Randy Orton a big fan of Nintendo, Mario
Rassler plays Mario, Metroid, etc.
Motiva suing Nintendo over motion control
"Nintendo makes video games where you get to play a thief, but that doesn’t give them the right to be one.”
Tiki Towers Coming to WiiWare in December
Real Networks next WiiWare project
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And I've personally found this to be the best year ever. Prior to that I thought 2007 was the best year and now 2009 is looking to contend as well with Street Fighter IV, Resident Evil 5, Final Fantasy XIII, and Star Ocean to name a few. It's quite simply has been a fantastic time to be a gamer.
Great post D. I did want to respond earlier in the week but had no keyboard and now I'm too lazy to post one. I agree with pretty much all you said.
No way man. I have both, Wii Play is just a set of demos. People called wii sports a tech demo, they were wrong, Wii Play however is right. However, its pool and laser hockey games are good in multiplayer.
Thanks for all the good stuff. Still no PC till tuesday really. At a family members house at the moment.
I really think most game reviewers are assigning scores based on graphics and visual dynamism. The single player is okay, but does nothing special. It's like all the other WW2 games you've played before only a little bit more epic.
I'm a sucker for Wii IR controls, I wouldn't have bought the game at all if it weren't played with the wii remote. The single player is exactly the same as 360, in fact the game is basically the same except for a couple of online multiplayer omissions, which I don't play anyway. The visuals are pretty damn great on an SDTV too. This is one game where I haven't thought for a second that I would rather be playing it on high def. However, the controls just aren't good enough compared to MOHH2 and they have a ton of annoying flaws that bring the game down in its design and setting and most of all instant deaths. But these are the same problems that would be on the other versions. I have made a thread if anyone is interested.
"Hopefully regardless of core SKU team Nintendo's system will see a release every year from here on out, as World at War is a testament to how impressive these games can be on the platform. World at War uses the same levels, the same character spawns, and overall the same core campaign as the 360/PS3 versions do, and with the title running off an adapted COD4 engine on Wii, Treyarch's combined efforts with IW's core engine means Wii gamers are getting something pretty special on their system this year. It isn't always the highest-frame game (it never gets too annoying, but you will see a few dropped frames here and there), and World War II not only brings many of the same guns from dozens of games previous, complete with the same, drab green/brown/gray color set, but in the end World at War is a title that surpasses every other FPS on the system in terms of pure cinematic flair, on-screen action, and open worlds."
Considering it has the same design across the systems, I assume its very much like the Half Life 2 PC/Xbox comparisons, the game had the same design and yet on Xbox it wasn't as lauded as it was on PC. As the game was judged on design and not on whiz bang graphics. The Wii version of COD5 loses high def, yet still looks great on SDTV, loses a couple of online modes, but gains Wii IR controls. I guess what version you want is based on whether you are an online gamer, which I'm not and if you want either high def or more natural, responsive controls. But it could be argued that the Wii down the scope controls are pretty half baked in this game. Although movement aiming and turning is fast and natural. I would check out my thread for the lowdown or read IGN's review.
I would check out this europe on fire video to check out the visuals on Wii, although as usual it looks better on your actual TV (SDTV)
I could have said that.
In the mean time, I'm editing the notes as we speak. I've added the NPD stuff, as well as some other neat little articles.
I don't think its been the best year since 98, but its still been a damn good year for anybody besides a games gamer who only owns a Wii.
I still think 1998 is the best year ever, simply because 3D gaming was just coming of age, and nearly every major game was jaw-dropping AMAZING that year. Next to that, 2001 was also really incredible just on the PS2 alone. Never mind the last couple gems on Dreamcast and N64, and the first few gems of Xbox and Gamecube.
The last few years have all been great, and I'd say 2007 and 2008 are about equal, besides Nintendo. Nintendo can sell a billion systems, but the Wii was still a major letdown this year, soccer moms be damned. Compare what came out on Nintendo's system this year, to the software output on any of their other home machines over the past 10 years. Its sadland, IMO. Obviously they could care less with their sales though. Instead of having more incentive to get major games out there, crazy sales seem to put Nintendo in lazy mode. I'm still not convinced of a big turnaround next year, either.
So what are our topics for tonight besides NPD?
On Sonic I am so angry that the PS3 version wont come till mid december. How am I supposed to wait when the Wii version will be right there. DAMN IT!!! I need my sonic.
Boys Gone Wild?
Well, the Sonic stuff for one. We've also got the stuff about the Sega Ultimate Collection, the Banjo fix, some stuff about Street Fighter and more.
"I've got performance anxiety"

"Get used to it kid, you're a man, it's all down hill from here!"
I just got in, is no one else on? Give me a sec
Oh don't get me wrong I LOVED this year. It's just that most of the games I loved weren't on consoles besides DMC4, NMH, and MGS4.
One of the site's forefathers.
Just recorded. That was fun.
I dont know. On the one hand I don't feel like the Wii has had a good year at all compatively to other systems. But then I have got a good number of good to great titles this year. But I'm in europe which gets games late and I never owned a PS2. So I got to play titles like Zack and Wiki, Bully (one of favourite games ever), Okami, MOHH2, Disaster Day of Crisis (actually really fun), Smash Bros, Mario Kart, No More Heroes, De Blob, Boom Blox and soon Animal Crossing. Despite my bitching, COD WOW is pretty special in terms of production on the system and quite exciting to play to boot.
Thankfully me and my bro both have 360s so we share the games and I have more free cash to get Wii games, cause he doesn't own one.
Hey, it's a classic that NEEDS to be watched.
The podcast was nice, still room for improvement, but we can talk about that later. I think we need to get GG, Steel and Bugs in a podcast. Oh almost forgot Edge, Yarco and Punk, maybe Archie and Wallace would be interested too?
P.S. I will not be the first this time in GGweekly. So people this is your chance!