Unless you are broke, then it is a horrible, horrible time to be a gamer. Archie why do you have so many sequels in your wanted list?
Because that's the focus of the industry.
Joking aside, those are great quality sequels. I'd rather get a good sequel than a crappy new IP.
D'oh. Yes everyone would rather have a good game instead of a crappy one, sequel or otherwise. But where's the love for Little King's Story, Fragile, Madworld, Bayonetta, Mushroom Men, Deadly Creatures, Infinite Space (the most ambitious game), Mirror's Edge, etc? And why is almost everyone ignoring the handhelds?
Unless you are broke, then it is a horrible, horrible time to be a gamer. Archie why do you have so many sequels in your wanted list?
Because that's the focus of the industry.
Joking aside, those are great quality sequels. I'd rather get a good sequel than a crappy new IP.
D'oh. Yes everyone would rather have a good game instead of a crappy one, sequel or otherwise. But where's the love for Little King's Story, Fragile, Madworld, Bayonetta, Mushroom Men, Deadly Creatures, Infinite Space (the most ambitious game), Mirror's Edge, etc? And why is almost everyone ignoring the handhelds?
I'd much rather have more to choose from then less because at least then I know I'll always have something great to play.
Well I have so many sequels because those are the games I'm most looking forward to getting. Sorry but I don't have any deep philisophical reason for it.
Well out of those games I am interested in Bayonetta, Mirror's Edge, and am kind of back and forth on Mad World but the black & white thing kind of turns me off a bit. However none of these have turned into must buys for me, yet.
Unless you are broke, then it is a horrible, horrible time to be a gamer. Archie why do you have so many sequels in your wanted list?
Because that's the focus of the industry.
Joking aside, those are great quality sequels. I'd rather get a good sequel than a crappy new IP.
D'oh. Yes everyone would rather have a good game instead of a crappy one, sequel or otherwise. But where's the love for Little King's Story, Fragile, Madworld, Bayonetta, Mushroom Men, Deadly Creatures, Infinite Space (the most ambitious game), Mirror's Edge, etc? And why is almost everyone ignoring the handhelds?
Sequels are like the return of an old friend. And there is usually some semblance of a guarantee of quality. While new IPs are something of an unknown quantity most of the time, till they launch. From your list, I really don't know how many of those are going to launch in the west (europe in particular) this year - as that was the question posed by D.
I would get Little Kings Story, Fragile, Madworld and check out Mushroom Men reviews. Infinite space sounds a little finnicky for my tastes.
Deadly creatures looks weird but intriguing. Really that is another one where I would have to check out the reviews.
I know it's freakin' crazy this year for sure. I definately want to get Fable 2, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Farcry 2, The Last Remnant, Banjo Nuts & Bolts, and Red Alert 3. Then I still need to get Rock Band 2 and NHL '09. Plus you factor in any downloadable games and it gets into extreme overload. I'll be catching up on games well into next year and even then things won't be letting up either. Star Ocean 4, Street Fighter IV, and Resident Evil 5 are high on my to get list as well. It's an awesome time to be a gamer.
Yeah, definitely. Fortunately, the games that I can't get around to pick up this year will serve wonderfully for all next year!
I finally started Vesperia, and it's freaking awesome! Woo! It's a bit too easy to button mash your way through battles, but I'm forcing myself to use some strategy from the beginning.
Yeah I totally love Tales of Vesperia. You can kind of get by with button mashing but you'll definately need to use more strategy against bosses, or lots of healing items.
You'll also want to use some strategy to get a good overall grade built up because it comes in handy for the New Game + mode.
It's a pretty hefty game as right now I'm currently clocking in 90 hours on one playthrough trying to get as many sidequests done as I can. Plus in New Game + mode an extra dungeon pops up and it's a pretty challenging one at that.
Unless you are broke, then it is a horrible, horrible time to be a gamer. Archie why do you have so many sequels in your wanted list?
Because that's the focus of the industry.
Joking aside, those are great quality sequels. I'd rather get a good sequel than a crappy new IP.
