Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
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Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
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robio (2m)
At the very least I had the best laugh I have had in a while with that last Mario music presentation. That is the most hilarious thing I have ever seen at E3, beating yesterdays movie crap.
Yeah...if its gonna be used in some actual AAA games. That part at the end made me laugh my ass off....they act as if they're about to show off some insanely badass game that takes the Wii to the next level....and its Wii Music.
Funny thing is, I totally missed the whole GTA part and I was watching it the whole time. Its like Nintendo's embarassed about it...shhhhh, quiet about that GTA game. Not too loud.
Nintendo's event was so bad, that you really have to bump MS's score up a notch in order to fully appreciate the degree to which Nintendo's show ate BBW ass.
Only one game interested me though, they could have just highlighted stuff that was already announced as Dvader said, I wasn't expecting many new titles...But one that interests me would have been nice, well I guess there was GTA: Chinatown but that was absolutely it...And I never play the DS, though my mom has one.
GG it is a buyers guide for Nintendo, you think they will have a real game ready this holiday season and not show it. Nintendo has nothing for us, and thats sad.
Third party sure there will be some but I mostly want Nintendo games from the Wii.
I thought the MS conference was great. They showed awesome games even if they were predictable and had a couple of surprises. One being Banjo on XBLA which is very cool and one which is FFXIII being on the 360 which is totally freakin' awesome news. I'd give it at least a B+ rating myself.
Nintendo's was terrible. No HDD and a very lackluster showing of games was very disappointing. Wii motion add-on was very cool but definately wasn't enough to overcome the amount of disappoint with the show. I'd give a C- at best.
N64, GC, Wii... I hope I don't see a pattern here with regard to content.
Conferences are all fucking boring. They are one huge commercial. The true shit comes when people actually start playing these games. I want hands-on of these games!
They do matter as traditional games are some of the system's best selling games Edge, it just so happens that these core games like mario hype themselves while it's titles like Wii Music that need the focus at an event like this. Fatal Frame is coming out in Japan and nintendo doesn't usually refer to anything but the american market at E3.
I don't think it's as simple as that unfortunately. I think it was a crap conference but there is an emotional overeaction going on, which leads to me the sensible, balanced....
Yeah, pretty much. Nintendo's E3 conferences are now for a very specific purpose and that is to promote on the world stage, to an international mainstream audience, their next casual delight.
Remember last year, it was Wii Fit on the front pages, not killzone 2. But again, just because wii music, wii sports resort exist, it doesn't mean that all the other software we know about does not.
You'd have to be mad to think that EAD mario and zelda teams aren't working on the next iterations. We are in a down period because these games just came out and retro lost their lead designers and artists and are still recruiting. There are logical explanations for all these things and though I am not happy about this conference - except for Animal Crossing - I can't agree with this "Wii is doomed, nintendo is forever casual" vibe I'm getting off a few forumers here.
Back in the Gamecube days, Animal Crossing was not considered a hardcore game. It was a small niche game in the same way as a Harvest Moon type thing, that's great to have but not the highlight of a software library. That was left to titles like Resident Evil and Metroid.
Now, they're acting as if AC is the same as RE and if the audience is one and the same. The fuck are they on? Again, its a neat game, but in terms of hardcore-ness its not even up next to something like Pikmin 3. If they showed Pikmin 3 and said "major holiday game" I would have felt a lot better.
I just don't like the vibe coming rom Nintendo's events at all lately. Its like a Wal-Mart ad in video form.
Show some fucking games...some real games. As has been said, even if they've already been announced its better than nothing. Plus, Most of the announced games on Wii have been known about for awhile but not really shown in any major way. They could have blown out Fatal Frame, Conduit, whatever Retro and EAD are doing, etc. all in some killer video's like the Zelda/RE vids from 2004, at the LEAST.
Don't misunderstand GG I see where you are coming from. I know that Nintendo could have done some advertising for the third parties in the way that Microsoft did for RE5 (though there was Shaun Palmer but that wasn't as aweing). But again the reason people get excited about these press conferences is due to seeing new things revealed which is what Nintendo did. Obviously this is due to Nintendo's main focus being the casual market now since they draw in more bucks then anyone which is why they mainly focused on them (of course they still like their fans pooring in money hence Wario Wii and Kirby DS).
I can understand the whole potential factor but really was Microsoft any better? What about future projects from RARE (like the all but confirmed Killer Instinct 3) Silicon Knights (Too Human) and other internal development studios?, 360 price drop?, that new 360 model that is all but confirmed? Again Microsoft didn't show shit nor was Nintendo anything to talk about. The only difference between the two is that Microsoft used a lot of filler by showing already shown games while Nintendo just keep it short and showed their new stuff.
Just as I've said before thinking that this is the end of the road for Nintendo or Microsoft in terms of big announcements then that is incorrect. Expect to hear a few more tidbits slowly come your way during other events until it finally paints a pretty picture of the average E3 blowout of the old just like Nintendo and Microsoft did last year as they didn't have jack shit for E3 but by the time TGS ended you could very well paint a pretty picture of cool new stuff.
One of the site's forefathers.
LOLI love gaf:
Keep spinning guys, last year they did show some games, two years ago there was a huge focus on games. This year, not so much, just "Wii *insert name*"
In what way?
^ Those Nintendo platforms start off strong and end horrible.
I wholeheartedly agree
Good thing that I am talking about something far broader then E3.
One of the site's forefathers.
Well that's kind of your problem, do you only buy Sony games on the PS3? I remember last year, everyone bitching after the conference where I think the only new thing they showed was Wii Fit. Mario kart we all knew about and they showed it for all of five minutes. And yet despite the lack of anything new I ended up with game after game from October onwards till now, Metroid Prime 3, Mario Galaxy, Endless Ocean, Umbrella Chronicles, MOHH2, Bully, Okami, No more Heroes, Boom Blox, Smash Bros, mario kart etc etc.
I know that Animal Crossing is not your guys idea of a core game but it really is a great title. I didn't give it my 2005 GOTY award for nothing, there are people who absolutely get addicted to this delightful game. I really don't like how it's been marginalised or ignored here. If Pikmin 3 were announced next AC I would pfffft at Pikmin 3 Edgecrusher. Sorry.
Again I think they should have showcased 3rd party games in the same way that MS did, but again I understand the purpose of what they did. Not that I agree with it.
Well that's expected. Nintendo release all their shit the first few years, then go into trickle mode the last few while they make software for their next machine. Difference is now, they can just ride the Oprah crowd once the hardcore well runs dry so they don't have to scramble to throw a few bones out like on Gamecube.
N64 though...actually got better the last few years IMO. It was the first few that had nothing, then 98,99,2000 all had a good amount of stuff. Thanks to Rare.
One of the site's forefathers.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile