Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
Every article, every video, one place.
The Ultimate WiiMotion Plus FAQ
Site may be down due to excessive E3 traffic
Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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Ubisoft showing the Ubicrap.
"This fall we have Dogz, Catz, Horsez and now Monkez"
"Today we are annoucing Monkez for Wii. Also Dogz Sports for Wii"
Ubisoft loves the Wii...
Oh yeah Imagine brand. (sold 4 million copies worldwide, I hate people)...
You poor soul Leo... this is what you missed
Crono trigger DS impessions
1up impressions
Ubisoft on Wii is only marketed toward tween girls confirmed. They have a whole slide presentation about targeting girls. But they are getting flithy rich off of it.
They annouced Energy, sports for girls, games on the DS...
Ha, ha! He's funny and scary all at the same time.
...but seriously...
I must have missed some HUGE announcements...!
Nope, their best selling games on the Wii by far is Redsteel and Raving Rabits. They both sold over a million!
None, nothing. Absolute nothingness. As gaf put it, it was a negaton. It sucked all awesome away from the world.
Aren't you psyched for Pokemon Ranger?! Well, let me catch you up to speed on Ninendo's conference:
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileLeo for the Wii 3 things
wii motionplus works wel and comes bundled with a Wiispot resort. Three games shown, frisbee (people say it is boring but it's a good demostration of 1 to 1 controls) mii like wave racing and sword fighting (cutting down a pencil and sword duels)
Animal crossing with better online support and a microphoon wiispeak. You put it on top of the TV and it multiple people can talk into it at once.
wii music: air guitar, air drum, air violin. Have no fucking clue about this one.
DS spore creatures and a new GTA
Alright. That woman is scary. Why are her neck muscles bulging that much? Why does she have that crazy look in her eyes? Was she talking about the kick-ass, hardcore line up for Wii and DS for the rest of the year?
The true and only summary you need:
I know, everyone. I read through the days comments and know how bad everything sucked. I'm not disappointed either.
It's not the die-hard Nintendo fan inside of me talking now. I'm not going to say: "Just wait! I bet Reggie will have something for us TOMORROW! I think he said something about a September surprise!"
The mature gamer in me kind of expected this, Doesn't see this as a sign of the Apocalypse, and Sees all of this as a necessary evolution of the Industry.
I'm sure that makes absolutely no sense to anyone but myself at the moment, but the industry needs a HUGE change in the way it does things, and this casual friendly show was a sign of that coming.
Smash was shown on day 2 so there is a tiny tiny bit of hope for something...
Holy crap the Prince of Persia demonstration at Ubisoft was insane!!!! MUST BUY!!!!
Ahh Raven, Punk and GG were quite level headed. I actually do not see the point of old and new E3.
I've been wanting to BLOG my feelings about this for the last year or so, but haven't been able to get it right, just yet.
[Yes. I know. I had my wishlist too, but every year at E3, who doesn't?]
What it all boils down to is this:
If Nintendo or MS or Sony need to cater to the casuals to make money, and I get one or two REALLY kick-ass games a year, I'm fine with that. It goes against the very nature of the MODERN gamer, but I'm NOT the average 2008 Hardcore Gamer.
I'm from the time when we got Final Fantasy 2 as THE RPG for that YEAR, and it was enough! I played it, I loved it, it made a lasting impression on me that, 16 years later, is still there. Too many games DIFFUSES your appreciation for any ONE of them, and dulls the experience as a whole...
[More to come...]
I Am Alive teaser trailer
Capcom conference starts at 7:30 EST, 15 minutes, tune here,
Most likely the best conference at the show.
I'm excited to see news on SFIV.