Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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robio (5m) Archangel3371 (7m)
I'd much rather support companies making production valued 2D games then standard sequels, plus games that will entertain me.
Sorry but AC is just a snoozefest for me.
I still don't see how Nintendo's conference was any worse then Microsoft's but...
Seriously we need to create our own gifs and shit.
BTW Skylock was giving me crap for posting that same type of "omg! this is amazing!" type post I made about LBP. He was angry it had no substance. I love the guy but sometimes I want to internet slap him.
Hey Dvader remember when he suspended me for "flaming" when I said that "people shouldn't really care about reviews because this site is a joke site" because of the garbage Prime 3 review?
One of the site's forefathers.
I still do not get why people have to proclaim a winner of E3. They all sucked. Oh so some sucked more than other? Who cares! And yes we need to make gifs and shit, but I only have Paint
The gifs are awesome Iga.
Ok so I saw the IGN live demo of RE5 which you can see here
I put my full thoughts at biohaze but basically I am afraid of this direction the series is taking. Will RE forever be a co-op series from now on. Will they change the controls to make it like every other game just to satisfy shooters. RE5 looks like RE4 pasted with features some Gears of War fanboy wanted.
I still think the game will be amazing and I do think online co-op will be a ton of fun, but why make it needed in single player mode.
Deadly creatures e3 trailer
madworld deathwatch trailer
BTW, there is no way I can keep track of all the stuff you guys have already posted. So tomorrow I'm just going to post what I personally haven't seen myself. Deal with it.
I totally fear for the series without Mikami there to steer it. At least we got RE4 right? There's no chance of this one matching it. This one's gonna feel like some idiot who doesn't belong directing RE, copied RE4 but couldn't come up with the genius level design and pacing, so they slapped Gears crap on top and called it a day.
Gears of Evil.
Oh I cant wait until the next NPD. It is tomorrow right? I expect little bitches crying and awesome gifs. Man I am really going to enjoy this.
Vader I hear you about RE5. In RE4 you always had the tension of being overun by villagers. With two players it will be easier and therefore less tension, plus ambushing you from behind would be easier to avoid.
The later parts with the regenerators where more horror based. Being alone in a room is scarier that with two people. An example Metroid will lose it sense of isolation if you were playing co-op.
" There is something about seeing this other character doing backflip kicks as you are trying to shoot enemies that just does not seem right."
So even when not playing in co-op you have this second character milling about? GG don't like.
"It also doesn't help that this is an early version of the game." still nearly a year to go but hasn't this game been in development for 3 years already?
I have to watch this.
^ I think I noticed lag in RE5 during the MS conference, I swear I saw some enemies teleport or something. There is something a little bit off about the RE5 demo at E3. Its noticable to most RE fans cause RE4 was so perfect in terms of polish. But they have mention its alpha, so I will believe them for now.
Yeah Iga, that fear will be toned down with two people. Its no secret that Zero is the least like main RE game, part of that was that two characters together just is not a great idea for RE single player.
Whoa, on the subject of realistic wii graphics I just saw the deadly creatures trailer. I have to admit I thought this game was a joke when it was announced but that trailer looked great.
Vader while we are on the subject of scary games! Did you see the Fatal Frame 4 trailer Foolz posted?
^Of course, FF looks excellent, a Wii game I will get.
And GG of course its amazing, its Deadly Creatures!!! WOOOOOOO!!! Tonight they will have a live demo on G4, I cannot wait!!
I dont even know if I am being sarcastic or not.
You made fun of me for liking it.
Now to bum us out, Castlevania the fighting game...
This thread has it all, the previews from various site plus a video I will watch shortly. Mixed reaction so far.
You know what, not that bad. Its like an arena fighter.
I love this guy, I want to find more videos of him. He just says whats on his mind as he plays and explains what he is doing very well. Exactly what is needed, I want to feel like I am playing. Good stuff. I miss the days when sites you actually go to the booths with a camera and film playing it, now its all stage shows and kissing ass to your guests.
EDIT: And of course thats the only video of E3 he has up... hopefully he goes to play RE5, SFIV and more.
Konami press conference starting now,
Why are the seats empty?
Because MGS4 is already out and Konami have nothing worth seeing?
Filing into the Auditorium Gear Solid...
It looks too stagey to me...
I bet it's gonna be all about Dance Dance and some new Beamania Games.