John Carmack interview
Plays the Wii alot, no plans for making games on it
The future of Insert Coin (Important)
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The 29 Most Ridiculously Hot Female Fighters
Where is my Zero suit Samus?
3rd parties do sell on the Wii
but but the Internetz has told me otherwise
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SupremeAC (5m)
Ah, behold the complexities of piracy that go beyond mere pilfering.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileFamitsu scores
Inazuma Eleven (NDS, Level 5): 9 / 8 / 10 / 9 - (36/40)
J-League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship (PS2, Konami): 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (32/40)
Rhythm Tengoku Gold (NDS, Nintendo): 8 / 9 / 9 / 8 - (34/40)
Sigma Harmonics (NDS, Square Enix): 8 / 7 / 8 / 8 - (31/40)
Tokyo Majin Gakuen: Kenfuuchou (NDS, Marvelous): 6 / 7 / 7 / 7 - (27/40)
Beijing 2008 - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games (PS3, Sega): 3 / 4 / 4 / 3 - (14/40)
Beijing 2008 - The Official Video Game of the Olympic Games (Xbox 360, Sega): 4 / 5 / 4 / 3 - (16/40)
Far CRy 2 screens in one hit:
ELEBITS WII CONFIRMED??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How do you think the fans of Elebits are going to react to the change? Do you think they are going to be overwhelmed or did the Wii version leave gamers longing for more?
That’s a great question. We actually put some screenshots, game description, some teaser stuff on IGN a few weeks ago and it was really cool to read some of the comments people left. A number of people were excited to have another Elebits experience. A lot of them said I wish this was released on the Wii, which you know isn’t completely out of the question. That’s probably going to happen in the future
Wait you said Elebits is probably going to come out for the Wii? Do you mean there is going to be Elebits: Adventures of Kai & Zero on the Wii or is there going to be a brand new Elebits game?
This is also a good question. One question I’ve asked of our producers and we sat and discussed this. There are a lot of press and fans that enjoyed the first game on the Wii and my question to my producer and the game designers was is the DS story the new direction for the franchise? Mukaitouge-san who is the producer of the first one basically said that the DS experience will be the next direction for the next DS experience. The first Wii game will be the story and the starting point for the next Wii game. There will be two stories that happen in tandem, one on the Wii and one on the DS. They will overlap with characters, environments, and things like that, but each platform will have its own experience.
For the possible Wii game have you thought about using DS features or codes where you can use the DS game to unlock something on the Wii game?
Yeah, all publishers and developers are looking for ways to be innovative in the gaming space. The more we can integrate the two platforms through codes or whatever the better experience it’s going to be for our fans and gamers. Of course, this is something we’re looking at. The story for the next Wii title hasn’t been completely nailed down yet so as far as more details on your question I can’t speak to it.
Also: there have been talks about a second Dewy.
"Asked directly if Rare would be making a second Kameo title Burton replied: "This is where I have to be enigmatically vague. Never say never."
Pfft what in the flying fuck? Why in hell, if you were going to ask Rare about making a sequelk to a certain game.....why would you say fucking Kameo? Is anybody really dying for a Kameo sequel? Cmon, its one of their lesser games. How about asking for a new Perfect Dark or Jet Force Gemini? Fucking retarded journalists.....guy probably never even played a Rare game.
Kameo was a game that just made me feel like... uggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh......... throughout the whole thing. I would beg them not to make a sequel.
I just watched the tenchu IV vids. Looks pretty decent visually, hate that symbol clashing noise whenever you roll from point to point though. That will grate after like 10 seconds. I hope that nintendo fix Fatal Frame 4 bugs and put in IR for the western release. They don't even have the game listed for a tentative date in the west so it's not like they have to rush it or anything.
I've been playing GTA IV some more. It's a solid, well made game with through the roof production values. Just not as fun or engaging as past games for my money. The combat is better......... yet still stinks compared to other games. The fisticuffs in Bully wii are better than this, you get left and right fist control as well as kicks and throws and headbutts. It just feels more satisfying. This game in gun combat has this weird comprimise between totally manual and totally automatic lock on going and it never sits well either way.
I was just skimming through Gamespot's list of PS2 games that they've rated over the course of the system's lifespan, trying to see if there's anything I maybe want that I forgot about.
