Probably fake Sadness footage.
Still more than we will ever see from the game.
List of upcoming PS3 games with trophy support.
I think its a third party list.
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robio (2m)
Well madWorld if advertised could sell millions and millions. Think about it no colour, bloody and mindless violence and chainsaws. It worked for Gears of War, why not for MadWorld?
Hmm, the Shaun White Wii video 1 and video 2 are the exact same . . .
You serious? The last time a black and white movie did well was with power of stephen speilburg behind it, okay add Sin City.
Madworld looks great but it almost seems like the very definition of a niche title to me. I would say that sales like No More Heroes would be a good bet for this title. I hope it does better though.
Those SOBs tricked me. I will delete.
I was making a joke GG, but still if they advertise it enough they might make a million. Maybe the casuals that like Sin City will buy it, or perhaps the controversy shall increase the sales. I think it will sell better than No More Heroes, because it will be technical better (no N64 style overworld) and hopefully it shall have blood in the European version.
Gotta use smileys to joke
I think the controversy might hurt this game. Already in the UK you have tabloids trying to get it banned and claiming that it will hurt the wii's family friendly image. Look what happened with manhunt 2 over here, technically it was eventually, finally passed (the cut US version that is). Still, it's not on the shelves.
It'll take a hell of a lot of marketing to make this bad boy sell IMO.
I seriously don't know what the big problem some of these reviewers had with Too Human because so far with having put in over 7 hours into this game I think it's a pretty decent game. Sure it's got some problems here and there mostly with repetitious enemy design and some issues with the character classes and skill trees. I certainly wouldn't say it's looking like a AAA title but if it pretty much stays the course I'm thinking it'll at least be a 7.5 to 8 kind of game. It's a fairly good looking game graphically and the stages are simply massive. The story is interesting and there is tons of loot and many different ways to customise it which is awesome.
Well IGN gave it a 7.8 or something. If you like the story you should start reading Norse mythology, I think you will like it.
OXM has spoken.
And they say Microsoft's new 360 interface is going to change the way we see consoles. Funny, I thought they were just copying the Wii.
I honestly don't like what I've seen of the new menu system. This is why I don't like consoles being updated and changed....what happens when you don't LIKE the change? If you buy a console when it has a certain look, then they go and completely change it into something else a few years later. Its not the same machine you originally liked.
I also forsee major hardware malfunctions when this shit happens.
Yeah I think that sounds like a more reasonable score from what I have played so far. It's more places like GS that gave it a 5.5 that I think are pretty far off the mark.
I do enjoy Norse mythology and have read and seen a good deal about. That's probably another plus for me about this game.
Reviews either line up to 10/10 or rape a game. Not much in between these days. Your impressions sound like a silicon knight game to me. This game is on my back burner not because it sounds bad, just because I'm looking forward to other games.
I'm still stuck on the Heat GTA IV mission! Someone tell me I can skip this.
I thought there was an option to ignore it on 360?
Ok I am here.
FU impressions soon, thats Force Unleashed.
GG no way to skip that mission, that was one of my favorites in the game. I know it was hard, it took me like 5 times to do it.
Awesome! I guess if you don't like it then it sucks but personally I love it. I love things like this, system updates and such because I always like checking out the new features. I could really care less if they're ripping off Wii or anybody rips off anybody if it's a cool feature, Mii's are, and they can enhance it for their system, it does because they look more detailed and more robust, then why not do it.
Sorry GG there is no way to skip it as far as I know. Sorry to hear that your still stuck on it. It took me a few tries but I didn't find it too bad. I actually really enjoyed that mission because it was action-packed and intense.
I think it's just the avatar thing you can opt to not use but you need to use the new interface.
Oh. Are you going to update?
I have your FU impressions right here. Yes, I am holding my middle finger up to the screen
I didn't even know this game was out! Please tell me more I have been looking forward to this game.
I have failed the Heat mission in GTA IV I think 4 times. Most of the time you F up because either the camera isn't right or the controls aren't right. But what hurts is being sent back to the begginning where the mission was first issued and you cant even take a taxi to the bank as you have to ferry Packie and his friends there manually. I got out of the subway and suddenly they left me in a street with no cars and on the screen it suddenly said:
And I was like.......... yeah, no cars here. So I shot up a cop car and jumped in. And you know normally when you go outside the red circle and chill the cops stop chasing you? I did that.... twice and nothing happened, they still chased me and because I was in a cop car I couldn't duck into a garage.
Then the car caught on fire. So I jump out and run to another car and behind me off camera the car explodes and Graham or whatever his name is dies. Why am I responsible for their well being?! How idiotic. I really feel like stopping playing this game because of the Packie missions. I just want to put my own bullet into this asshole's head.
Logitech introduces first force-feedback wheel for Wii (USB receiver, releases in November)
Logitech Speed Force Wireless Racing Wheel Works With EA's Highly Anticipated Racing Game Need for Speed: Undercover
*Pricing and Availability*
The Logitech Speed Force Wireless racing wheel is expected to be available in the U.S. and Europe beginning in November for a suggested retail price of $99.99 (U.S.).
WTH? I don't see the need for this thing at all, especially considering it only supports one effing game. I'm quite happy with my Mario Kart Wii Wheel, thank you.
Demo is out for FU.
Yes I am doing updates.
I now remember what a pain in the ass it was to start over, and yeah the shooting part wasn't that hard, it was the escape which was crazy.
So this DS game, Away, looks pretty damn awesome.
What does everyone think about the Dead rising Chop till you drop footage?
There is gameplay footage on . It looks pretty bad to me. Where are the 30 zombies that were in the screens? Where are the 100 that they are aiming for? Visually it's dull and PS2-ish and I almost feel like if I want a game that plays like RE4 this winter I will just play RE4.
Then wait for RE5 2009. This game has dropped off my radar for the moment as someone who has already played this game on 360. I would still probably reccomend that people who haven't tried it before get it though.
You love everything.
I hate Mii's.
I don't care if they're ripping anybody off either. I just find it funny that OXM tries to make it sound like some incredible thing when all it is, is a new fucking menu screen with Sims characters on it.