PAX 2008: Stardock Plans Micro Expansions for Sins
Sins as in sins of the Solar Empire
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They don't make 'em like they used to. Still - at least they make 'em.
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aspro (6m)
And THIS is why I HATE reading Neogaf.
Yeah I see what you mean. Not to mention that when they are in a tight spot they can't introduce it. I think the balance board would've been a wonder to introduce a few years from now, especially if it could detect where your foot hits so you could run and kick in the game.
Great post. I mean Microsoft's problem is that they are just too much business to be the leader. Yes I know all the console makers are blood sucking vampires that just want our cash but at least some have the wall to please their console base. Microsoft on the other hand just doesn't care. They don't create their own developmenet studios like Nintendo or look for rising studios like SONY does, Microsoft just buys the already Behemoths like Lionhead and Epic. That doesn't do anything but keep the developers from making games on other systems. And don't even get me started about having users PAY for online...WTF you PAY for online...PC gamers get the best of the best of everything (dedicated servers, usercreated servers, mods, updates, demos, buddy list, independent games, the whole nine yards) for free. Microsoft? Dedicated servers, independent games, updates, demos, buddy list for $50 a year. And what infurates me is that this has become the new "standard" for online on consoles. This certainly isn't what online developers imagined 15 years ago nor what SEGA imagined 10 years ago. I could only imagine if they made top.
That saying all three companies have their problems. With SONY their consoles just feel too much like a DVD player. I mean the consoles and types of games don't give you the same vibes as say SEGA or Nintendo consoles and third and first party games did. Nintendo console give that vibe however Nintendo acts too much like a software company and not enough like a hardware company. Rarely do they ever talk about third party games let alone promote them.
I've said it once and I'll say it again. Standardization is inevitable with this market. It's getting far too big for console makers to call the shots. It is getting far too big for publishers to pick what platform they develop for to be limited by power (whether it is not enough or so much that their games wouldn't seem fit for them) or relying on someone else to advertise the hardware (when was the last time you saw a DVD player commercial?, the movies do the advertising). I wouldn't be surprised if this was the last "console war" generation.
6.0 tranlates to 7.5 for a regular site. EDGE's scores are different as the 1 - 10 scale really applys (Phoenix Wright III got a 6.0).
Not to mention that this price drop was solely to drop the price of the 360 even lower because their last price drop 2 months ago didn't do squat.
One of the site's forefathers.
Play fighting games!
With regard to the Sony/Microsoft discussion, I'm a stubborn consumer; I don't want to support companies I see as acting and promoting genuinely negative practices. PS3 killed any chance of a purchase from me with that absurd controller announcement at E3 '06. Despite knowing all about their controller remix's on PS1, I wouldn't have imagined they had the gall.
Meanwhile Microsoft and the red-rings, the RED RINGS. AAAHG.
Just on decency alone I'm glad to see Nintendo trouncing them. These ignoring the launch price-points and all the other issues. They all have their deficiencies, but ugh, Microsoft and Sony are basically the Liberal and Conservative parties in Canada; it ends up being a vote for NDP by default.
Meanwhile I stand steadfast that the standardized "DVD-model" is a pipe-dream and completely unfeasible.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileBAHAHAHAHAHA GS scored Mercenaries 2 a 5.0!
Oh it was Aaron Thomas, the genius that gave Ratchet a 7.5. Some dude at gaf did a GG like tear apart of the review, as usual its filled with wrong statements and crazy leaps of logic.
Fucking Aaron Thomas. I hate that guy.
How can you justify giving the third Ace Attorney game a lower score than the sequel? It's fucking stupid. Welcome to Aaron Thomas' world - where up is down, awesome is medicore and so on, so forth.
Sad news - Jeff Green is apparently leaving 1UP to work on the Sims. Fucking lame - I love GFW...
Curse these uni assignements...curse them!
LOL, and The Conduit doesn't?!!?!?!?!??!
Jason May Cry.
More like Jamie May Cry.
All the Js confuse me, my bad!
Thanks. Certainy a unique approach to music. I read that the head of red fly are two ex-Retro studios art staff and that's why the game has such strong art.
Ah, Edgecrusher answered you. I think everyone assumed that nintendo bought Monolithsoft because Disaster was going to turn out to be fuck awesome. Then there were rumours that Matsuno joined them and nintendo wanted an RPG house with him at the helm, hence the purchase.
Am I crazy or did I see that Godmode was a mod or some sort of admin thing?
Ah I see someone has started some friday morning updates so i will hold off and post this here.
Day 1? It's being headed up by the same guy who's making Little Kings Story and he's an ex DQVIII and FF guy.
"Electronic Entertainment Design and Research analyst Jesse Divnich told GameSpot that Microsoft's $199 SKU puts the company in prime position to halt Sony's surging PlayStation 3. "Microsoft has the industry's best exclusive licenses, such as Halo, Gears of War, and Fable," noted Divnich. "In terms of software, Sony has Resistance and LittleBigPlanet, which can't compare to Gears and Fable 2. So with Microsoft beating Sony on pricing, beating them on library, and beating them on services with Xbox Live, the price cut should shift momentum back to the 360," asserted Divnich. "
Edgecrusher the single platform idea is an idea that wont be realised until there is a Highlander situation where there can be only one. As long as people are making money, it wont happen. Strangely the 3DO and Trip Hawkins had the right idea way back when, when he licenced the technology so that anybody could manurfacture it. Like how DVD players can be made by anyone and will play all DVDs.
