Resident Evil 5 at E3. The ultimate news thread.
Every article, every video, one place.
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Site may be down due to excessive E3 traffic
Bionic Commando E3 2008 Trailer
The man with the grappling hook is back and grabbing ass, err whooping ass.
Street Fighter IV 'Gameplay System' Trailer
The multiplatform beatem up is shaping up better than anyone could have expected
World Destruction website updated
click on "System", "World" and "Movie" plus check out the awesome music
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Yeah, I thought WTF when i checked my ebay this morning. Not only that but there were 5 bids when i checked it last night, 0 this morning. Really weird. I suppose there was just a glitch somewhere, I recently bought Canis Canem Edit for the PS2 and the postage was listed as higher than what it actually was when I paid now. :/
I dont get why this place is so dead.
Anyway impressions from a bunch of the videos I have seen on various games, you know my RE5 reaction. All videos can be found above.
Ghostbusters - There are some really cool stuff done with physics and destructable environments but it looks oh so sloppy in other areas. Its not going to be that polished I can tell. But who cares its Ghostbusters.
Silent Hill 5 - I was very impressed. I love the change to hell mode, great effect. It seems like this game is going back to the roots of you exploring a city that changes to hell mode rather than be all linear like the last two SH games. The boss battle, very nice. Still looks a bit clunky but its SH.
Halo Wars - Cant tell much from it, its an RTS. Not my thing.
Fable 2 - Looks just like Fable 1 in terms of combat. The world is still a large straight line, battles look like button mashing mixed with spells. I liked the first one but I feel this game could be so much more.
Wheelman - Nice car crashes.
Fallout 3 - OMG!!!!! Best segment ever!!! Watch this, NOW!!! If you watch one thing, make it this. Fallout 3 is now one of my most anticipated games. The slow-mo cam with the guys exploding head, wow. Teddy bear launcher, YES! Grenades blowing enemies to pieces while God Bless America plays in the back ground. Slow motion nuke death with your charater flying around limbless. Beautiful carnage.
Resistance 2 - Epic trailer. Really well done.
Prince of Persia - Beautiful! Combat looks great as well. This one is one to watch out for.
Infamous - WOAH!!!!! Electric balls of awesome!!
That Ghostbusters trailer looks great! I hope they show more of the Wii version this week. The latest Nintendo Power had a brief article and a few new pics which looked really cool. I like the cartoon look of that version a lot. I may have to get both the Wii and 360 versions this Christmas.
Electric Balls of awesome. Lovely way of describing things - you never cease to amaze me Vader.
The Fallout video...I don't know. It reminded me a lot of STALKER (which y'all should really play) with elements of RPG gaming. Though it's good to see that the third person camera looks like it doesn't completely suck.
Though that radio was...haunting.
You're posting that at 5:30am GMT, so for our European patrons, that's a bit early to be talking games. As for me, with no PS3 or 360, news on those games don't pique my--wait, Teddy Bear Launcher?
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileYep remember we have people from Pacific Time, Mountain Time, Central Time, Eastern Time, Britain, Holland, and who else knows where.
One of the site's forefathers.
hai guys.
Australia. That means getting up at fucking 1AM to watch a press conference.
Screw that. I want my sleep.
Ontario -- It's 2am right now, Nintendo's conference at noon. Pfft, 1am
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOK guys my turn for the updates.
GG could you post the scheduling of the updates again? So we all know who is going to update when!
If it manages to look like those screens and maintain the fast and frenetic pace and frame rate in the recent gameplay video, coupled with what look like solid controls (from the video) than this will be pretty impressive to me. There is still a ton of development time left too.
You missed me putting down Galaga
WTF is the point of this? Isn't it just going to aid piracy? And who cares? People can't wait 30 seconds for a game to load?
Your ass did. Where were you yesterday
dvader said:
I just realised that the nintendo conference falls just outside Iga's last hour on shift. That means that HiRes has to cover both Nintendo's and Sony's conferences
SteelAttack! Help him out you weekend lacky! Why don't one of you cover each company for the period? Again I think it would be around 13:00pm HiRes and Steel time.
WUT! Where is the link?
Well it is basically Matt that has fuelled this whole rumor month on month in every IGN podcast. If he's wrong than I'm sorry but I could have done without the false expectation. As much as I like hime.
What are my shift hour by the way?
