)", there's no physical law that makes lifelong, "hardcore" gamers buy the most advanced consoles, and it's the publishers' faults for not supporting a platform once it's selling faster than the rate at which the T-Virus infected Raccoon City.
The predominant attitude of those who own both an HD system and a Wii--and I'm sure it's also the attitude of many of those who don't own a Wii, as well--is that the Wii is, at most, a secondary console. Many of these people bought a Wii only for Nintendo games, and proceed to use it only for these games, as if nothing else of high quality gets released on the system. Why? Because, supposedly by definition, nothing of high quality and nothing worthy of a purchase can appear on the Wii, save for Nintendo games. It's this problem of people considering it a secondary platform or a "non-gamers'" platform that just prolongs the amount of time that publishers treat it as such, giving us Chop 'Til You Drops and, most often, even less spectacular crap. Buy more Wii games, guys. I know it shouldn't be hard at all for people like Archangel, who happen to like every game EVAR on the other systems, including those that only get mediocre aggregate scores. Surely there are Wii games that get passed up that are better than these mediocre games, or that are more noteworthy.
The aforementioned attitude, when possessed by the publishers and developers, denies excellent games to over half the market. This attitude is one of the biggest problems, if not the biggest, and I'm sick of it. I have interests, too, you know, and if you're going to give my interests the finger when no harm would come to you, then I'll give you the finger for doing so.
Sure, I say, let developers give us Wii-owners side games that make good use of the system's unique features. But also give us the ability to have the same experiences as those who have the other systems, even if it means having to downgrade the visuals or physics--I won't mind as long as actual effort is put into making the downgraded version an awesome game despite the technical inferiority. Having a technically inferior version available doesn't hurt those who bought the technically superior version, and no game is sacred, so don't throw out some argument from dignity of the game, either. In the end, I'll be able to play the regular versions of Dead Space and RE5 on my PC (the equivalent of the 360 and PS3 in this discussion), yet I'm salivating at the prospect of there being Wii versions of these games. Why? Because the console experience happens to appeal to me more than the PC experience for some types of games. This is one reason why I said I'm "hurt" when HD games don't come to the Wii, but the other reason I'm "hurt" is because I feel like I wasted my money on the console when developers don't put much of anything good out for it.
I just find this infuriating. I am part of the Wii's user base--and guess what, so are those people who own both a Wii and an HD system--and this means there are plenty of "hardcore" gamers who own a Wii, if we can extrapolate. There is probably a significant portion of the Wii's user base that consists of "hardcore" gamers... yet where are our games? If the extrapolation is accurate, Nintendo didn't need to make their system on par with the others for it to have a "hardcore" user base. "I think all types [of gamers] should be catered to (...) in respect to each of the console's userbases". Well, if the extrapolation is accurate, then all types of gamers should be catered to on the Wii, as well. I don't think RE4: Wii Edition and RE: UC sold to only grannies and five-year-olds.
And of course it's up to third party developers to see to an equal distribution of games. Who else would it be up to, unless you're not including the publishers with the developers? Hardware specs are set in stone--the developers have to adapt. Software requirements can be changed, but system specs can't be, else large parts of the user base get alienated. Therefore, it is up to the game makers--it is up to the side with the most flexibility--and this happens to be the developers and publishers. This is assuming, of course, that the game can remain mostly intact with a downgrade, and I think this is most likely the case with the Wii and HD games. But it certainly is not the case with the DS and HD games, and probably not the PSP and HD games, either, due to severe input limitations. And in fact, many multi-platform third party games actually do appear on the PC.
If third parties would actually put good effort into Wii games, we would probably be seeing things that surpass Ninja Gaiden's graphics. But as long as you don't care about what gets put on the Wii and as long as third parties aren't even trying 99% of the time, your graphics complaint is moot and a completely unjustified cheap shot at the system.
Sorry Beaver, my answer is get a 360 or a PS3. Dont act like this is a surprise or that this gen is different than any other. There are exclusives, every system has their games, every system misses out on some, thats the way its always been and will always be. If you dont own every system you dont get to play every game, thats been the deal since the beginning.
Making a port of a wii game is not easy, its not like porting a game from the 360 to PS3, a whole new team needs to be set up and the game practically has to be made from the ground up. All that man power and money can go into actually making a brand new game specifically for the wii. So what would the majority of gamers want, another port of RE5, or a brand new original RE game for the wii. The grand majority would want the new RE game.
You should embrace the fact that the wii gets games that no other system gets. Hell about 70-80% of the PS3 and 360 lineup are identical, the wii is almost completely different and that is a GOOD thing.
Edge why I say RE2make on Wii is cause I dont believe it would ever get made unless its a situation like the wii. Many games that would have never ever been created have been cause of the wii's unique situation. RE5 cost millions upon millions, its a huge game and it may take another 4 years before RE6. Do you want to wait that long for a new RE game, no, the wii offers Capcom to make quality side games, something with the RE4 engine.
As for the change of controls, if you are not making a game on the wii that takes advantage of the wiimote then what is the freaking point unless its a cheap budget game and you want to save money. If you are going to make a game that uses a normal pad then go all out.
And it doesn't matter what systems you have it is clear, the wii is different. I dont need some PC to know that the Wii is not like the others and it should stay that way. Why do wii owners desperately want the wii to be like the PS3 and 360.
Wait what?!
Of course I know there will be exclusives, and I have no problem with that. But the Wii is getting shafted not because of normal exclusivity, but for other reasons.
And of course porting a game down to the Wii isn't the same as porting it over from one HD system to the other. There's no denying that. But why not port it, anyway, especially if an all new game in the series would cost more to develop? Because the vast majority of gamers don't want another version of RE5? That's just reinforcing the Wii-as-a-secondary-console attitude that needs to see the door. I don't know how many RE fans own only a Wii, and I doubt you do, either, so this talk of the majority is most likely just speculation. Only true sales numbers will show anything.
I do embrace the fact that the Wii gets games that no other system gets. I do embrace the fact that the Wii's differences are good. But none of that says anything at all about traditional games being ported to the Wii.
Australian stores hath broken street date.
Secondly as someone who owns and plays their DS, PS2, Wii, and Cutting Edge PC I can honestly say where games go completely depends on the game's design and purpose.
Judging from the videos I've seen a game like Resident Evil 5 has no business being on the Wii as it strongly focus's on immersion as well as head count. Dead Rising shouldn't be on the Wii either as it again focus's a lot on head count and physics. So what games would be suited for the Wii? Games that the Wii's tech satisfies. Breath of Fire would be perfect for the Wii. Assuming it follows the same formula it would gain nothing from being on the PS3/360. Not better A.I., not more detailed environments, not more immersive worlds, not more anything. The only thing those systems could offer would be graphics but as games like Monster Hunter 3, Madworld, and Zack and Wiki show the system can hold its own on being "easy on the eyes" with a certain style. This is why Dragon Quest X is a perfect fit for the Wii, because the PS3/36-hell even the Wii can't really offer anything to the game's formula and design from a technical standpoint. Same thing with Monster Hunter as 99% of the game involves the player traveling through endless planes searching for monsters (think Shadow of the Colossus) Another game that would probably work well would be a Strider Wii. Assuming the game goes the way of Shinobi with motion controls there really isn't much else the game could offer itself.
At a time when publishers are putting toward the resources in one bucket it's atonishing that most publishers don't fill that other big hole.
One of the site's forefathers.
Does that mean they may break the street date for RE5 when that comes. If you play RE5 before me I will freak out. Who am I kidding I will be insane the week before when Japan gets it, oh thats going to be painful.
We don't. We just like opportunity to play the same mulitplatform games that PS3/360 owner's do, but built to use the Wii's unique hardware strengths.
