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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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robio (6m)
Well said, Leo. I feel exactly the same.
Too Human has a sweet title screen...definitely a Silicon Knights game. You hear this chick's voice coming out of the Well, giving you advice on options and whatnot.
When you start up, you can pick between a few different class characters, much like Baldur's Gate. You have the Champion; the most balanced class, the Bio Engineer; the best healer, the Commando; long range guy, the Berserker; Melee guy, the Defender; master of armor.
After picking a guy, the game goes into a movie scene. You're on a ship similar to the Pillar of Autumn, with Space Marines rallying around your guy getting ready to land on some hostile world. Pretty slick story-telling so far, although from what I hear this game is lighten on story than I was hoping for.
Graphically, its typical Silicon Knights. Meaning its got great art, but technically its just a touch away from being really impressive. Character models are kind of Meh. The sound seems to be pretty killer. Great ambient music and effects.
In the Inventory, you have sub-menu's for melee and ranged weapons, and you can carry one of each at the same time. Armor is broken down between every piece on your body, so you can mix and match all kinds of shit I'm guessing. You can also equip charms, which are basically like necklaces that give you special powers. Or you can place Runes in your weapons and armor to give them powers, much like Materia Orbs in FF7.
Its also possible to build your own weapons out of parts you find and directions you obtain in blueprints...and supposedly this is how you get the best equiptment in the game. The game also rips off a Skill Tree system similar to that of FF10, where you can add different moves and abilities to your character.
I'll spare you a description of the controls, as we've all heard that crap by now. What I will say, is that the camera is ass. Like, makes Ninja Gaiden's camera look godly, kind of ass. They should have given you camera control on the 2nd stick instead of doing melee on it. Dumb dumb dumb.
Hmmm, 3 soldiers are stuck on top of each other, trying to patrol. Excellent bug testing, SK. Combat is simple but fun...I just blasted through a hall of robots while my comrades sat back and did nothing. Definitely some cool looking environments.
Just fought a cool looking droid that you have to pick apart piece by piece. He died.
This is definitely a game like PSO where the majority of your fun will come from finding loot. But it has an added bonus of a cool story. Its a shame this game is supposedly so short though, I'm assuming just when you're getting into it, it will end.
I slashed my way through the entire demo. OMFG your soldiers are as dumb as Britney Spears. Useless. I felt like I was fighting by myself even though I had a battalion with me. Overall it seems pretty cool, but feels like its gonna get repetitive unless the game gets more diverse later on. I don't like the analog combat at all. Should have just copied God of War.
Thankd Edge, sounds good enough.
Leo, I play a ton of games, nothing diffused my love for say MGS4. A great game is a great game no matter how many games are out there. So sorry I cannot agree at all. Actually more games makes you appreciate the really special ones even more.
Good to see Animal Crossing finally confirmed...and a mic! I pray now that Nintendo patch Brawl and Mario Kart to take advantage of this new tech (but we know they won't).
Here's hoping Capcom have some interesting stuff. Vader, stop posting more on GAF and post more in here!
I hardly post in gaf...
I post at GS and here equally.
Finally it might actually start soon.
WTF?!? My posts aren't posting!?!
For every ONE MGS4, Konami needs to make a Dewey's Adventure, a couple of Froggers, a billion Dance-Dances, A new Yu-Gi-Oh every year and turds like Wing Island...
Without earning money from the huge market of casuals, they couldn't hope to survive long enough to develop MGS.
That's only one of my points.
There's a real need for QUALITY over Quantity at this point in the industry.
Fund it with the casuals and give them the CRAP they ask for, and spend the dollars making QUALITY games for the Gamers...
Its starting Lost Planet movie officially annouced, written by Solid Snake.
HOW do you get it to start?
Blog here, feed not working
Edit: Video is up!
I'm not gonna say I'm okay with these companies appealing to casuals if it means they cut back on trying to appeal to ME, anymore than I'm okay with a band I like trying to appeal to Backstreet Boys fans as long as there's one good song on the CD.
Getting a more diverse audience is fine. But if it means cutting back on appealing to what I want, then why would I be happy about that? Yeah, its ok, just give me one game a year instead of five. I don't mind. That makes no sense to me. Not even saying this is what Nintendo or anyone is doing, just giving an example.
I'm just not gonna make up excuses for anybody. If someone is pissing me off or letting me down, I'm not gonna bend over and accept it, or sugar-coat it in any way.
For me, Nintendo has some proving to do. They have nothing announced from a 1st-party perspective that I'm really looking forward to, which is sad for a hardware-maker and company of their size and talent. As for 3rd-party, there's some INTERESTING looking stuff, but as of now none of it is a sure thing. Where's the Wii's MGS4 or RE5, etc.
Oh wait, Animal Crossing is Wii's MGS4, according to Reggie.
...Why in the hell are they making a Lost Planet movie?
OMG its a Q&A for Lost Planet the movie...
(Forgive me Snake, I still love you)
Where are you watching this horror?
To be honest, I don't care about Animal Crossing (Sorry GG).
By all rights, I should be more upset than anyone about the lack of Nintendo games at the show (you can see my wishlist in Vader's Expectation Blog here).
Good games are starting to compete with Hollywood projects and need cash to fund them. Sure we get Wii Music, instead of Kid Icarus for now, but if more casuals buy Wii Music, and that lends to a longer development time for KI and that KI will have an Orchestrated Score for example (like Galaxy), I'm fine with waiting.
It gives me more time to actually play, appreciate and maybe finish the games I've wanted to play for years.
I shouldn't be bringing all this up now, as this isn't meant to be a defense for Nintendo at E3 thing, and that's what it is going to come across as...
...but I've been mulling this over for months now, and my personal reaction to the (lack of) games at the conference AS A WHOLE is bringing it all to light.
The link I gave, G4.
Before anyone says "there aren't enough games that appeal to me" they better have exhausted their backlog of games, and be waiting to get something new.
I'm just saying a backlog is a BAD thing and a little healthy anticipation makes you appreciate what you actually GET that much more when you actually get it.
Yeah it would make sense that he would say something like that, it's obvious that he prefers men.
One of the site's forefathers.
Nothing coming on.
Prince of Persia is back man. Looks like it may even top Sands of Time. Can't wait.