Call of Duty: World at War Screenshots
Why couldn't they just make it a vietnam game
Stephen Totilo (of MTV fame) Interviews Peter Dill
To Discuss FFXIII's Jump to the 360
Mass Effect Trilogy Not Coming to the PS3
Confirmation Comes with a suggested shot at the PS3
Resistance Website Countdown Over
A bunch of new non-gameplay related videos released
When should Games say goodbye
Interesting article about when a game should end and not drag along
Super Mario's Performance Enhancement Scadal!
Say it ain't so, Nintendo!
The Conduit: New screens and impressions
Click main page for impressions
How to fix your old NES
Blowing in cartridges does apparently not work.
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Archangel3371 (3m)
Wow new week
British Gaming Blog: Missing in Action: The No-Shows of E3
Giant Bomb Landing Shortly!
Missing in action. They forgot to mention every core nintendo game.
Insert Coin >> Giant Bomb
Jeff Gerstmann >> All
Nintendo core games were never announced. The others listed were, I believe.
In size he is indeed.
Woo hoo! I can't wait until Giant Bomb lands. I may end up spending more time there then my long-term resident hangout Gamespot.
Yeah there were some odd titles missing from E3. I'm really looking forward to Alan Wake so I'm a little disappointed at it's no-show. I'm also surprised Tekken 6 didn't have anything to show either.
I predict that Alan Wake is nothing special at all, which is why they show nothing on it...ever. Which sucks cause its my style of game, I just don't have high hopes for it.
You might not want eat for a couple of months, because you will be eating those words...We're talking about Remedy here, they are as much of sure thing as Valve...They will deliver.
In unrelated news, I saw Dark Knight today, and I will comfirm what rag said earlier...It is one of the top ten greatest movies I have ever seen! And no I'm not exaggerating in the slightest, and I may also want to add that I am basically a movie buff having seen hundreds and hundreds of films both indie and mainstream.
One of the site's forefathers.
Bust Peter Moore in the Face. No, Really.
"While previewing Face Breaker at the EA booth it was mentioned that Peter Moore's face had been scanned and entered into the game using the boxer editor. The face, which is creepily accurate, can be attached to any of the bodies and manipulated."
"From talking with them more about the addition to the game it seems that his face will be included in the retail build of the game and will more than likely be an unlockable character."
I don't think I've ever played anything from Remedy, smartass. What have they done? I'm guessing they usually do PC stuff.
They did Max Payne 1 & 2 for Xbox, PS2, and PC. I think that's all, but I could be wrong.
Joystiq: A trio of Fable 2 Molyneux [video] walkthroughs
I'm pretty sure these are new . . .
And that's supposed to be comparable to Valve's work?
Not in my book. Max Payne 1 & 2 are good games, but Valve's games are light years ahead of them, IMO.
That's what I'm thinking.
One of the site's forefathers.
Oh man that's awesome having Peter Moore's face in Facebreaker. I really liked what I've seen from the game already to want to pick it up but this really seals the deal. I think Peter is a pretty cool guy but being able to bust him up in the game is going to be great. Of course playing as him and busting up other people online should be pretty righteous also.
There is one area where Max Payne is miles ahead of Half-Life.