D'oh. Yes everyone would rather have a good game instead of a crappy one, sequel or otherwise. But where's the love for Little King's Story, Fragile, Madworld, Bayonetta, Mushroom Men, Deadly Creatures, Infinite Space (the most ambitious game), Mirror's Edge, etc? And why is almost everyone ignoring the handhelds?
I'd much rather have more to choose from then less because at least then I know I'll always have something great to play.
Well I have so many sequels because those are the games I'm most looking forward to getting. Sorry but I don't have any deep philisophical reason for it.
Well out of those games I am interested in Bayonetta, Mirror's Edge, and am kind of back and forth on Mad World but the black & white thing kind of turns me off a bit. However none of these have turned into must buys for me, yet.
I understand the fact that sequels have a greater certainity that you will like them, because we usually played the prequel. But that does not mean you should not look forward to new IPs. Heck it is more fun, because you have no idea how it will turn out. And deciding this early what games are must buy, is a bit stupid, because you never know what will happen. Oh and every Science Fiction fan must look forward to Infinite Space.
Unless you are broke, then it is a horrible, horrible time to be a gamer. Archie why do you have so many sequels in your wanted list?
Because that's the focus of the industry.
Joking aside, those are great quality sequels. I'd rather get a good sequel than a crappy new IP.
D'oh. Yes everyone would rather have a good game instead of a crappy one, sequel or otherwise. But where's the love for Little King's Story, Fragile, Madworld, Bayonetta, Mushroom Men, Deadly Creatures, Infinite Space (the most ambitious game), Mirror's Edge, etc? And why is almost everyone ignoring the handhelds?
Sequels are like the return of an old friend. And there is usually some semblance of a guarantee of quality. While new IPs are something of an unknown quantity most of the time, till they launch. From your list, I really don't know how many of those are going to launch in the west (europe in particular) this year - as that was the question posed by D.
I would get Little Kings Story, Fragile, Madworld and check out Mushroom Men reviews. Infinite space sounds a little finnicky for my tastes.
Yeah plus you get caught up in their storylines as well. As much as I am looking forward to playing Resident Evil 5 just taking it as it's own game I'm equally interested in playing it to find out what things have happened and how things turn out in the RE universe and the characters.
Unless you are broke, then it is a horrible, horrible time to be a gamer. Archie why do you have so many sequels in your wanted list?
Because that's the focus of the industry.
Joking aside, those are great quality sequels. I'd rather get a good sequel than a crappy new IP.
D'oh. Yes everyone would rather have a good game instead of a crappy one, sequel or otherwise. But where's the love for Little King's Story, Fragile, Madworld, Bayonetta, Mushroom Men, Deadly Creatures, Infinite Space (the most ambitious game), Mirror's Edge, etc? And why is almost everyone ignoring the handhelds?
I'd much rather have more to choose from then less because at least then I know I'll always have something great to play.
Well I have so many sequels because those are the games I'm most looking forward to getting. Sorry but I don't have any deep philisophical reason for it.
Well out of those games I am interested in Bayonetta, Mirror's Edge, and am kind of back and forth on Mad World but the black & white thing kind of turns me off a bit. However none of these have turned into must buys for me, yet.
I understand the fact that sequels have a greater certainity that you will like them, because we usually played the prequel. But that does not mean you should not look forward to new IPs. Heck it is more fun, because you have no idea how it will turn out. And deciding this early what games are must buy, is a bit stupid, because you never know what will happen. Oh and every Science Fiction fan must look forward to Infinite Space.
Well it's not that I don't enjoy new IP's, I got Dead Space and I love it. However if I had unlimited funds then I would certainly buy more games but sadly I don't so choices must be made. I've been gaming a very long time and research the games well so I can very well tell what games are going to be must buy games for me incredibly accurately. Very very rarely will a game I thought was going to be a must buy turn out to be something I don't like.
But where's the love for Little King's Story, Fragile, Madworld, Bayonetta, Mushroom Men, Deadly Creatures, Infinite Space (the most ambitious game), Mirror's Edge, etc? And why is almost everyone ignoring the handhelds?
I'm interested in the bolded titles. I own no handhelds. Thus my lack of interest.
I had a dream that I was a giant Herpie, infecting the world with vaginal bumps.
This is why you need to be on the podcast.
On the games you are looking forward to issue, I do feel kinda bad sometimes when people are just looking towards what are seen as the 'big' games. What I love about gaming is discovering something new that you didn't know would turn out well, or that you didn't know if you'd even like and then immersing yourself in that game and loving it.
archangel3371 said:
Well it's not that I don't enjoy new IP's, I got Dead Space and I love it. However if I had unlimited funds then I would certainly buy more games but sadly I don't so choices must be made. I've been gaming a very long time and research the games well so I can very well tell what games are going to be must buy games for me incredibly accurately. Very very rarely will a game I thought was going to be a must buy turn out to be something I don't like.
I don't even see a game like Dead Space or even GOW as new IP. They seem to me, wholly derivative of other games. It's like giving a house a lick of paint rather than rebuilding. I was just reading a Dead Space review this morning that said it was a pot pourri mix of other survival horror games that never manages to establish an identity of its own. I haven't played it and the review wasn't a bad one, but that was my feeling from the start, it looked to me like that Ubisoft Cold Fear game set on the ship or Alone in the Dark. Just games feeding on each others concepts and mechanics and not trying to do original things. I hear that Dead Space even uses the RE4 breifcase concept?
I had a dream that I was a giant Herpie, infecting the world with vaginal bumps.
This is why you need to be on the podcast.
On the games you are looking forward to issue, I do feel kinda bad sometimes when people are just looking towards what are seen as the 'big' games. What I love about gaming is discovering something new that you didn't know would turn out well, or that you didn't know if you'd even like and then immersing yourself in that game and loving it.
archangel3371 said:
Well it's not that I don't enjoy new IP's, I got Dead Space and I love it. However if I had unlimited funds then I would certainly buy more games but sadly I don't so choices must be made. I've been gaming a very long time and research the games well so I can very well tell what games are going to be must buy games for me incredibly accurately. Very very rarely will a game I thought was going to be a must buy turn out to be something I don't like.
I don't even see a game like Dead Space or even GOW as new IP. They seem to me, wholly derivative of other games. It's like giving a house a lick of paint rather than rebuilding. I was just reading a Dead Space review this morning that said it was a pot pourri mix of other survival horror games that never manages to establish an identity of its own. I haven't played it and the review wasn't a bad one, but that was my feeling from the start, it looked to me like that Ubisoft Cold Fear game set on the ship or Alone in the Dark. Just games feeding on each others concepts and mechanics and not trying to do original things. I hear that Dead Space even uses the RE4 breifcase concept?
Uses RE4's briefcase concept? I wouldn't say that. I mean it has an inventory to hold items and it gets bigger as you upgrade your suit but other games have done that to in different ways also. Cold Fear or Alone in the Dark? I haven't played either but from what I know of those two games Dead Space is sooooo much better. I consider these games new IP's. I'd say it's more then just putting new paint on a house. Sure a house is a house but even though they can both be built on similiar concepts they can both be designed and presented in spectacular fashion and that's what Dead Space does. It may use similar constructs of games before it but it's designed and presented in amazing fashion and not only that but it also has it's own enjoyable story. Really the atmosphere in this game and it's audiovisuals are stunning and incredibly detailed.
Two very good reviews that I would recommend you read are Gamespot's and Giant Bomb's review especially Bomb's review because it was written by someone who was not really interested in the game initially.
On the games you are looking forward to issue, I do feel kinda bad sometimes when people are just looking towards what are seen as the 'big' games. What I love about gaming is discovering something new that you didn't know would turn out well, or that you didn't know if you'd even like and then immersing yourself in that game and loving it.
You know the list Archie gave is almost exactly the same as everyones else's list of games. Everyones taste should be different, than why are the hardcores all looking forward to the exact same games? And they are usually the big coventional games.Why is that?
On the games you are looking forward to issue, I do feel kinda bad sometimes when people are just looking towards what are seen as the 'big' games. What I love about gaming is discovering something new that you didn't know would turn out well, or that you didn't know if you'd even like and then immersing yourself in that game and loving it.
You know the list Archie gave is almost exactly the same as everyones else's list of games. Everyones taste should be different, than why are the hardcores all looking forward to the exact same games? And they are usually the big coventional games.Why is that?
