Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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robio (10m)
Woot its on!!!! Games.
Already better than Nintendo.
Jesus man, again those are big games that take years to make. Look Zelda took 3-4 years to make EAD released Galaxy in November, so 7 months ago. Who made F-Zero last time? That's right, Sega. Who made Starfox last time? That's right Namco. Nintendo despite being flushed with cash aren't some magical game making machine that can click its' ruby slippers and magically make these games appear. Based on Iwata interviews of the past their Wii strategy was clear: to drive momentum in the beggining and you can understand that given how big a risk this system is and was. This is the downtime baby, so embrace the 3rd parties
And yet Pikmin 3 is suppossed to satisfy me? Just no from me man, I'd rather pick up the GC sequel for pennies.
It did suck hard. Again I agree with both you and punk. One thing that we are forgetting about is the now fractured nature of E3, with people all having their own separate conferences, developers even leaving the ESA and not showing games. Some choosing to show at Leipzig or TGS or GDC.
I think Matt C said that we would have to wait a little longer for Kid Icarus too. But you seem to have at the moment, this almost angry view that is THE END for the Wii and THE END for nintendo, when you know that follow ups to all the games in their major franchises will inevitably come. It's not like a definitive stamp from them that from this point forward to the end of all time they are making nothing but casual games. Because that is the vibe I'm getting off you guys.
It also kind of completely ignores any other game that isn't made by nintendo, it kind of belittles any contribution that any 3rd party can make.
Well you clearly said: " I never expected them to abandon everything but Wii Crap games."
So again the vibe you're giving off is that nintendo is now condemned to making nothing but casual from here on out. I don't give nintendo a free pass, I think this conference was shit, but through my wider reading and past experience, I know for a fact that there are plently of games I'm interested in getting between now and the next E3 and to me it doesn't matter if it has a red logo on the box.
Already better than Nintendo's
No one ever said the Wii was doomed, and if you can't take a little criticism, then I'm glad you left GS.
10 seconds and Sony has shown more games than Nintendo
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileGoog god GG its called exaggeration, I use it.
Excuses for PS3 user base?
You use it poorly.
This is why Skylock is needed.
Then don't complain when someone calls you on it for blowing it out of proportion.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI am pissed at Nintendo though and I think many of you are making poor excuses.
Sony people, enough Nintendo.
Touche. Bitch
I love it, we're having our first Insert Coin tussle. Bring it bitches, my cold hard logic will break your soft warm womanly breasts.
I'd love to talk sony, but tretton is giving the good old marketing speech.
That creature is no match for the Stay Puff Marshmellow man.
Well Resistance looks really good...too bad this live event is now lagging so bad I can't make anything out.
That was awesome, I few things needs work (sometimes hit detection did not seem to work) but wow!
Ted Price is awesome.
Saw this trailer already, good stuff.