But you wont cause the games will be very different. Look at Dead Rising. Hell look at games that were made at the same time like Sonic Unleashed, or any of the Call of Duty games or the sports games or Tomb Raider, etc. You will never get the same multiplatform games cause of the hardware on the system, thats on Nintendo.
Nah, I won't be getting RE5.
Wht the hell is happening?
Hamster is actually making sense for once!
Edge has become Punk, and Punk is still Punk, which gives us a total of 2 Punk's
And Vader does not want the main RE franchise to innovate!
Oh and, Brawl has awesome graphics, better even than Crysis.
Either way, if they make a RE4 style game its going to take them time and money anyway regardless of whether its on Wii or not. Do you think a quality game would just sprout out of the ground just because its on Wii? It would likely be a letdown just like RE5 unless other people work on it.
And did you just diss my PC? Do you understand how badly my PC destroys the PS3? Do you?
Pretty bad.
Dont have time to reply properly to everything, just wanted to say that Chronicles of Riddick and normal mapping on Xbox are really bad examples to use. Play Riddick again on your original Xbox, the slowdown and jaggies are bad.
Not to mention that Xbox could only manage normal mapping in games which were shrouded in darkness. Halo 2 managed a few character models with absurd pop in of textures.
I was more impressed with cube games that ran with vivid colour and a steady frame rate. Games like RE4, really Steel you should try playing it on an SDTV from start to finish with some good cables to see what it actually looks like. There is this one lava room that looks like it was doing next gen last gen.
Games like Rogue Leader pushed 300 on screen units plus all sorts of bump mapping and a huge endless vista or planet below it. The problem with GC was that you could never take good screens of it. Something to do with the buffer, you couldn't get clean representative screens. It's something we endlessly complained about last gen knowing that at home it would look better. I like Ninja Gaiden but what was it doing? 6 guys in a an enclosed room or smallish outdoor environment? Compared to what? A massive star wars battle, more polygons than the Xbox ever pushed, 300 + units all with their own rudimentary AI? Water that looks good enough to be in HL2? And a planetside?
RE4 was pushing what? 25 NPCs and an environment, all sorts of effects. Anyhow this is all pointless because all we want is for developers to consistently match the best of Cube. That would be good for a start!
Oh and on the point that Dvader made that on the "whole" people would describe the Xbox graphics as above GC remember that people were actually making games with the Xbox or PS2 in mind.
It was very rare to see a 3rd party making gamecube games as the lead sku. When you do see that, RE4 and Rogue leader or Metroid Prime 2 are the results. The prime games running at 60 FPS no less were impressive. And Ubisoft, despite making the Persia games with the PS2 in mind actually said that the GC versions were the best versions of those titles.
Ubisoft did a really good job on the Cube with multi-platform games, until they started butchering stuff like Splinter Cell 2/3 and Rainbow Six on it. The Persia games were great on the Cube but they F-ed the sound up a bit.
I'd say their best Cube game was Beyond Good & Evil though....you'd think that game was designed for the platform. Speaking of, people are a talkin' bout BG&E 2.
This is why I expected more from Ubi on the Wii, and why they've been such a letdown.
Well BGE is another reason why ex-cube and Wii owners can complain. BGE performed best on Gamecube in sales I hear.
Despite this the game across all platforms was a flop. So in deciding to revive the franchise their obvious option for a revised flop would be to do it on the most successful platform with the biggest userbase at a managable cost . Instead their thinking is "this game flopped so lets make an HD epic blockbuster and sink millions upon millions into it with HD, it will only cost 4 times as much as doing a Wii version so this is a good risk to take"
What kind of shit is this? That game is an opportunity for Ubisoft to do something in franchise terms other than Rayman Fucking Rabbids and Petz games on the system. On another note, Shaun White sold best on Wii, another reason to make proper versions of franchises on Wii from the ground up. I'm not saying that Wii games are instant gold dust, you have to try and see what sticks. But the key is that they have to try in the first place.
Anyhow I will read that article. I'm a bit busy at the moment.