I don't know but isn't that usually the case though. If you pick a bunch of random hardcore gamers they'll usually have most of the same games that they're looking forward to but have slight variances to those lists such as 1 or 2 different games from the majority. Same with casual gamers. They'll have 1 or 2 differences among each other or people who are into the niche games etc.
On the games you are looking forward to issue, I do feel kinda bad sometimes when people are just looking towards what are seen as the 'big' games. What I love about gaming is discovering something new that you didn't know would turn out well, or that you didn't know if you'd even like and then immersing yourself in that game and loving it.
You know the list Archie gave is almost exactly the same as everyones else's list of games. Everyones taste should be different, than why are the hardcores all looking forward to the exact same games? And they are usually the big coventional games.Why is that?
I don't know but isn't that usually the case though. If you pick a bunch of random hardcore gamers they'll usually have most of the same games that they're looking forward to but have slight variances to those lists such as 1 or 2 different games from the majority. Same with casual gamers. They'll have 1 or 2 differences among each other or people who are into the niche games etc.
On the games you are looking forward to issue, I do feel kinda bad sometimes when people are just looking towards what are seen as the 'big' games. What I love about gaming is discovering something new that you didn't know would turn out well, or that you didn't know if you'd even like and then immersing yourself in that game and loving it.
You know the list Archie gave is almost exactly the same as everyones else's list of games. Everyones taste should be different, than why are the hardcores all looking forward to the exact same games? And they are usually the big coventional games.Why is that?
I don't know but isn't that usually the case though. If you pick a bunch of random hardcore gamers they'll usually have most of the same games that they're looking forward to but have slight variances to those lists such as 1 or 2 different games from the majority. Same with casual gamers. They'll have 1 or 2 differences among each other or people who are into the niche games etc.
So people are sheep?! Correct?
Nice try but no. They are that type of gamer for a reason and they like what they like and games are categorized for the same reason because they are made and marketed to those types. You'll also have some overlap to varying degrees with different types of gamers because of the very reason that people do have different tastes. Some hardcore gamers do dip into the casual games and visa-versa.
On the games you are looking forward to issue, I do feel kinda bad sometimes when people are just looking towards what are seen as the 'big' games. What I love about gaming is discovering something new that you didn't know would turn out well, or that you didn't know if you'd even like and then immersing yourself in that game and loving it.
You know the list Archie gave is almost exactly the same as everyones else's list of games. Everyones taste should be different, than why are the hardcores all looking forward to the exact same games? And they are usually the big coventional games.Why is that?
I don't know but isn't that usually the case though. If you pick a bunch of random hardcore gamers they'll usually have most of the same games that they're looking forward to but have slight variances to those lists such as 1 or 2 different games from the majority. Same with casual gamers. They'll have 1 or 2 differences among each other or people who are into the niche games etc.
So people are sheep?! Correct?
You need to be on the podcast so you can twist around my words into something else.
I wrote that same post at the ring of fire on GS, and yeah many of the games we all agree on but as angel said there are always 1 or 2 differences. Like I am the only one that will be getting Sonic. Smerlus wanted to try out Midnight Club. Someone else wanted to check out Spider-Man, Rag wants Valkyria Chronicles.
But in the end everyone wants to play the best games right, so everyone goes for the best games. I will look at you weird if you have a PS3 and don't buy LBP. Or if you have a Wii and dont have SMG. There are some games that everyone should have or at least play.
I had a dream that I was a giant Herpie, infecting the world with vaginal bumps.
This is why you need to be on the podcast.
On the games you are looking forward to issue, I do feel kinda bad sometimes when people are just looking towards what are seen as the 'big' games. What I love about gaming is discovering something new that you didn't know would turn out well, or that you didn't know if you'd even like and then immersing yourself in that game and loving it.
archangel3371 said:
Well it's not that I don't enjoy new IP's, I got Dead Space and I love it. However if I had unlimited funds then I would certainly buy more games but sadly I don't so choices must be made. I've been gaming a very long time and research the games well so I can very well tell what games are going to be must buy games for me incredibly accurately. Very very rarely will a game I thought was going to be a must buy turn out to be something I don't like.
