Randy Orton a big fan of Nintendo, Mario
Rassler plays Mario, Metroid, etc.
Motiva suing Nintendo over motion control
"Nintendo makes video games where you get to play a thief, but that doesn’t give them the right to be one.”
Tiki Towers Coming to WiiWare in December
Real Networks next WiiWare project
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travo (10m)
It looks amazing with its blurness. Imagine without it!
One of the site's forefathers.
The most EPIC fight ever. EVER
Bob Sapp VS. Hard Gay
Definitely NSFW
One of the site's forefathers.
How long did it take?
So yeah, morning from Melbourne all. Square Enix have stunned me once again...
You'll be banned in a week.
Whats your username?
Awesome, congrats, man. I came to terms a long time ago with the fact that I won't get approved. Ever.
Blah, blah, blah! Why are we not talking about Hard Gay?
Cause I haven't seen the video. It's blocked here and I have to work tonight. We should talk about something else. Ass or something.
Because his thrusting is too hypnotic
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileMGS4 completition stats.
Playtime: 17:16:05 (Yeah, I'm slow)
Continues: 7 (you can add more if you like as sometimes I'd take a break and din't see much point in saving after not progressing at all)
Alert Phases: 79 (sneaking is for pusseys)
Kills: 177
Recovery Items Used: 73
Weapon Types Procurred: 42
Flashbacks: 136
SPecial Items Used: Not Used
Total Bonus: 71,946
CUrrent DP: 196,636
Title: Hyena (I think I got Jaguar and Pig too)
Difficulty: Big Boss Hard
Almost 3 months.
One of the site's forefathers.
Well now that I've finished MGS4 I've gone back to Bully.
Much funnier and more enjoyable after meeting the hobo!
I'm up to chapter 2 now.
Really cool to hear impressions from someone playing it fresh. The gameworld opens up into the town too. I think this game has some of the best VA and music I've ever heard. It's so funny, especially later toying with the jocks.
Those screens look like Disaster Day of Crisis with floor reflections.
Tell me about the bosses.
What interesting is that I saw a portbale usage stats story the other day. The PSP had 15% of its users watching movies but still 92% or something playing games. The DS had 97% playing games and the iPhone had 97% using it for music.
I've been seeing tons of iPhone adverts showing games and bar the odd one, they mostly look like cellphone games with either touch or tilt. They have a massive mindshare and cache when it comes to making portable devices and their slick advertising will have them do well, but in terms of a gaming device, it could be cool, but it needs better games and more of a focus from what I see.
P.S At someone elses comp for a couple of hours.
Holy shit, IE7 this site is on meltdown on several computers.
Yo, I couldn't even get into a thread to post this on, and it took me 20 tries to get this page back up.
Error on page details from IE7
Line: 1
Char: 1
Error: tinymce is undefined
Code 0
But this applies to several other pages, basically anything which uses the tinymce editor.
I haven't played Fable II for the last two days, and probably will not have any time until friday night. I bought a few stores, so I'm eagerly expecting the shitload of cash that will rain over me when I boot up the game again.
Heh heh heh. I'm so greedy.
So let me get this right Ballsy.
You work the whole day, even weekends, so you can earn money.
You buy Fable 2 with your money, so that you can work in a virtual environment and earn virtual money.
Logic not found!
Steel add me on Skype now!!!
I'm not at home, I'll add you tonight.
FUCK EVERYTHING. I'll just go out and buy Gears 2 and Mirror's Edge today.
But I'm tiiiiiiiiired. I worked last night.
I need to cut down on Red Bull.