Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars interview
20-30 hours just to complete the main story, 70-80 total
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robio (6m)
You're right! Samson would make a very cool video game character. I didn't even think of him.
I just watched "The Big Lebowski"! Watch the movie it is awesome! It about the Dude, man.
In about 20 minutes the K1 world grand prix is on. I can't wait should be awesome!
What the fuck, what the fuck! Why is Show News on the telly? I do not care which Dutch celebrity is pregnant, I do not care what Pamela Anderson is mad about! No, I want to see the big men kick the shit out of each other, in a brutal kickboxing tournament! Why are they not showing the K1? Motherfuckers
Edit: it is beginning, wooo!!!
Am I the only one left here? The K1 was awesome untill the final when Badr Hari thought he was a MMA fighter. He took Remi Bonjanski down and punched and stomped him in the face. He was disqualified after Remy could not continue. What a crappy end to an awesome evening.
Hari should be banned for the shit he pulled, stomping a downed opponent is even illegal in the UFC. Fuck him, if he thinks he's so tough, let him fight a MMA match against Fedor. Scum!
But at least we have this awesome gif. If hamster decides to troll again, we can use this gif in response.
P.S. Yoda I see you changed the text editor! It seems to be a lot faster now! Good job!
That gif is made of win Iga. I hear Fedor is going to fight soon, I cant wait.
So I tired Mushroom Men, whats this?! A quality third party game, yay! It does feel like its a by the book 3D platformer but this game actually makes use of the wiimote so it at least has something unique going for it. Right now I can pick up certain objects with the wiimote and fling them at enemies. You can also use it to point at objects to grab to them with a stretchy arm. Combat is done with the usual waggle, nothing special there. I do wish they have better uses for the telekenesis, for now it seems like its only going to be used to move an object out of the way or to throw stuff at enemies. Imagine a game with the precise handling of objects of like elebits mixed with a platformer, where you have to manipulate objects to get to certain areas and stuff (or hell better yet make that the focus of the next Zelda game, real time object manipulation). Sadly this game does not do this but if someone does that it could be an amazing game.
I like the weapon system, you find items in the level to build weapons, there are three types, thrust, blunt and slash, they all have their strengths for certain enemies. There are also special weapons like the flamethrower which can be used to melt ice. The levels are pretty large, its cool cause you are tiny in our world so you see objects like balls and pencils and they are huge to the mushroom. I had a decent boss fight with an evil bunny, it would spit balls, you had to catch them with the wiimote as they hurled toward you and fling it back to the bunny, it would then charge at you, you had to lure it to a rock to knock it out so that you can attack it. Classic pattern boss.
Its good, if I had to give a number to my hour and a half with the game so far I say its a mid to high 7 .
This is absolutely fucking absurd...
Okami (Wii) My First Impressions
I put a couple hours into Okami tonight, and the game is amazing! It has some very stunning visuals, and I'm enjoying the humor quite a bit. The Wii-remote attacks/brush strokes takes some getting used to, but seems to work well enough. The only complaint I have so far is that there's no button to auto-center the camera behind the wolf; you have to press left/right on the d-pad to move the horizontal camera view which is a bit too slow, especially in combat. This is a fairly minor complaint, though. Otherwise, I'm enjoying the game a lot so far.
"Yes, the depth of management in this game is impressive. But, it’s not impressive enough to make up for the fact that you aren’t actually playing soccer."
FFS, the only people who ever say this crap are the people who have never played any sports. I'd get home from a baseball game and play MVP Baseball '05. I watch a hockey game then play some NHL 2004. I'm sure I'd do the same with any other sport.
"In short, this game is extremely difficult to simply pick up and play."
...wait, what was the game being reviewed again? Worldwide Soccer Manager 2009? You're telling me Worldwide Soccer MANAGER isn't pick-up-and-play? What a revelation!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileTo be fair with that IGN review, though, do you any of you remember the 1up review of Team Fortress 2? How's this for a snippet:
"Grenade-free Team Fortress? Ain't that a teat-less Holstein (as the red-vs.-blue FPS's hayseed Engineer would word it)? A refresher in two shakes for the rusty: Each and every class in 1999's Team Fortress Classic packed pineapples and -- Sniper excluded -- a second, role-specific bomb. "
Seriously WTF
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWow.
Drink it or die motherfucker.
WTF did I just read?
What happened IGN? You use to be by far and wide the best major gaming site reviewer as you'd always play the games right and figure out things that other publishing sites couldn't (SSX Blur's Ubertricks) but now they're just trash.
One of the site's forefathers.
Sounds allright. Maybe 9 months down the line if its cheap I would like to try it out. Engine and art wise it looks really nice to me. Shame they didn't use the physics more. It's still stupefying that no one has taken the physics/elebits concept and worked it into a traditional game. If Zelda needs a gimmick to make it fresh, give link some telekinesis gauntlet and let him solve puzzles in dungeons with it. Or add it to the next mario galaxy if needs be, but dont overdo it.
Amazing wasn't my first impression. It was blur city. I like how the game seems like its ending at the end of kamikee village and then it opens out. It loses focus a lot though.
Well GG Galaxy already had pointer control where you interact with the environment, so they could just expand that. Zelda could use it, but if they overuse it, they might as well start a new IP. A action/adventure/puzzler where you solve everything with telekinetic powers. Or just give us Second Sight! What the fuck is Free Radical waiting for?!
P.S. posted new hot pictures in the party thread people check them out!
Well my POV is that you can use an established franchise to lessen any risk of flat sales. And that can offset the risk, while rejuvenating a franchise that needs something new. I'm not just talking about those two above franchises, but this is what third parties need to be doing on Wii. This is something only the Wii can do, for real, the 3-D positioning and depth and rotation via IR. They could make an absolutely awesome RE4 style game on Wii that not only had the great control and graphics of RE4 Wii edition but also have this physics control. Picking up a cuboard and smashing it into a group of zombies. Or using it to solve a puzzle.
Elebits can be viewed like a tech demo of sorts. You don't need hundreds upon hundreds of objects on the screen though, in a more traditional game. The amount of objects seen in something like Half Life 2 would do.
Damn, Raven is 7 hrs behind in time in Colorado.
It must be 4:40 am there and 11:42 here in the UK.
We need to have another visit, he needs to check out my town more. I kicked him out early because I didn't realise that my town was different to his.
You guys should get Animal crossing and with wiispeak too. I enjoyed it a lot. Hope that Bugs and Mantorok and others get it too. It's hard at first with your tiny ass room and no cash, but I know it will get better.
Ahh, I got it, they should use the Mother or Pokemon IP. Ness and Lucas are both psychics and so is Mewtwo. It would fit those characters better than it would Link. For Link it would probably just be an extra item, nothing more!
I gave AC a go on the DS and decided it wasn't for me.
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Blur city? It doesn't look blurry to me; it looks dream-like. I love the use of color, and the animation is fantastic. I need to spend more time with it, but that damn Animal Crossing is taking over my life.
Yeah, I didn't get a chance to write something your town's message board yet.
One of the site's forefathers.