Holy shit though....they gave a ton, and I mean a TON, of games that I could honestly care less about, over an 8/10 rating on the PS2. Way more than either Gamecube or Xbox. Most of the ones on those platforms that got over an 8 are for the most part worthy....but the PS2 has so much overrated crap its not even funny.
So you feel basically like I do about it.
Yeah I find it funny that so many people made a huge deal about the combat myself. Its like, yeah its much better than before, but it still doesn't even come close to offering the intensity of other games. People act all amazed that they finally brought the combat to a respectable level and by doing so seem to think its better than it is.
Did you feel the opening part of the game, from what you've seen so far, was the best? I did. At the start it seemed like the pacing and story were going to be just perfect throughout the game...and at the same time it hits you with a ten ton hammer full of next-gen GTA tech. Then you realise after that it reverts to the same formula that GTA has had since GTA3...just, as you said, without the comedy.
What ever happened to Shane Satterfield, the guy that did the EternblDarkness review at Gamespot?
He used to be one of the better reviewers there, and I remember he had a mailbag thing he did like once a week where he'd answer questions about various gaming things. I think he left Gamespot actually right around the time of this review, but I've never seen him pop up anywhere else.
I mean TBH the combat is still pretty ass like compared to other games. Even though improved it's still mechanical, often fiddly, slow and overly complex for what it's trying to present. I mean when you play something like mass effect or RE4 it just drives home that there is still a huuuuge gulf in GTA combat. Fighting is crap, I mean really crap, you stand there and jab a few button to watch some canned animations. Pointless.
I don't feel like any part of the game is "the best" so far. The game hasn't excelled itself to me in any way, it's a very solid experience but nothing has stuck out in my mind apart from one section, when they burn down Roman's shop and he's telling you how hard he worked for it.
I'm not really one to be wowed by tech (unless it's weak hardware going above and beyond) and if the GTA games on PS2 never happened, yeah I would probably be wowed, but it's just the same thing in HD - a large city. This game could have been done with worse visuals on the Xbox or Wii. Done with Burnout Revenge graphics for instance.
But yeah again, with me GTA is all about the cheesy music and comedy, this game almost feels straight up. I think the only time I laughed so far is when Brucie talked about drinking bull sperm. Characters like Manny should be 10X funnier than they are. I don't know what happened as Bully is laugh a second game.
I have found some stupid and annoying parts, like when you take on a mission you have to travel about 6-10 minutes real time to get to the start point, you fail the mission in like 2 seconds then when you hit restart you start where the mission was first issued and not where it really begins. So then you face another 10 minute ride back to that location or pay a cab and force a couple of reload sequences and pay cash out. Sometimes you fail a mission because the game magically vanishes your car which you carefully parked. Or it leaves you vehicleless while your target zooms away on a motorbike.
Other times I have found myself on roofs where there is no way of getting down without being killed. And what is the point of going out with friends to a bar or strip club? Does this feature actually have any real purpose I'm unaware of?
Again it's a solid game, just not as enjoyable as past games for me.
Oh my fucking word.....that's what I hated most about the game. I still can't believe so many idiots were bribed into giving it a 10.
I mean there are missions where you have a cutscene, then some dude jumps on a bike and zooms off. Often there is no vehicle nearby for you to use. Or if there is one it's locked and by the time niko has broken the window and jump started the car, you have failed the mission. Or you can literally bump your car once and fail a mission.
So I was very careful about getting a fast car and parking it next to the start point of a mission. The cutscene starts, ends, bike guy zooms off and my car has magically vanished. So I tried again and scoped out the exact position of a bike and car I could use, as you can't even turn the camera fast enough sometimes. Cutscene starts, ends, parked vehicles have suddenly changed positions or disappeared entirely. WTF?
I have no idea how this game got a 10, but I am one of those guys who thinks that 10's should be reserved for truly, truly, amazing games. If a mag or site rates out of whole numbers I can accept it more easily for instance 8/10 or 9/10.
But if there is a site which uses 0.1 or 0.5 increments, for instance 8.4 or 92% I think it's a joke TBH giving recent games massive 10.00's
I tried GTA4 in the airport before I went to Schiphol. I also noticed the crappy melee combat. This is what I wrote in my blog "Bobby and the City 1"
I tried the melee system too, but Niko fight like a freaking robot, so stiff. And why is the fat chick I am fighting in the same box position I am? If some Serbian stranger drags you from your car and punches you in the nose, do you not freak out and start whaling at him? Apparently everyone has a boxing coach in liberty city!
