How to Get Your Girlfriend Into Video Games
Yes, but what about step 1? How to get a girlfriend!
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat - ‘new’ stage
Not really new, but added new stuff in old level
House of the Dead: Overkill 1up interview
rewards you for shooting ‘gangsta style’
Microsoft knew that 360 damaged discs
Even before its release, court documents show
Wii Video Games Blamed
For Rise In Effeminate Violence. BEST.ARTICLE.EVER!!!!
Gamers still buy most of the games from retailers
only 2% partake in digital distribution
MGS Intergal Podcast Returns in January!
About time. Here's hoping it becomes regular...
Keiji Inafune interview
Mega Man 10 could happen, Mega Man Legends 3 still possible, Strider may return, no interest in Viewtiful Joe
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SupremeAC (4m)
Do not worry Bugs, Layton is selling like craz in Europe. It seems that what sells in Japan sells in Europe. Now if only we would get Captain Rainbow, we had Tingle so there is a chance!
I just wanted it skinned around Indiana Jones to relive my Fate of Atlantis Graphic adventure escapades. Its a perfect game to do wiiware conent.
Who are you playing on Gears 2? Anyone I know? Who's the best? You a trash talker?
I only played 2 hours of it. Haven't had time to dedicate to the game. It is a multiplayer game through and through. Apart from the subsapce emisary though so unless you play it with a bunch of people it's not going to give you the same experience. Hopefully we can get a match going here, we have at least 5 Brawl codes on the online thread already. The issue you are talking about is about dirty lenses in the Wii reading double layer discs. If it doesn't work, nintendo will clean out your system for free.
I have a stick for that.
You sound like you really like beating times and being tested in arcade style challenges? Do you compare your rankings with other people? What's the reaction from other Sonic guys? Positive vibes?
Whoa at Uncharted 2 pics. Does look a little like Gears, city shooting I mean. They should keep it with the whole cheesy adventure, treasure hunt vibe though. How about transylvania
Did you know that Vlad Tepes a.k.a. Vlad the Impaler a.k.a. Dracula lived in Wallachia and not Transylvania.
Uncharted 2 Artwork
Look like Uncharted 2 will be in a Nepalese or Tibetan setting.
<3 Uncharted's looks. And Archangel is the most awesome guy to play online with. Always cool, never trashtalks, and he holds his own in about any game he tries.
<3 Archie as well.
Yeah. He was a Wallachian prince.
How would it feel to be impaled? *gross*
There are stories that he impaled Turk in their butt. The weight would cause their body to slowly fall impaling them deeper and deeper. It could take days before the victim died! Would probably feel like buttseks!
Uncharted 2, holy mama! I loved the first, fantastic game, cannot wait for the sequel.
GG as for Sonic, yep I love the scoring aspect, its where almost all my time is spent with Sonic games. Beating the game is one thing, its going back and getting all the highest ranks which is when the game really shines. And sadly Unleashed has no leadboards, I cant believe it. So I just compete with a friend.
Also, last picture needs fripples FRIPPLES. Nepal is cold.
I count 24 Nintendo news articles out of 62 total. That's more than 1/3 of all videogame our news! It's clear that we are indeed "Nintendo centric." I say we just accept it, and change the site's name to "The Nintendo Press" as soon as possible.
Statistical fail?
There are 3 consoles (and no one cares about PC.) One third of the news is devoted to Wii, therefore it's getting it's fair share. If it were 60%+ Nintendo news then I'd say it was Nintendo-Centric.
You do realize it was a joke, right? Hence this "
" smiley. 
Club Nintendo Goodies
Dammit, where's my SNES Classic controller?
Suck up.
Yeah I don't trash talk and I play against anybody and everybody. Unless some people on my friend's list have a party going or something I'm usually just going from match to match with random people. That's just how I roll baby.
Club Nintendo looks like it could be pretty cool. I'll certainly sign up for it.
satirical statistical fail
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile