FFXIII scenario almost complete.
PS3 version will not be effected by 360 version.
Arc Rise Fantasia website upens
Dragons, airship and a main character that does not look like a tranny
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SD enabled DS will be music to the homebrew scenesters ears.
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Pirates have already found easy ways around it.
One of the site's forefathers.
Except it's more powerful like a next-gen system ought to be, has an infinitely more better online service, has a much more robust and interesting Avatar system, and costs less then a Wii. Wow that's quite the knock-off.
Actually it reminded me more of the PS2 Slim with it's shape. Also I doubt either Microsoft or Sony will be introducing any waggle type controllers for their current systems.
Anyway what's wrong with either Microsoft or Sony expanding their consumer base to include this new demographic of consumer? I mean kudos to Nintendo for venturing into uncharted territory first but it's not theirs and theirs alone to cater to. Other companies have just as much right to attract them as Nintendo does.
well i wasn't even comparing power or online or any of that. just pointing out the irony of it all
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
. I'm playing Two Thrones, well, stopped playing it.
The three games are so godamn similar, okay warrior within had this shitty presentational change. But it's one of these games that hasn't changed like Splinter Cell or the MSR/PGR series. I can't believe I get sucked into buying them all.
It's a mock-up picture.
Well it is a knock off. Microsoft doesn't seem to have an original idea of its own. That's why some people came away from E3 MS conference feeling like they were directionless. They don't know what to do with gaming except copy other people. The Peter Moore interviews showed how they were just fixated with Sony and now Nintendo is the market leader they are fixated with them. Now they have introduced family friendly avatars, their new market campaign is aimed at "Family, Children and Music" (see Thursdays updates). And now they seem to be aiming at dropping the price and slimming down the console.
They are turning it into the Wii step by step. So you can't blame people for being cynical. I wouldn't be suprised if they came out with their motion controller either. I know from what you've said in the past that you love this approach where companies rip concepts and ideas from each other. There are other people who see it as cheap and un-original, even underhand at times, un-inspired and lazy at best. It can also be patronising when companies like Rare give interviews pretending that they had all these ideas years ago (they just never got around to presenting them - yeah right) and then criticising the originals. Like these boutique motion control companies, who act all haughty that their motion controls are more accurate and better, when the if the concept wasn't made a success by the people they are now trashing, it would be worthless.
Did some updates.
Here are some Conduit pics
Actually the majority felt that Microsoft had the best show of E3. Lowering price and slimming down the console is a negative now and an indication of lack of uniqueness? Jesus gg with all due respect you can't be serious. Making devices smaller/slimmer is what all electronic manufacturers do as well as making things cheaper so more can buy it, it's just simple basic economics.
So because Nintendo found a way to reach a new audience they own that market segment? I'm sorry but that's just flat out ridiculous. People were complaining that MS just targeted the hardcore and that they needed to broaden their game library to keep the userbase growing. So now that they have started to make an effort to cater to a casual userbase they are ripping someone off. Umm no that's just wrong.
Bringing out a motion control device for input is now also considered as being bad? Well I guess the d-pad should have stopped after it's first iteration, same with analog sticks, bumpers, hell even having face buttons on your controller should have stopped long ago. Nope thats how things evolve. No one even knows what improvements or new things may come along with console manufactuers building on this concept.
This all screams of hypocrasy to me. If every single thing had to be unique and never built upon there would be alot less stuff in the world without an ounce of benefits that evolution brings with it.
wow first time there are so many updates on a sunday. thanks GG, much appreciated
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Indeed. Quite surprising. Conduit pics look awesome BTW.
I also love the new DS model. I definately want me one of those.
well the point GG was making was that microsoft doesn't care to evolve anything or offer anything by means of improvement, they just flat out copy sony and nintendo. how is that evolution?
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
I don't think companies realise the benefits of having a large and healthy pre-owned market gives them. They only consider the people who buy pre-owned as customers lost but they don't consider that that may have been the only way they may have got the game or the fact that many gamers fund a large portion of their games by a continuing pattern of buying and selling. They would obviously end up buying fewer games if they had no recourse to sell them and would also make far more fewer impulse buys and would be less inclined to try far fewer unknown games.
The E3 shows were pretty crap overall, especially with nintendo's being a ripe turd. Again, it wasn't about the presentations, but the direction. There was an overall feeling that MS is a company that doesn't have a plan. It's a like a blob that waits to see what the competition is doing and then incorporates it into its own mass.
It's not just the slimming aspect, but again that is something that Sony started and another thing that MS tagged onto. It's the whole caboodle. When MS showed something at E3, you could say "Oh right, MS's Singstar. Oh right, MS's Miis." etc. And have you seen their recent marketing materials? You might as well replace the the wii remotes with 360 controllers. The Mii's are a pretty obvious example as well as their recent drive to casualize their console and make it family and children friendly. They don't know where to turn so they just go with what's currently successful.
I'm not saying the games or the console aren't good, just questioning the business mentality of their Entertainment division. BTW I never said that nintendo own a particular market segment, just that the sudden quick turn and cynical means to try and reach that audience are uninspired. It's like watching all the Brain Age copycats with similar boxart and claims and presentation. The problem is that Microsoft pigeonholed themselves into the hardcore corner, now they seem to be rushing in the other direction - when they should have had an all encompassing direction in the first place. Again, it shows how fixated they were on Sony, they look to what's successful, they aren't creating the success themselves, hence, directionless.
Lastly, how quickly something is ripped is a definite factor as well as what it does or doesn't do better. If someone appears to be jumping on a bandwagon, I find it cynical. When you are talking hypocrisy, then you should look at all the gamers, industry execs and gaming journalists who ripped the shite out of motion controls and the fad and the kiddie system and now are all on a Phoenix Wright like turnabout.
You guys don't honestly believe that to be true do you? They have the best online structure, they made HDD pretty much a universal standard (even you guys are wanting Nintendo to bring one out for the Wii). The Avatar system is very much indeed a large evolution of Mii's simply by being so much more robust with being able to put so much more clothing options in there and everything being so much more detailed as well as even having gameshow like contests with a whole bunch of others. All this stuff may be unimportant to you but that's irrelevant because it is still very much an evolution regardless. Mii's simply look antique to the Avatars.
Yes, so there are are at least two non-assholes here.
Thanking justice! Suck on it Iga! Ahahahaha
I think that companies should be given a percentage amount of used games sales. I don't how it is in the rest of the world, but over here you get terrible credit for trading a game in and the store sell it for three times as much. And then they have about 1/3 of a store devoted to 2nd hand games that retail for a few pounds cheaper than brand new and boxed in some cases.
I prefer to just ebay my games or buy from ebay for pre-owned. But there is also the pre-owned aspect that do wonders for a game series. For instance if you didn't get a game when it first came out because you didn't fancy it, then you pick it up pre-owned because of the price, love it and get hyped for the sequel which you then buy outright on release.
You're right that that stuff isn't important to me, personally. I can't even get my 360 online because they didn't evolve the system to have wireless internet
Or a free service, or a standard hard drive.
At a reasonable price.
The hard drive isn't an evolution, it killed them on the original Xbox. A hard drive has almost become a requirement because of downloadable games, it takes no imagination to stick a hard drive on something. The only reason you don't see it on Wii is because nintendo can be such a cheap ass company. But that's what has kept them in business and allowed them to deliver consoles at a reasonable cost for them and the consumer.
It's something that has been a part of PC gaming for years, as has online gaming. Ask PC owners, High Defintion, online gaming and downloadable content has been a long time staple. MS obviously know online, obviously know PCs and so it's no suprise to see it on their latest console.
There are gameshow like contests on Wii already, the Mii Channel, the Everybody votes channel, all the Wiiware gameshow titles, the rate Mii channel etc.
Number 24 of the greatest capcom characters of all time (Link in sundays updates)
24. Baby Head (Captain Commando)
Along with Captain Commando, Ginzu the Ninja and Mack the Knife, Baby Head proves to be a formidable part of a crime-fighting team, kicking butt in his robot suit. His mother must be so proud – or concerned.

21. Godot (Phoenix Wright)This cool prosecutor is one of Phoenix Wright's most feared opponents, not only because of his high level of confidence, but also because of an electronic Cyclops-ish visor. Sure, he drinks lots of coffee, and his involvement with colleague Mia is shady, but Godot is still better than most of the attorneys out there. Except for Phoenix, of course.

17. Frank West (Dead Rising)Poor Frank West. All the guy wants to do is take pictures and finish his story. Instead, he winds up in the middle of a zombie invasion and must use all sorts of objects to stop them. If this means dressing up like Mega Man, picking up a shelving unit and bashing their heads in while running around the mall, so be it. At least the guy adds some style to getting his job done.
WTF! Above Hagger?? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

15. Amaterasu (Okami)The star of one of Capcom's most visually stunning games, Amaterasu has a lot of work ahead of her. Summoned as a Shinto sun goddess, the white wolf is called upon to clean up the land of spiritual demons while putting up with the complaint-heavy Issun and occasionally helping townsfolk with the assistance of a celestial brush. She's the primary reason why you should track this game down for PlayStation 2 and Wii.
I like Amaratsu but WTH? She is characterless. Issun should be on the list instead.

9. Viewtiful JoeThanks to the power of the V-Watch, movie viewer Joe goes from typical schmo to all-out Viewtiful. He's on a mission to save his girlfriend, using the power of slo-mo, rewind and fast-forwarding to save the day, along with his punches and kicks. He does it all with a carefree style, waving his tongue about as he knocks enemies into the middle of next month.

8. Phoenix WrightPhoenix Wright is under a lot of pressure, including a brutal attack by a suspect and getting accused of murder, but in the end his fight for justice rings true. We'll take him over a real lawyer any day.

4. Strider Hiryu (Strider)First introduced in 1989, Strider Hiryu has become an extremely popular character in Capcom's arsenal. His side-scrolling antics in the original Strider are unforgettable, and the PlayStation follow-up, Strider 2, continues that excellence. This masked hero also appears in the Marvel vs. Capcom series, bringing his faithful robotic drones and panther along for the ride.
It's about time there was another Strider game
Chun Li is number 2, WTF? Megaman is predictably number 1.
Well this new market caught everyone by surprise so it's only natural for a company to suddenly target this new audience and why the hell shouldn't they. That should be the goal of any hardware manufacturer which is to get the system into as many homes as possible. It's not like they did a complete 180 because they already have the developer support for the hardcore audience lined up to the hilt and that audience already knows this so what would be the point in not doing a full on "family-friendly" campaign to quickly get the casuals attention as fast as possible. See this is exactly the kind of hypocrisy that I'm talking about in which the undertones are clearly visible by some in the gaming community. People talk about how Nintendo is riding high because they tapped into a new market and they say how in order for others to catch up they need to do the same. Except when they actually do this then they are just copying. That to me sounds like they somewhat have this notion in their head that this new market belongs to Nintendo if only on a subconcious level.
This slimming down concept wasn't something new when Sony first did it for consoles let alone pretty much any electronic device in general. Slimming down a console shouldn't even enter into a thought of 'copy cat' in the most vague and slightest concept. This is how companies bring down costs and make devices cheaper and more efficient.
You see I find it hypocritical when people keep bagging on MS for bringing out games that people want. It's freaking Kareoke. Seriously how many different ways can you do a game where you sing into a mic? It's like any other type of game yet for some reason people want to grasp on to certain ones. Maybe they should bag on MS to for trying to get a bunch of JRPG's on the 360 because people wanted them but since they weren't the first to popularize them. How about FPS and WRPG games then? Since MS popularized those games for consoles then how about bagging on systems that try to build their library with those kind of games.
Again what the Wii brought to gaming was all incredibly new so skepticism about it was the perfectly normal reaction. It found a new market and one that needs to be catered to and not just by Nintendo so when I see things that condemn others for trying to reach out to that audience that strikes me as hypocritical and fanboyish because if you think and like how Nintendo's approach was then by proxy you should at the very least be interested in how another might follow in those same footsteps.
Well PC's are a very different thing from consoles. PC's required HDD from there inception for things outside of gaming. The PC games were created around something that was designed for multiple purposes. A bit of the same thing with online as well. For consoles their whole design was mainly gaming centric. Prior to the XBOX the thought of online, especially broadband, and an having a HDD on consoles was pretty much a joke and lacked any serious motivation.
The Everybody Votes and Rate Mii channels are paper thin contests at best and I wouldn't even entertain the thought of comparing them to the Avatar trivia game that I saw.
Don't really know what the Wii-ware games are like as I never tried there but really what's the big deal about that. Seems like it would be comparable to berating 2KSports for making a hockey game because EA were making hockey games long before them and that would be silly because while they are fundamentally the same they'll still have their own unique traits for people to prefer one over the other.
I think Home is a pretty cool idea and some of that stuff seemed like common sense in that when you first start out it would be kind of barren because it's something that will grow as you populate it with your friends and stuff. The download as you entered each new building sounded like it could be annoying but it could have just been setup that way for the beta and could be something Sony changes for retail although when you have finished visiting each new building for the first time you'll eventually have all of it downloaded. I'm hoping that there will games that integrate the Home feature in new and unique ways.
I don't know if giving companies a percentage of profits from pre-owned games would be too good of an idea. It could lead to less value for your trade-ins. Selling games is still the best. For my trade-ins I typically get 50% to 60% of what I originally payed. Some I get less some I get more but I'd say this is probably what I average at. I should start keeping track just for curiousity sake. It seems like the system works quite well as is and as a total guess I would say that companies probably benefit slightly with it in it's current form.