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Soul Bubbles forgotten in 2008
"Soul Bubbles is a beautifully constructed game"
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Archangel3371 (1m)
Nice you are doing the MMA thing, right! And you are already sparring, nice! But bodyslamming, that's kinda extreme, you can really hurt yourself, watch it! You might want to spar a bit softer, you are just a beginner and the point of sparring is improving your technique and not absorbing punches like a punching bag.
I know a few schools that are very hard in sparring, but they do not pay attention to technique, because you are busy not getting hurt. So these guys are though, but not really good fighters. The best way IMO is to spar slow and gradually build it up. Start with few techniques and expand your repertoire.
At our dojo we have very soft gloves, so they do not hurt when you punch someone, and for hard sparring we have a head protection, which makes it more difficult because you can hardly see and breathe. Very tyring especially against multiple opponents!
For thoughness we have special exercises. Like one guy standing and the other guy kicking the upper legs and ribs. This way you are not fighting, so the adrelanine is not flowing, you are left alone with your own PAIN!
So in conclusion when you are sparring pay attention to technique. The point is not winning or losing, it is applying techniques in combat situations. Pay attention to yourself that you do what you are thought, this is very difficult, because instincts can easily take over and you might start punching like crazy!
And lastly, if you are injured just ask them to pull the punches! No point in getting further injuries, do not push yourself, remember a turtle always wins the race. I have seen it many times, guys who start training like crazy, they can do it for a year or two, but eventually they quit. Best way is to start slowly and build it up.
Now go triangle choke some people!
You mean it got too hard by the end?
They give you way too much shit to do, you seem to die at every remote turn, and it takes FOREVER to complete. The last world truly is a bitch.
One of the site's forefathers.
I think there are a couple of legitimate complaints there. Co-op loses that fear that you have, you said that yourself a few months ago that having a second character there, even on single player loses the tension.
The preview clearly says that RE4 has tension whilst the recent RE5 demo doesn't. That there is too much ammo, even compared to RE4, that the co-op character makes things feel too safe and that the AI is wiggy. There are "no flanking villages" and the action is constant, no RE4 type wandering about in isolation in between action bits. But then, it's not the whole game, just a demo.
And the final complaint is legitimate as well, stopping the action to swap items and weapons between characters is laborious. This isn't about whining because they likd REmake better IMO.
Agreed but I loved it. It was the first one that was really hard, and while there certainly could have been a more sublte curve, it was a welcome challenge. Though those fucking swordfights pissed me off!
Why do developers make games this short damnit? How much longer should it be to make it great D?
You ******* need to get Animal Crossing so we can have theme parties.
That's awesome, lol. I'm getting a router this weekend, I'll start looking for AC.
I think Leo has this game too and I just added KSmoove from gamespot. If you find a gamespot AC thread to exchange codes on the GGD or Ring of Fire, let me know.
But that stuff those guys have, they have obviously been playing for a while and have upgraded their shops and stuff. So it might be a while before I have stuff like that. I updated the AC thread in the forum here with some neogaf stuff. Funny stuff.
I thought that the 1up Killzone 2 preview was good, in that they had views from multiple writers:
Thierry Nguyen, executive editor, previews: I actually reviewed the original Killzone, and from my quick spin through some of the single-player, the safe thing to say is that Killzone 2 reskins the original with more "bang-bang-boom-boom!" aesthetics and fewer technical holdbacks.
Killzone was essentially Medal of Honor/Call of Duty but with space Nazis, meaning an intense cinematic depiction of warfare with a sci-fi sheen -- think Saving Private Ryan where Spielberg digitally replaces Allies and Nazis with ISA and Helghast. Killzone 2 preserves this tone while serving up production values that do manage to hit the fabled target render video from 2005 -- all with a consistent framerate (my biggest annoyance with the original).
Besides looking really snazzy, the original's slightly tactical tone remains; running-and-gunning's ill-advised, as it's often better to adopt the unofficial cover system of "crouch and uncrouch behind stuff a lot" to your advantage. Killzone 2's addition of an actual cover button, where holding it down means that not only are you attached to cover but you automatically lean out to fire, is a welcome tweak in this direction.
Essentially, Killzone 2 is what Guerrilla tried to promise with Killzone -- it's just now finally realized. What I commend most is how complete the game feels already. Released right now, it's a solid effort with some annoying glitches (some scripted sequences necessary for mission progress didn't happen due to the friendly A.I. failing to trigger said sequences) that could garner a B. But since Guerrilla has a couple of months left of pure polish, I'm hoping it's time used wisely -- and I'm looking forward to the end result come February.
