Rumored Rock Band 2 Track List
Submitted by a QA who supposedly wrote down as many songs as he could remember, he came up with about 60 of the rumored 80 track list
Mercenaries 2: WiFi 'Recon' Trailer
Mercenaries 2 is a sandbox shooter for the 360,PS3, and PC platforms
Velvet Assassin 'Killer' Trailer
Velvet Assassin is an action game coming to the PC , 360
Patapon 2 Announced
Detailed in Famitsu, Sony has a sequel in the works for the PSP
High Quality Killzone 2 Screens
Most of the screens are old, but have not been seen at as high of quality as these
Trauma Center 2 Demo Available
Demo can be downloaded on the Nintendo Channel
Ngamer - Animal Crossing and Punch-out
says Animal Crossing is finished at not a MMO and Punch-out has balance board support
Resident Evil Zero Wii edition impressions.
Nothing is changed. Wii controls detailed.
Tons of info on Pokemon Platnium
Hits Sept. 13 in Japan, additions described.
Order by:
Recently Spotted:
robio (3m)
As I said in that fake MS Wiimote thread I made on Ring of Fire (Perfect Dark, Halo Forerunners with wii controls) it would be great having cutting edge tech with cutting edge control.
I definitely think both traditional controllers and Wii controllers is the way to go in the future...they both have their place. I hate that some refuse to see that. Lets face it; many don't like it just cause its a Nintendo thing.
They should have did that in the first place. I hate the classic controller.
YOu guys are missing it, it wasn't about which aiming is more accurate, forget it....I don't want to get in an argument, but I will say that the point I was making wasn't really about accuracy.
RE5 scans and info from Famitsu (GET THIS UPDATED ABOVE!!!!!!!!!)
Thanks to CVXfreak.
- Sheva's last name is Alomar.
- BSAA stands for Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance
- She is from the same organization as Chris, and hails from the West African branch while Chris comes from the North American one. Their logos are very, with different coloring.
- Chris and Sheva are seen working together in the battlefield, fighting back to back in one image (imageboard) and even jumping into a hole one right after the other.
- Two new monsters are seen. One is the creature alluded to in previous coverage of the game, a bulky creature wearing a dark outfit a little similar to the RE4 merchant's, wielding a giant axe going after Chris and Sheva.
- The other creature wears a cape and a solid mask with red eye covers. It's in another image, driving an unidentified, mysterious (hint: evil looking, not Wesker) Caucasian man in a car.
Co-op pretty much confirmed from those pics. Cant wait till next week!
Its hard to me to believe that Gamespot would be full of people like that? must be mistaken?
I'm sure that I risk pissing people off with my opinions. I don't intend to offend anyone at all. I'll agree that it is more accurate, but accuracy for me isn't everything, as dumb as that sounds. I really enjoy the controls a in RE4 GC/PS2 a lot better than I do in the Wii. I'm not one of the people who view waggle as a threat to traditional gaming, I simply am just not a big fan of it. I genuinely like and prefer a traditional controller in just about every instance I can think of.
It has nothing to do with me hiding some deep seeded anti-Nintendo nerd rage. Nintendo took a big risk with the Wii, and I can really appreciate that. My issue being that, if I prefer a traditional controller, I'm sorta left out in the cold by the Wii. You could argue that an automatic transmission is more efficient at shifting gears, so therefore it is better, but I still drive a stick. Like I said at the begining of this post. My goal isn't to offend anyone, but merely to properly carve out my own piece of territory on where I stand with the Wii. I'm not a hater, but I feel like anyone who is critical of the Wii-mote is automatically branded a troll.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
This. I've seen way too much of this everywhere.
You don't even need a second stick. I haven't played one wii game where I have thought "damn, wish there was a second stick"
The only thing it's used for is dual analogue FPS controls, which have now been surpassed by IR. And camera control and a good camera system negates the need for a second stick, or you can just use the d-pad for this option.
Well in my defence I don't read gamespot. So I have no idea what your point was bud.
*What Ragnar looks like when someone mentions the Wii on a full moon*
No one is attacking you Rag, there are some people in general that think the Wii-mote is less acurate than a anologe stick. I found it interesting to explain why the wiimote and mouse was more accurate.
By the way you should seperate the waggle from pointer control, they are seperate technology's.
P.S. did you see the awesome tennis pictures we posted earlier?
Wow this thread is moving fast
Your post on GS Hires:
"I've played with the Wii and I really can't aim for **** with that thing, and looking at the PS3's Siaxxis it was a complete failure because you either need a controller that is completely traditional or you need one that only has IR sensors as it makes things much easier on the devs. It just doesn't work when you have a controller that can do both, and basically I think its silly to want every system to be a carbon copy of the wii when its obvious that their is still a market for traditional controlled games. I never understood what was the big deal about the wii-mote when it comes to aiming anyway, the Wii's best games are not shooters, and the aiming really isn't any more intuitive than light-guns were 10 years ago..."
I do believe you can mix the two, the sixaxis is a terrible example cause it only has motion and its tied together like a normal controler. For IR to work you will have to split the controlers in half. Still there is no reason that two halves cannot have the same amount of buttons with the same type of layout. Maybe even have the option to reattach it in some way for certain games like fighting games and what not. Someone can make it work, I think.
Sorry to bring this here but this is like home court for me, everyone that shares my view seems to have left GS so I am left with no one over there.
(I feel bad, sorry hires, its just that you are the one that is here, there are plenty of other in that thread that I would love to have a discussion with as well.)
Woo hoo! Ivanovic definately gets my vote.
Note to self. Must watch more women's tennis. Oh yeah Banjo's looking pretty awesome and I'm still really looking forward to Too Human.
Like my penis.
Maybe some of the bad blood is due to issues with the Wii as a system and that discussion is serving as an outlet for frustation, albeit about legitimate things.
In MP3, IR aiming is great when I'm trying to track a moving enemy or object due to speed of movement, but I think I found an analog stick to be easier to use when aiming at stationary objects. That may sound weird at first, but if I'm remembering my experiences correctly (as I haven't played the other Primes or any console FPSs in a while), aiming at a stationary object with a stick gives me a better impression of how far I have to move the stick. I'm not sure. All I know is that I found aiming in Prime and Prime 2 to be easier than in Prime 3 unless I'm trying to aim at a steep angle or a fast-moving object/enemy.
I honestly can't think of how TP was worse on the Wii because of IR aiming. It takes some getting used to, but aiming Link's bow and arrows with the Wiimote is nicer than using sticks except possibly if I were doing something like OoT's Gerudo target range, where any deviation from a certain spot could mean not hitting a target (deviation due to minor, unintentional hand movement).
I have no objection to IR aiming being implemented in all controllers if it doesn't significantly and detrimentally affect the controller's feel and utility. Are you thinking of a split setup, like the Wiimote+nunchuck? That would be... ok... but what about the right stick? What about, say, all the buttons on a DualShock-type controller that aren't covered with the Wiimote+nunchuck? What about the stick buttons, which require more stability of the controller than pressing perhaps anything else (stability that is provided with the other hand)? I'm not lying when I say I'd love to see people's proposals for a split, IR-utilizing "full" controller.
I'd be happy to. Do you have a direct link to this article?
Well its not to an article because its scans but I got it from here,
I haven't played the wii version, but I have this suspicious feeling that people aren't even playing the right kind of games to gauge the wii's aiming controls, or certainly not a wide enough variety of them. If you're saying that personally you like having mechanical, slower rachety style analogue aiming because that suits you there is no problem. But if it comes down to an argument as to what is better, faster, more accurate, what is more intuitive, than anyone representing dual analogue as better for any game that involves (pointing and shooting at things)... is just plain wrong IMHO and by quite some margin.
You can have both, mario kart and smash bros are two flagship wii titles that give you a litany of control options, including classic controls and even gamecube pad controls. Otherwise you can have a smooth integration of both styles. The wii and nunchuk combo includes motion, IR, a D-pad, an analogue stick and various shoulder and face buttons. If a jack of all trades game that encompasses all play styles - like zelda - for instance can be made and control smoothly and intuitively and in the case of aiming (better) than it can work for most titles. Other than Smash Bros I have not wanted for controls in the slightest, even playing PS2 ports like Okami and Bully and in fact the control on both those titles have been improved because of IR.
I have no idea what you mean about turning and camera controls? If you are talking about turning in a FPS then you are mistaken because you can turn like greased f-ing lightning in medal of honor heroes 2, we are talking PC fast. Camera control? If you are talking 3rd person games than I haven't wanted for camera control with any wii game I have played and that includes zelda, okami and bully.
"not everyone wants a bunch of light gun games"
Again I don't know what to think about this as FPS in control terms work much better on wii as well. And lightgun games just aren't even possible with a dual analogue controller anyway.
Lastly I really doubt that a lot of people have even touched Elebits, which allows you a ridiculous amount of control when it comes to physics based object manipulation or a lot of the levels of boom blox that use this feature extensively. Elebits features groundbreaking control where you can rotate and push and pull objects into and out of the screen, all based around a physics engine. This type of stuff cannot even be simulated on dual analogue or even a mouse.