I don't even see a game like Dead Space or even GOW as new IP. They seem to me, wholly derivative of other games. It's like giving a house a lick of paint rather than rebuilding. I was just reading a Dead Space review this morning that said it was a pot pourri mix of other survival horror games that never manages to establish an identity of its own. I haven't played it and the review wasn't a bad one, but that was my feeling from the start, it looked to me like that Ubisoft Cold Fear game set on the ship or Alone in the Dark. Just games feeding on each others concepts and mechanics and not trying to do original things. I hear that Dead Space even uses the RE4 breifcase concept?
I hear you about Dead Space, it is very familiar, very safe in terms of what its like. But it really is such an excellent title that it doesn't matter what it borrowed from, it worked.
As for discovering something new, yeah that could be fun, the thing is we live in an age of up to the second media coverage. We know almost everything about every game before it comes out. LBP is something completely new but I felt I "knew" the game cause I watched so many videos and read so many impressions. Money is tight so I have to know whether its something I would like or not, I cant be guessing. I am a person that has a great sense about what they like and dislike, almost always I can tell if a game is for me or not. Yes every once and a while something will surprise me and its nice but its never been as nice as anticipating that big game you really wanted and having it shatter expectations. The summer time is more or less my experiment time, when there are fewer games out, during the holidays I have to go after what I know will be excellent.
Holy jumping jellybeans what is up with the PS3 in japan. I just looked at that now, the 360 outsells it, LOL. Well that means the PS3 is officially dead until FFXIII when it becomes a zombie for a bit before Nintendo shoots it in the head.
Because that's the focus of the industry.
Joking aside, those are great quality sequels. I'd rather get a good sequel than a crappy new IP.
D'oh. Yes everyone would rather have a good game instead of a crappy one, sequel or otherwise. But where's the love for Little King's Story, Fragile, Madworld, Bayonetta, Mushroom Men, Deadly Creatures, Infinite Space (the most ambitious game), Mirror's Edge, etc? And why is almost everyone ignoring the handhelds?
I'd much rather have more to choose from then less because at least then I know I'll always have something great to play.
Well I have so many sequels because those are the games I'm most looking forward to getting. Sorry but I don't have any deep philisophical reason for it.
Well out of those games I am interested in Bayonetta, Mirror's Edge, and am kind of back and forth on Mad World but the black & white thing kind of turns me off a bit. However none of these have turned into must buys for me, yet.
Sequels are like the return of an old friend. And there is usually some semblance of a guarantee of quality. While new IPs are something of an unknown quantity most of the time, till they launch. From your list, I really don't know how many of those are going to launch in the west (europe in particular) this year - as that was the question posed by D.
I would get Little Kings Story, Fragile, Madworld and check out Mushroom Men reviews. Infinite space sounds a little finnicky for my tastes.
Deadly creatures looks weird but intriguing. Really that is another one where I would have to check out the reviews.
Yeah I totally love Tales of Vesperia. You can kind of get by with button mashing but you'll definately need to use more strategy against bosses, or lots of healing items.
You'll also want to use some strategy to get a good overall grade built up because it comes in handy for the New Game + mode.
It's a pretty hefty game as right now I'm currently clocking in 90 hours on one playthrough trying to get as many sidequests done as I can. Plus in New Game + mode an extra dungeon pops up and it's a pretty challenging one at that.
I had a dream that I was a giant Herpie, infecting the world with vaginal bumps.
I understand the fact that sequels have a greater certainity that you will like them, because we usually played the prequel. But that does not mean you should not look forward to new IPs. Heck it is more fun, because you have no idea how it will turn out. And deciding this early what games are must buy, is a bit stupid, because you never know what will happen. Oh and every Science Fiction fan must look forward to Infinite Space.
Yeah plus you get caught up in their storylines as well. As much as I am looking forward to playing Resident Evil 5 just taking it as it's own game I'm equally interested in playing it to find out what things have happened and how things turn out in the RE universe and the characters.
Well it's not that I don't enjoy new IP's, I got Dead Space and I love it. However if I had unlimited funds then I would certainly buy more games but sadly I don't so choices must be made. I've been gaming a very long time and research the games well so I can very well tell what games are going to be must buy games for me incredibly accurately. Very very rarely will a game I thought was going to be a must buy turn out to be something I don't like.
I'm interested in the bolded titles. I own no handhelds. Thus my lack of interest.
This is why you need to be on the podcast.
On the games you are looking forward to issue, I do feel kinda bad sometimes when people are just looking towards what are seen as the 'big' games. What I love about gaming is discovering something new that you didn't know would turn out well, or that you didn't know if you'd even like and then immersing yourself in that game and loving it.
I don't even see a game like Dead Space or even GOW as new IP. They seem to me, wholly derivative of other games. It's like giving a house a lick of paint rather than rebuilding. I was just reading a Dead Space review this morning that said it was a pot pourri mix of other survival horror games that never manages to establish an identity of its own. I haven't played it and the review wasn't a bad one, but that was my feeling from the start, it looked to me like that Ubisoft Cold Fear game set on the ship or Alone in the Dark. Just games feeding on each others concepts and mechanics and not trying to do original things. I hear that Dead Space even uses the RE4 breifcase concept?
Uses RE4's briefcase concept? I wouldn't say that. I mean it has an inventory to hold items and it gets bigger as you upgrade your suit but other games have done that to in different ways also. Cold Fear or Alone in the Dark? I haven't played either but from what I know of those two games Dead Space is sooooo much better. I consider these games new IP's. I'd say it's more then just putting new paint on a house. Sure a house is a house but even though they can both be built on similiar concepts they can both be designed and presented in spectacular fashion and that's what Dead Space does. It may use similar constructs of games before it but it's designed and presented in amazing fashion and not only that but it also has it's own enjoyable story. Really the atmosphere in this game and it's audiovisuals are stunning and incredibly detailed.
Two very good reviews that I would recommend you read are Gamespot's and Giant Bomb's review especially Bomb's review because it was written by someone who was not really interested in the game initially.
You know the list Archie gave is almost exactly the same as everyones else's list of games. Everyones taste should be different, than why are the hardcores all looking forward to the exact same games? And they are usually the big coventional games.Why is that?
I don't know but isn't that usually the case though. If you pick a bunch of random hardcore gamers they'll usually have most of the same games that they're looking forward to but have slight variances to those lists such as 1 or 2 different games from the majority. Same with casual gamers. They'll have 1 or 2 differences among each other or people who are into the niche games etc.
So people are sheep?! Correct?
You need to be on the podcast so you can twist around my words into something else.
I wrote that same post at the ring of fire on GS, and yeah many of the games we all agree on but as angel said there are always 1 or 2 differences. Like I am the only one that will be getting Sonic. Smerlus wanted to try out Midnight Club. Someone else wanted to check out Spider-Man, Rag wants Valkyria Chronicles.
But in the end everyone wants to play the best games right, so everyone goes for the best games. I will look at you weird if you have a PS3 and don't buy LBP. Or if you have a Wii and dont have SMG. There are some games that everyone should have or at least play.
Tell me then, which games should I be looking forward to in order not to be a sheep.
I hear you about Dead Space, it is very familiar, very safe in terms of what its like. But it really is such an excellent title that it doesn't matter what it borrowed from, it worked.
As for discovering something new, yeah that could be fun, the thing is we live in an age of up to the second media coverage. We know almost everything about every game before it comes out. LBP is something completely new but I felt I "knew" the game cause I watched so many videos and read so many impressions. Money is tight so I have to know whether its something I would like or not, I cant be guessing. I am a person that has a great sense about what they like and dislike, almost always I can tell if a game is for me or not. Yes every once and a while something will surprise me and its nice but its never been as nice as anticipating that big game you really wanted and having it shatter expectations. The summer time is more or less my experiment time, when there are fewer games out, during the holidays I have to go after what I know will be excellent.
Holy jumping jellybeans what is up with the PS3 in japan. I just looked at that now, the 360 outsells it, LOL. Well that means the PS3 is officially dead until FFXIII when it becomes a zombie for a bit before Nintendo shoots it in the head.