Nick Suttner, associate reviews editor: Killzone 2 is cinematic by virtue of its astonishing visual presentation -- perhaps the best-looking console game ever, at least on a technical level -- and engaging by virtue of being so cinematic. I found myself playing through it just to witness the tense gunfights and ridiculous set pieces; the linear, Call of Duty-like shooting gallery wasn't particularly interesting to me (rife with exploding barrels and every other cliché you might imagine), but it'll certainly appeal to fans of gritty realism. Which is echoed in the way the guns handle, for better or worse -- there's rare satisfaction from pinpoint kills, but some of the periphery weapons (Sniper Rifle, Flamethrower) are very well done.
I don't think Guerrilla Games excels at making games "fun," but they're certainly good at making them look the part -- and nailing their own version of the fundamentals of a shooter. Killzone 2 will be an excellent showpiece for the PS3, and games in general (Dear Sony: Please use in-game footage instead of CG for the inevitable commercials), but I'll stick to the less-realistic side of things for my own tastes. Though, by all means, if you want pretty and gritty, mark your calendars for February.
Tina Sanchez, community manager: Right away, I feel that the Helghast are plentiful, yet somewhat unsatisfying to fight against. For one, their lack of aesthetic diversity hinders my enjoyment of defeating them. On top of that, the overall character design also seems questionable -- red eyes contrasting dark uniforms make them unnecessarily stand out. In turn, from a player's perspective, the Helghast eyes become the only feature to watch out for on the battlefield -- which distracts from their overall visual design and makes them all blur together into a sea of red eyes that feel one and the same. Despite all that, they're not completely void of offering gratification -- it's funny when you shoot off their helmets and briefly catch them off guard.
Shooter fans will find Killzone 2's cover system notable. Separating the "take cover" function from the "run" function makes gameplay seamless, especially compared to Gears of War -- you'll never find yourself getting stuck behind an unnecessary barrier. Also, popping out of cover to the side makes the camera rotate about 45 degrees in the direction you move in; though after a short while, this particular aspect feels more like a gimmick than an engaging in-battle experience. I'm also really bothered by how crouching becomes a chore via the lack of a toggle-crouch option. Even so, I still think the simple act of shooting from cover feels pretty good. The learning curve for each gun will likely keep players engaged, and managing recoil feels natural -- I just wish the Helghast were more interesting foes.
Shane Bettenhausen, senior executive editor: While I'm only a casual connoisseur of the first-person shooting genre, over the years, I've played a few shooters that have truly impressed me (Half-Life, Halo), along with a slew of abysmal duds that made me question the behind-the-gun art form (Turok: Evolution, RoboCop). But I know what I like, and Killzone 2's one of the first shooters to grab me in a very long time.
And perhaps it's because I'm not closely tied to any one specific gameplay "feel" like the die-hard Call of Duty or Gears fans around here, but I find Killzone 2's controls to be entirely to my liking. Sure, you'll need a few minutes to acclimate to its surprisingly realistic simulation of weight, physics, and character movement, but once you do, it's a rewarding, engrossing experience. The phenomenally beautiful visuals help to paint a convincing theater of war, but I believe that Killzone 2 offers far more than just a sexy exterior. I fondly recall sprinting across a chaotic battlefield with my electric harpoon rifle, ducking behind a pile of smoking rubble, then tensely peering down the gun's iron sight while lining up my shot -- for me, the game's single-player action accurately simulates the tense feeling of invading an incredibly hostile alien world. Plus, I've had a chance to play through the game's final four levels...and I think everyone will be utterly shocked by what Guerrilla's done with the endgame.
Gears 2 hits 3 million already? Sweet. Truly an amazing game that deserves it. Definately can't wait to see the inevitable Gears 3.
Interesting to hear MS planning to talk a little further into the future at next E3. Personally I never had a problem with their previous E3's and how they showed off games that were only a few months on the horizon but this new method should be nice to see as well.
I didn't have the chance to check it yet, what are they doing differently?
Loving it so far, shame it's short. It's one of those titles that makes the Wii feel different.
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When I first booted up Soul Bubbles it felt like a DS Lost Winds.
I really liked Lost Winds it's the best Wiiware game bar World of Goo. It's short and could use a few improvements like a map, voice acting and better music, but it's visually lovely and plays really well too. I hope thehy get working on the sequel.
They have Samus shirts too. I MUST have them. I may be able to play Animal Crossing online in the next hour. Maybe.
I think I will create other characters, but just use one and give money and items to fill decorate the other houses.
New console? I thought when you said further down the line, it would mean way down. Good to know that E3 is back to its old state though.