Punk, balance board? That would mean running on the spot.
Oh jesus. A 5.0? What is wrong with that place? Didn't they underate a ton of PSN and WiiWare titles too.
What the crap? Everyone underates Ace Attorny anyway. Who has played Apollo Justice BTW?
GTA on Wii?
Given that Take-Two and Rockstar's next step in expanding the Grand Theft Auto empire is a move onto Nintendo DS with the upcoming Chinatown Wars, what's the likelihood that GTA IV or another franchise installment might appear on the Wii?
Speaking on Chinatown Wars during the company's third quarter call to investors, Take-Two CEO Ben Feder wouldn't rule it out, as he confirmed that the DS title is set to release in the first quarter of 2009 -- no later than February 1.
The company's spent what Feder said is "an enormous amount of time and effort" with Nintendo building a "partnership" to bring GTA onto the DS, and he also feels the franchise has "significant value to add" to the platform.
"It's not a one-way relationship in any way," Feder said. "Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is not even the first step, but an important step, in continuing to develop that relationship."
"Without commenting on whether GTA is coming to the Wii or not, Nintendo and Take-Two work very well together; Nintendo and Rockstar work well together, and we are continuing to grow that relationship."
Hmm, I fail to see the benefits that wii could bring to GTA other than aiming. But that's not to say that they couldn't make a good one like Vice City/GTA3/San Andreas. I would just hope that they could acheive a level of graphics matching say the burnout games. Then again Bully had some intesting additions in the Wii version. The aiming of course but then the combat was really fun with independent movement of your fists with wii mote and nunchuk, shoving and kicking moves and some interesting mini-game type things.
I think if and it's a big F-ing IF, GTA were to come to Wii, Take two would have to get someone else to develop it while the main team worked on GTA V for next gen systems. This wouldn't be a bad thing if they got the Bully team on the case
What the Blob, paint bukkake? Who's doing the updates? Steel?
Mercenaries 2 a Gamespot are fucking horrible. I honestly can't believe some forumers there truely believe that Gamespot are still better at reviews than IGN. At one point they were, but that was years ago. Granted, Merc 2 isn't as great as it could have been, but a 5 is as bad as the Fire Emblem Wii review, or Gerstmann's infamous 5.7 rating on Tomb Raider 2.
Regardless of whether the Wii controls would add anything to GTA, that would still be great having a GTA on Wii. Mario Galaxy didn't really benefit too much from the controller either, other than collecting those dumb stars, but who cares as long as it doesn't take anything away.
Someone still updating? Ah, I will post more here then.
HOLY SHIT, De Blob gets a 10/10
"The first third-party Wii game that would have Mr. Miyamoto bowing in awed respect. De Blob is da bomb!"
James Mielke had a nugget on Rygar for Wii.
"But both companies are legendary for their cheapness (see: Tecmo's repurposing of a 5 year-old PS2 game -- Rygar -- as a $500,000 quickie port to the Wii, a project which proved so disastrous and unportable that Tecmo had to go back to the drawing board with it, at nearly three times the cost of what they were trying to achieve in the first place), "
At least they are doing it properly now.
Must be Iga I can tell most of the time.
True. I would personally like the series to go back to the 1980s.
Or do something different. Why play as the same sort of guy working his way up the criminal underworld? Change things up a bit in terms of character, setting or story.
I think that people underate what Galaxy does with the controller. You used it to tilt that ball about, which I loved. You used it to control the manta ray. It was great at pointing at and shooting out stars. Even something as simple as that, shooting at the screen independently of character control, is something that is impossible with a dual analogue controller. Then you used the controller to use those elastic band type spiders webs and even things like blowing the mario bubble around.
De Blob is going to be remembered as a fucking classic...mark my words.
Tenchu and Sky Crawlers are both looking nice. But Sky is being done by the ace team right? the guys that also did the horrible star fox assault? I hope they're putting more effort into this one...they seem to only get Ace Combat right.
In fairness Starfox was ruined by by not just concentrating on the flight combat. This game looks to be doing things right. I have seen some screens of this game where the horizon just stretches out into the distance with no fogging or pop up or whatever. Even saw a screen where the plane was miles up in the air and you could still make out the shimmering surface of the ocean.
I got impressions here from Anoop, the IGN guy
The Ace Combat team worked wonders making the PlayStation 2 produce top-class flight visuals, and it looks like they're doing the same with the Wii. Sky Crawlers, which saw its playable debut at the C3xHOBBY event today will instantly grab your eye with its quality visuals.
Unfortunately, the C3xHOBBY demo was so short that it was difficult to take in anything but the visuals.
While the short length of the demo kept me from coming fully to grips with the control system, there was no doubt left over the game's good looks. Picture all those pretty frame buffer grabs of the PS2 Ace Combat games, but without having to go through the PS2's crappy video output. Sky Crawlers image quality is clean. And, of course, the game stays nice and smooth even during those cinematic aerial maneuvers.
There is control talk there too. If the anime is good, I might get this.
Its based on an anime? That's fucked up.
I have.
Nowhere near as good as the other games. Decent enough, but trust me, you're better off sticking to the original and the third game. Maybe the second, if only for the final part of that game.