I have a question to you guys. Can you do more than jab jab jab? Or is that it slamming buttons until one goes down?
16. Please grade each of the following game features on how interesting they’d be for a Nintendo DS game.
-OPEN WORLD: It takes place within an open, real world environment. You will have the freedom to navigate a massive map, explore a world with changing weather and traffic patterns, smart Police and pedestrian AI, and choose different missions to play at any given point in time.
-MATURE STORYLINE: This is the story of an outsider navigating the criminal underworld of a major city. You play as a young gang soldier involved in the internal power struggle for control of his gang.
-AD HOC MULTIPLAYER: With wi-fi connectivity, players can play each other head to head in four different game modes, including a race (seven different race maps, can race with all the game vehicles), and play co-op modes.
-LENGTH OF GAMEPLAY: 70+ missions, 20+ hours of straight gameplay—with significant replayability on top of those 20+ hours.
-STYLUS BASED MINI GAMES: Missions include a wide variety of contextual mini-games, such as assembling a sniper rifle to complete an assassination mission, and smashing locks and hotwiring cars to steal them.
-REPLAYABLE MISSIONS: A feature that allows you to jump to any completed mission from a convenient menu and play them again.
Looks like a leaked survey about Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars had the first intriguing details about the upcoming Nintendo DS version of the series -- that is, until Rockstar told the original source to take it down.
UGO had a post up with excerpts that purported to be from a consumer survey, which sure sounded like they described a portable GTA with stylus-based mini-games. But soon after the post went up, it was taken down and replaced with this message:
So Rockstar just contacted us and said that the info we posted was the result of a broken NDA and that we had to yank it down. Cue sad trombone.
Move along. Nothing to see here. Keep moving people. Move along.
Well you can kick, but it's all very stiff. There is no distance on your punches or kicks and its very boxed in so a lot of the time you can be swinging at air because Niko is one foot too far away. You can block but it's pretty pointless. And you can bash the Y button for alternates which to me just seems to be doing another punch move. It's pretty useless, usually you just pull out your gun because it's so stiff and boring.
Ah a missed oppertunity. The do not have to make the fighting like a Kung Fu movie, because that would be unrealistic, but they could make it more raw. How about instead of a punch you throw a haymaker, so hard it will knock you enemy down. Than you kick and stomp him/it in his head and he dies. Or alternatively, you mount him and start punching his face untill he dies.
Or if it is a stong enemy, you shoot in grab his legs and throw him on the ground. Than you can kick and puch him. Or when he is not facing you, you grab him and choke him out. All are raw realistic simple moves that some one like Niko would be able to perform. It would make the battles more fluid and fast. And of course a kick to the groin.
P.S. GG I have given my impression of Tokyo Godfather, in you movie blog
I agree.
I think MGS4 was more deserving of the 10's it got, but even that game in many ways could have been better. There are extreme points of badassness, and also points of it. In some ways MGS3 was a better game, yet Gamespot gave it an 8.7 originally (until they added ONLINE MULTIPLAYER! Then it got the 9 it should have got) But the high points of MGS4 are indeed the best points of the series, at least IMO.
It all seems pretty shady to me how suddenly places are giving perfect scores out like they are. Like they're just trying to either kiss ass, or attract attention.
I think 10s should be reserved to games that are insanely polished and also revolutionary. With revolutionary I think about games that change the direction of the genre or gaming in general. Besides these two points the game needs to be fun and not drag to much. In other words the pacing is very important. Awesome Graphics and Sound are the final things a 10 game has to have.
So the game needs to be fun, revolutionary, polished, awesome pacing, awesome graphics and sound. Some of the games in the past that I played that might, I say might be 10s are: Resident Evil 4, Metroid Prime 1 and maybe 3, OOT, Mario 64 and Galaxy. I personally would not give any a 10, but I have a weird way of scoring games.
That smoke thing is gonna bloody annoying too. :X
Where is Raven? It is his turn to do the updates, and he used to be so reliable
. GG maybe you should put your updates in.
By the way I proclaim Ragnaar and HiresDes gone. Hires has not done any update recently and Rag has forsaken us
I saw them both posting at Gamespot, so I guess they do not want to stay here