BioShock 2 job listing includes request for
developer knowledge of PS3/360/Wii
Retailers getting more strict about which DS/Wii
Natural selection at work people
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travo (1m)
The one GG was talking about.
"Sony Releases New POS That Doesn't Fucking Work"
"We have decided to part ways with BottleRocket Entertainment but we are committed to bringing Splatterhouse to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 later this year," a Namco spokesperson told Kotaku. "At this time, we are not ready to discuss specific development details about the game and wish BottleRocket the best of luck in their future endeavors."
This weekend we reported that Namco showed up Friday and took back the dev kits and all assets for Splatterhouse. Our sources told us that Namco intends to finish it in house with the Afro Samurai team."
Lost my link due to powercut. Anyhow, bullshit. Lost planet cost $20 million to make $20 million to budget. A $40 million game that sells the same as RE UC, which was not a budget release that costs a quarter as much to make. Bullshit on Capcom's part. I can understand where you personally want games to land. But business wise and delivering content fairly and according to sales? Bullshit. They are shafting the people who bought those games on Wii.
Red Steel was an original ground up effort that cost Ubi $10 million. It sold one and a half million too and they are working on a sequel. Those two RE games both sell that amount and Capcom's response is to get 10 guys porting and downgrading assets for a cash in, really poor looking version of a two year old game, whilst working on the proper sequel for next gen systems?
Welcome to EDGE magazine reviews
Metroid Prime? Are you saying visually? Because gamewise that game would own, anytime, any year.
Yeah, it's a couple of days old, but we seem to have it posted several times since Sunday, since its confirmed now.
Sad doing that, taking away the game from the original devs I mean.
Having said that, I really dunno if they were underperforming or what. Maybe they saw a early build of the game and it was shit.
Why did you censor shit but not fuck?
Abbreviated -- full title doesn't fit for a news article
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile---
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYup.
Also note, I didn't post that news article. I was just commenting on it which is why I didn't link it or change the wording.
Are you joking? Next gen games have to sell at a higher price because the cost of production is so high. And what is the result? The biggest spate studio closures and job losses since the gaming crash. Wii games can sell at those prices because as companies have pointed out, development is one quarter to one third of that of a next gen game.
And the vison argument is BS at this point too and I'm sick of it. I can't explain now because I need to go upstairs for a crap BTW. Not trying to be rude. I really have a turtle