Red Fly would love to do another Mushroom Men game
Make it longer the next time guys
Holly Valance, Malcolm McDowell confimed for RA3 E
One terrible Aussie, and one awesome Brit
Red Alert 3 PS3 Dubbed 'Ultimate Edition'
Not Marketing Either - Actually Quite Impressive.
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Updates done
When doing the updates, I was reading through some IGN articles. They were so bad I just could not post them. I decided I will not post IGN articles anymore, only news, previews and reviews. If you want them you will have to post them yourself!
I am a bit tired lately, so the volume of updates is decreasing. Apologies for that!
Look, us PC elitists support indie developers too!
- Kojima appears to be working on 3 to 4 games
- Kojima is designing one of these games himself
- the project that he is self-designing should be able to see a quick release
- one project should be a major player in worldwide sales
- Kojima believes he can get out one game in 2009
- Kojima sees 2009 as being an extremely important year
So Edge what PC games have you been playing?
One of the site's forefathers.
The series is pretty much dead. Not to mention it will never be the same. It's like Ninja Gaiden not being made by Team Ninja.
IMO companies suceeding and failing is just business. Though the risk is getting too high. IMO the market needs to go through standardization so that some games don't get gimped by userbase (Valkyria Chronicles) and fluctrated budgets should be the norm (accept games on your consoles that look from Banjo & Kazooie HD (360 version) to Crysis on high DX 10 settings). Also review scores don't mean shit.
Wii Ski for Wii - Damn this game looks like a sure buy for me. It might sell me the balance board. Just watched the video and damn it looks just like snowboarding at a ski lift course. (The snow looks real not all powdery and perfect)One of the site's forefathers.
Really, what is up with this exclusive demo and exclusive DLC bullshit of late?
Err, I'm still gaming on my crappy Compaq, so not much. To my surprise, this thing can run Red Faction 1 on near max settings (looks better than the PS2 version) so I've been playing that. Deus Ex has some kind of odd audio problems, so I stopped trying to play that one.
Palin can't pronounce "nuclear" but she sure has a great "nucular" moose ball recipe.
Sarah loves her moose balls, a delicacy and the most excitin' part of the moose to eat.
The following recipe -- Nu-cu-lar Moose Balls! -- was inspired by that great Serbian testicle chef, Ljubomir Erovic. Sarah tried some of his balls and instantly fell in love. Bottoms up, Ljubomir! (It is believed that Vladimir Putin partakes of Ljubomir's balls before judo sessions.)
Warning! These balls are very darn hot, by golly! Some of you from the 48 may not have the experience to take it. My tip: don't blink!
Wow, the article is was talking about, is the same article that caused Neogaf to briefly ban IGN.
Heads up. Today 15th Jan is Gracie Grace's sale day in Animal Crossing.
20% off. New spring stock coming soon.
Madworld IGN preview:
"The game itself is among the "brawler" genre, offering Double Dragon or Final Fight-style of beat-em-up gameplay but in a fully 3D presentation. "
Oh shit
"Our hands-on time was extremely and unfairly brief, but in that time we could really see that the game won't be a repetitive button-masher. MadWorld is designed in such a way that you really don't want to simply bash the A button over and over again -- you're encouraged to stun your enemies and carry them around to see what harm you can cause them using the environments to your advantage. Toss them into a garbage dumpster, slam them into a spike-riddled wall, toss them into a meatgrinder...these are just a few of the ways we scored points in our hands-on. "
Another code pics
Did you guys check out that Mafia 2 trailer? Fucking game is gorgeous. The part with the snow coming down and all the lights in the buildings, IMO it 1-ups the rain scenes in GTA 4.
I didn't play much of the first game, because my PC didn't want to play it. But what I did see was really good. Very atmospheric. If this is better than that, its definitely gonna be a must have for my Beast rig.
I got it on Xbox, didn't take. The 1930s doesn't appeal to me at all, it was very boring. Functionally though it didn't seem that different from GTA, pretty solid game. I will check out the trailer.
Ordered up my mouse and KB.
For my mouse, I've choosen the Razer Deathadder:
Its the one on the right.
For my KB, I've picked the Logitech G11:
The Deathadder has 5 buttons on it, and a nice slim design. The G11 has 18 programmable quick-keys, which is very handy for games like Oblivion with a ton of spells.
You should hook yourself up to one of those Cyber VR sex stimulation devices. PC rules.
I put up new Monster Hunter pics in the thread:
Looking epic. Everyone should check out the trailer in the thread. See what can be acheived when someone tries to make a proper game.