Probably fake Sadness footage.
Still more than we will ever see from the game.
List of upcoming PS3 games with trophy support.
I think its a third party list.
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Street Fighter IV on Wii is 'definitely doable'
A portion of a 1up interview with producer Yoshinori Ono...
1UP: There's been some talk from Capcom -- I can't remember if it was you or someone else who said this -- that if there's enough demand for it, a Wii version of Street Fighter 4 could be possible. So where are you with things now? How would you view a Street Fighter game on the Wii -- would you keep it as "Street Fighter 4" or do some sort of "Street Fighter Kids?"
YO: Yeah, it's definitely true that we've had a lot of requests for a port for the Wii. And it's definitely doable. We just don't have any plans for it yet, that's all. If we feel strongly enough that it would sell, I'd imagine we'd do it.
1UP: So is there really any question within Capcom that a Wii version would sell?
YO: Going back to my philosophy for Street Fighter, the game is essentially a tool, not just a unique piece of entertainment. I think of it like chess -- that game can be played anywhere. As long as people want to play Street Fighter 4, it could be on anything -- even this iPhone, for that matter [Points to the iPhone on the table]. It really could be on any platform that could support it. So let's just see what happens.
Full interview here
I'm the dude on the right, I couldn't quite keep up with your ninja reflexes.
I assume in the 8 or so years since I've played Warhammer that the Tyranids have been made far less sucky?
That's not the reason I'm excited Foolz. Dawn of War (and the expansions) was a great game, but was always missing the Nids - they were the only major faction that weren't implemented. Having them in there, it's good enough.
49 updates today. A few more and I'm at a new record.
What is going on in america? It's like everyone is lining up to take a slice out of a proverbial pie.
Not unless you wash them first and dust them with scented talcum powder.
So I typed this shit for nothing? Thanks for the comments, I hate you all.
I'm still profoundly disappointed in capcom with this. Why not just make an original game damnit?
Sorry Foolz, you be wrong.
These have to be some kind of special Bullshots but Ubisoft have released some new screens for their Dogs Petz playground game on Wii
The last two look like wii pics. The rest are bullshots or PC.
Hey Punk, come and post in this thread:
Where is everyone?
Licking their balls.
Actually look at that rock, look at the snow, look at the buildings, and look at the snowboarder. Note how none of them go together at all. :X
SSX actually has a consistent style to it. Some of the night shots would be OK (in fact definitely better than SSX) if the snow trail didn't look like a slurpee, and the trees didn't look like lego.
Who cares though, the only question is how are the effects and the sense of speed, neither of which you can tell from a screenshot.
There be people here?
I was starting to feel abandoned
You can check the visuals in the videos posted above but they are horrible quality. Even the real people in the footage have pixellated faces.
Hoi, GG you are wrong Capcom is making awesome games on the Wii. But they have a new name now, they are called Platinum games. The one that is called Capcom is just an empty shell.
Ah, after the Red Alert and HotD trailers the Cold Mountain one didn't really have a chance it? Snore.
The outside shots of the building are fantastic thogh.
Won't be much help them.
F-ing hell, even Shinji Mikami and Suda, even they who are making a 360/PS3/PC game are still managing to put out that very same title on Wii. There just isn't an excuse given the economics of the situation these days.
Yeah pretty boring trailer. Some parts looked good like some of the building exteriors.
Wrong again, GG. Simple economics will be making Wii exclusive games. It is cheaper than the other two plus the userbase is bigger. So more potential sales for less costs!
Third parties should be making a greater number of games for a lower combined cost and spreading the risk, at least testing what works or not. This two party system of hardcore on one, casual on the other. Or quality here, quick buck there simply has to end. Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 and Twilight Princess make 3rd party games look like some sort of joke on the system.
Whereas last time on GC you at least had games which could rival those titles in quality or production values. BGE or RE4 etc.
Well Capcom is failing hard on the Wii, but al least the Wii is getting de Blob, Fragile, MadWorld (GoTY 09), Deadly Creatures, Little King's Story (GoTY 0
, Tenchu 4 (Must buy, just to waggle a cat), Rune Factory Wii and Conduit!
Edit: how can I forget Mushroom Men, shame on me!
Yeah, still fairly niche support though if you ask me. I think some of those will be good though.
Anyhow, enough moaning. Now the new conduit pics.
BTW I did 60 updates today so I am done for the day. If Dvader doesn't show up then feel free to post up until Iga's shift on Friday.