Well we have only a handful of users to start with and then we are all on different time zones and some call this place home while for others it's a holiday home. I watched the resident evil 5 trailer, lots of explosions some cheesy dialogue, yep this is RE4 remixed. The one thing that looked remotely new was the desert jeep chase and that looked like it was just a turret gun section which we've been seeing since the good old medal of honour days. Or hell, was that in Mercs on genesis? I don't mean to be downbeat, I will buy this outright and enjoy it, but hell it just looks like they have no new ideas and are just frame for frame trying to copy Mikami's design change. I at least wanted something to mix things up.
Imagine if this game used this rumoured newtown controller and had elebits physics manipulation as well as guns?
Jeez you guys.
Yodariquo, could you get up our names on the right of the banner with our days and times listed please buddy. Pretty please?
Steelo! Could you help out HiRes during his shift today? Pllllleeeeeeeeeeeease?
Gamingeek GMT - 9:00 -18:00
Dvader Miami Time 13:00 - 22:00
Iga Holland time - 9:00 - 18:00
HiResDes YOUR time 13:00 - 21:00
Ravenprose Colorado time 7:00 - 21:00
Gamingeek GMT - 9:00 -18:00
Dvader Miami Time 13:00 - 22:00
Iga Holland time - 9:00 - 18:00
HiResDes YOUR time 13:00 - 21:00
Steelo you didn't give me your weekends times but since it's more relaxed and Rag hasn't got back to me it's not that important. HiRes finished his Friday evening stint at 9pm so make sure you post after that but preferably on Saturday itself.
It's very important to cut off at the times specified so there is no overlap. Even if there is a story you just HAVE to post because of its awesome nature, put it in the comments if your stint is over. That story belongs to the next person. It's also good because the gaps leave time for stories to build up for the next guy.
Any duplicate story should be deleted, the first update is the one that remains unless there is a better alternative source.
Ravenprose Wednesdays - because of world times, there will be a gap in the morning updates, hence I'm giving Iga or myself permission to post NO more than 3 morning updates each on Wednesday if required.
Thank GG.
I am done for the moment, but first:
From now on, all the video game Analysts shall be called Anal-ysts, because the pull stuff from their arses.
Now excuse me, I am going to play Brawl
LOL I love the intro for Matt C's 360 Avatar article:
On Monday, Microsoft showcased at its E3 2008 press conference Xbox 360's new interface and Avatar system. We think two or three people in the audience clapped. Really, we're not sure why more attendees weren't blown out of their seats and directly into outer space. This is pioneering stuff, people! Get this. The system's newly designed front end features heavy implementation of "Avatars," or cartoony characters designed to look like caricatures of players. Are you reading what we're writing? Stop moving your eyes and soak it in. You'll be able to recreate yourself, albeit very stylized, in the game. Boom! That's how we do it in Vista Land, baby. But if that weren't enough to shake the very fabric of the universe, Microsoft had more revelations. Like a channels-esque interface for its system. And the ability to incorporate your Miis -- er, Avatars -- into games. This is true innovation, folks.
Wow, just saw the ghostbusters trailer. For every child of the 80s this is a nostalgia fest. One thing that weirded me out is the visuals, they are a little too realistic, it looks more detailed than the film.
Weekly Extra!
Ghostbusters Wii screens
I don't mind playing with these visuals but who is the blonde fop and where are the real ghostbusters team? Next gen version is better just for that IMO. Wii version is being made by Mushroom Men makers Red Fly so they have a pretty decent engine for stylised games and large enviroments looking at their two games.
Wow just as jeux-france changed to gamekyo, has changed for edge magazine online:
Capcom's Christian Svensson answered my question on if they were going to use the Wii Motion Plus dongle. What a nice guy.
"Unknown at this time. Seeing as today is the first I've seen of it, it might be nice to actually have some time to experiment with it and the SDK before making any sort of pronouncements."
Anyone want to predict that the Sony or Nintendo press conference will launch a thousand shitsorms?
I think the only things that would cause shitstorms would be companies switching support from one platform to another like Monster Hunter 3 switched. Or if Sony announce a motion controller similar to wii. Otherwise it seems like both consoles are so different it's almost like they aren't really in competition.
I expect some crowing from Sony, some sly digs at the other companies, a solid line up of titles and some home stuff and more online functionality.
Nintendo I expect crowing, this new motion plus thing to have a game attached to it, possibly punch out with the balance board. Definetly animal crossing, factor 5 are sure to show their tech pushing game - is it 2nd party? We've just heard that nintendo may be doing a motion add on for DS. MH3 wont show up. I want to see FFCC with a release this year.
Otherwise, hell knows.
A bigger shitstorm than a million people saying that people WILL sell their PS3s now that FFXII isn't exclusive?
Then again Systemwars is so shit no matter the storm, it's a shitstorm.