Rumored Rock Band 2 Track List
Submitted by a QA who supposedly wrote down as many songs as he could remember, he came up with about 60 of the rumored 80 track list
Mercenaries 2: WiFi 'Recon' Trailer
Mercenaries 2 is a sandbox shooter for the 360,PS3, and PC platforms
Velvet Assassin 'Killer' Trailer
Velvet Assassin is an action game coming to the PC , 360
Patapon 2 Announced
Detailed in Famitsu, Sony has a sequel in the works for the PSP
High Quality Killzone 2 Screens
Most of the screens are old, but have not been seen at as high of quality as these
Trauma Center 2 Demo Available
Demo can be downloaded on the Nintendo Channel
Ngamer - Animal Crossing and Punch-out
says Animal Crossing is finished at not a MMO and Punch-out has balance board support
Resident Evil Zero Wii edition impressions.
Nothing is changed. Wii controls detailed.
Tons of info on Pokemon Platnium
Hits Sept. 13 in Japan, additions described.
Order by:
Recently Spotted:
robio (4m)
How about Humphrey Higgins?
Humphrey Higgins III.
I think we have it.
Slow this week in comments terms. Ravenprose is on news updates tomorrow, hopefully the permissions will be sorted by then so I don't have to update.
Everyone might as well check out my movie blog then if they're bored.
It's in an incomplete state but it's getting there! Keep checking back.
Guys you got to read this. Zelda Windwaker manga that makes fun of the game.
Zelda Windwaker Manga
Star wars screens
The editor issues are due to an update by the server host, and I'm waiting on support for it to be resolved.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileOh right thanks for the heads up.
You know those star wars pics I just posted? Are they resized because they look out of ratio to me.
If they go over the width of the page, they're resized, but should stay in ratio.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWhy am I watching gorgeous FU screens when I should be watching that Fiddy trailer? Vader's apprentice needs more bling. He should hold his sword sideways, also. I hope the game turns out good (FU, not Fiddy), even though I'm not a strong SW junkie. It's going to be interesting to jump into this game after finishing Mass Effect, which keeps growing in me to extents that even I could not have foreseen given its jarring and awful technical performance.
Coming soon to YOUR HOMETOWN:

Introducing, the Federal Homeland Security Police Department!!
I feel safer already!
Those must be 360/PS3 screens of FU, correct?
GG, is this what you wanted for Brawl matches?
I suppose 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. will work, as well as 6:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m. That's the best I can do, methinks.
Regarding those matches, I'll have to get my Wii online again, which I'll probably have problems doing. And since I've never done anything online other than download VC games, I'm gonna have to set up some stuff before I can game with anyone. But here's hoping. *crosses fingers*
That reminds me, I need to check if I won any of the Check Mii Out Contests I entered a month ago, I think my Mona Lisa, and Cat Lady were damn good!
^^^Is that made by the same guys? It looks like the exact same type of concept.
That Gamespot Conduit question just shows why Gamespot are retards now, and they obviously don't care much for Wii. How exactly is having graphics that push the Wii to its limit a "moot point"? Considering it is, in fact, so underpowered, isn't it then even MORE important to get the most out of it?
I didn't see anyone complaining about Metroid and Mario saying "ugh...why did they waste their time making the game so beautiful? I want N64 graphics damnit!"
Really, fucking moronic question. The kind of question that deserves a classic Dave Mustaine "you're an idiot" look (at the 2:50 mark):
I guess every game has to be for the PC then if it wants to push hardware.
Is this the new DS? Widescreen version in store? - HOLY SHIT! I guess I'll wait longer to get a replacement DS.
One of the site's forefathers.
Not being able to post when internet slowed?

Not cool.
Testing to see if I can post.
OMG it worked!!! I have not been able to post all day.
So who has this shift? There is Rock Band 2 news up.
Nevermind I am updating the news now, so awesome!
I had the shift, but I didn't know I was suppose to start today, plus I'm an idiot when it comes to military time.
Warioland Wii trailer
One of the site's forefathers.
Oh your still on, great job hires. Now check out this weirdness.
WTF is that???
Captain Rainbow?
It looks like the issue with the host is resolved. Hoorah for not having to switch again.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile