Tatsunoko vs. Campcom licencing issues
Sven says that he is working on it
Read the Majora's Mask Manga right now
Do not pay attention to the news below
Final Fantasy IV Sequel Coming to Western Shores..
They love the wii so much they're releasing mobile games on it!
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That Chobot girl is...breast impaired.
Pics or it's unproven.
I saw her on that IGN Fable II Preview. She gave me the impression to be a bit flatchested. She's beautiful, but I guess you have more titties than her.
I just wanted to see some pics of this annoying sexy hag.
Shit, I can't find episode 7 of king arthur and the knights of justice. Or anything past episode 6.
They dont sell em, it aint on youtube.
Fap away then, my friend.
Ex-Xbox head Peter Moore has revealed how Microsoft was "completely fixated on Sony" with its Xbox Strategy.
Speaking in the second part of an interview with The Guardian, Moore revealed that Nintendo wasn't even considered when discussing console strategies with Microsoft boss Steve Ballmer (and now Wii's at the top).
"In January (2003) I flew up [to Redmond] and had lunch with Steve Ballmer and you don't say no to Ballmer," Moore said, discussing his route into Xbox. "We had a great lunch and he convinced me that Microsoft was going to take on Sony; so I get to put on my suit of armour, get on my horse and take on Sony again - but with a little bit more money this time!"
It was a classic "build or buy" conversation, said the now EA Sport boss. "Xbox had launched but it was an aggressive black box for shooters, and how do we evolve that, how do we build the next Xbox, how do we get after Sony?
"Interestingly, we were just completely fixated on Sony," Moore revealed. "Nintendo didn't even come into the conversation. But Steve was very compelling, particularly when you're one-on-one with him in his office - we talked about what we'd done to compete with Sony, where I felt their weaknesses were."
Microsoft had "a little bit of a concern" with Sony, Moore added. "We wanted to keep them out of the living room, from a software and services perspective," he said.
"He wanted my attitude, he didn't care what I'd achieved at Sega, he wanted to know how I was going to win for Microsoft, how we were going to take on Sony, how would we compete with - or acquire - Nintendo. Those were the conversations in those days."
And now Microsoft's out there chasing Nintendo's mainstream success. We won't point out the irony - that'd be mean
P.S Chobot is a hag. Peter moore and Balmer discussed that too.
Grrrr, who keeps editing my news subtitles?
I think it is God!
He works in mysterious ways.
Yep, but you can apparently ask him any question here and he will answer it! This site is so awesome that God posts here!
I am updating.
I asked him the other day for GG's dick to fall down. Dunno if that happened.
Are you one of the crazies that actually think the new Metallica is good because they added distortion and are trying to be heavy again just because its the thing to do? Say it aint so Steel!
My take on it is....there's some cool riffs here and there but for the most part its still a poor CD compared to their old stuff, or anything from their brethren who somehow manage to sound as good or better now as they did back then, like Exodus, Testament, Slayer, etc.
I can't stand Hetfield's voice anymore. He lost all the power behind it and is just annoying now. Hammet....has always been an overrated guitarist. Lars is a greedy annoying overrated drummer. Rob is a great bass player but lets face it he's not Metallica.
What you're left with....is a few nice riffs that Hetfield probably lifted from some old tapes of the Justice sessions around '87. And it took Rick Rubin to give him the idea to do so.
The sad thing is, people will act like this is the best thing ever and it'll outsell probably every metal CD since the last Pantera release, even though there's so many more deserving bands. I saw some kid call it the "album of the year" and all I could think was, you obviously haven't heard much metal of late, like the new Testament for one.
I like Chobot's small titties, by the way. I'd rather have small perfectly shaped boobs than huge flabby boobs.
i think so too. i hope to have a ps3 by the time this gets released in english. i remember reading that yakuza 3 would be taking place many years prior to the first 2 games but it doesn't look so from these screens
Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu
Holy crap, its modern times in Yakuza 3!! Hype plus a million. Hopefully its more than just a way to tell a story of ancient times.
I am bad on funds this year so a ton of renting for me, I will probably only buy LBP and Resistance 2 but rent a bunch of games.
Rental Dead Space Oct. 14
No thanks SOCOM:Confrontation Oct. 14
Rental/maybe buy Far Cry 2 Oct. 21
Rental Bioshock Oct. 21
I wish I could buy Fable 2 Oct. 21
100% buy Little Big Planet Oct. 21
100% buy (maybe wait till Xmas) Fallout 3
Buy (prob till Xmas) Resistance 2
Buy (prob till Xmas) Sonic Unleashed
Rental Mirror's Edge Nov. 11
Buy at some point Banjo & Kazooie 3 Nov. 11
Maybe rent Call of Duty:World at War Nov. 11
Eh Mushroom Men Nov. 11
No Tales Of Symphonia 2 Nov. 11
I wish I could buy Gears 2
2 for 1 TRU buy de Blob Sept. 22
2 for 1 TRU buy Warioland Sept. 22
Rent/maybe buy Prince Of Persia Nov. 18
Maybe rent Tomb Raider: Underworld Nov. 18
I wish I could buy Left 4 Dead Nov. 20