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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
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I buy plenty of games on the Wii but I would be a huge liar if I say I bought the Wii for anything other than Nintendo games, i would have never touched the system if not for Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Smash, etc.
Still last year they showed GAMES. It doesn't matter if it was games previously annouced, they had new footage, new info on huge games, on third party games on more. They had none of that this year.
Punk , yes this is about E3, why should I talk about anything else when this is the event that is happening. Can stuff happen later, sure, but this is talk about the now not the unknown. Nintendo's conference sucked, the end.
Yeah two years ago. Not last year. Do you honestly, hand on heart believe that Nintendo aren't behind the scenes making the next mario metroid and zelda?
Fact is D that nintendo has just come out of a period of releasing all their major cannon games in a one and half year period. Games like this take years to make man. You know this, I know this, so I don't really understand why you expect that they can just click their fingers and slip the next game out of their collective asses. Best you could hope for is an FMV concept, Bayonetta style trailer.
They need to dress her in a chicken outfit and photoshop some tape over her mouth.
Again, AC is a great game to have. But to treat it as a hardcore highlight? Just no.
I love the fake excitement on her face. She needs to be splattered by a giant bukkake.
Their job is too space out the games. Why not an F-zero, Kid Icarus, Star Fox, Pikmin game. They have a ton of teams where are the real games. There are NONE of those coming this christmas (as far as we know now). I know Mario, Zelda are coming out later, thats a given, Nintendo should have something in the mean time. I knew the downtime was coming but I never expected them to abandon everything but Wii Crap games.
This kind of complaining is why I stopped going to Gamespot. I can understand why some of you are dissappointed, but trying to say that Wii is doomed is pure nonsense. Nintendo dropped a HUGE amount of "core" games last year, and you guys want that again this year? WTF? Do you think Nintendo has a magic hat where all these games just appear? It takes time to make these games, usually between 3-5 years! Anyway, I refuse to enter into any more of these pointless bickering debates.
Later, guys.
Did I ever say the Wii was doomed, I am saying the conference sucked and Nintendo lineup for now is terrible. Thats it. Who said the Wii is doomed? The wii is going to sell more than ever. Wii Sports 2 and Wii Music is a printing money machine.
And every company manages to get a bunch of games out every year, I dont see why Nintendo deserves a pass.
For me I never bought my Wii with the intention of playing anything more then Nintendo games and for the classics on the Virtual Console. Getting some quality 3rd party titles or ports of games like RE4 and Okami is gravy for me. I prefer the 3rd parties keep their most of their focus on the 360/PS3 because as much as I really like what the Wii has brought to gaming it's not enough to cover my disappointment in it's lack of power.
What I really wanted to see from this conference was something to address the storage problem like an HDD or something. I was also hoping for maybe some improvements or enhancements to things like their online structure and/or some cool updates planned for the console itself.
Nintendo are the biggest pure games company on the planet. It just baffles me how they can have ONE game to show. I don't even want to see another Zelda, Metroid, or Mario. Just games of this caliber by one of their thousand teams. That's one area of disappointment.
The rest I guess I already talked about, not trumpeting enough of the quality 3rd-party stuff, too much time on sales crap, etc.
Damn Reggie is starting to seem less cool too.
Enough about Nintendo, Sony time!! Wooo!!!
Hey what happened to Captain Rainbow?
Sony's about to start. If they show a Wiimote ripoff...
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYeah, with that whole "Animal Crossing... what more do you want?" bit or whatever.
Fucktards stop dissing Wii-sport and animal crossing. Yes the conference was one boring informercial, but no need to take it out on those games.
From Sony, I expect something about God of War 3 at the very least. The GoW and GoW2 guys are both gone now, so let's see if GoW3 is going to deliver.
Rumors are fake wiimote incoming Yoda.
We and Nintendo have conflicting viewpoints on what constitutes a "core game", that's all. I'm not dissing AC, although I will say that I don't think it's my kind of game.
Ok I Iga, truth is I have no ill will at those games, they are just the example of the stuff we are getting compared to what we are not. They are just in the cross fire. Wii Music though, i am not sure about that game...
At the very least I'm sure Sony will show some games.
I hope they have Uncharted 2 in some form. And whatever Team Ico are up to would be nice.
Resistence is overrated, so I'm not incredibly excited for R2. Ditto for Killzone 2. And LittleBigPlanet I just can't get pumped for....seems like it'll get repetitive. We'll see.