Personally, I believe all firmware updates are nothing more than antipiracy patches disguised as "exciting new features".
Now, I have absolutely no problem with Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony trying to prevent priracy on their consoles, but they do need to test these things out better before sending them to the public. It's like gamers are nothing more than guinea pigs to these companies.
Maaayyybbbeee... Force Unleashed. I've never been a big Star Wars fan.
[I probably won't play any of these right away, as I am still happily chugging away on TWEWY and FFTA2, but they're still must buys for me!]
I'll be trading some stuff in to get Civilization Revolution, and I'll still be playing Persona 3: The Answer, as well as playing lots of MGS4 and MGO. I've also discovered that I'm a Trophy Whore, so I'll be playing some Super Stardust HD.
Hey Edge, sorry your PS3 shit on you. You seem to have exceptionally piss poor luck with your consoles.
It seems that 2.4 fucked up my PS3 as well. I can watch blu-rays, play PSN games, and access any video or music I've got on my HDD, but I can't play disc based games.
It seems that 2.4 fucked up my PS3 as well. I can watch blu-rays, play PSN games, and access any video or music I've got on my HDD, but I can't play disc based games.
I feel a little sheepish. I just unplugged everything, and vacuumed the hell out of my PS3, and now disc based games are working fine. It seems that my own filthy lifestyle caught up with me just in time for this firmware update. Truly an odd coincidence.
While I certainly feel for you guys that got your systems messed up I have to say that I absolutely love system updates, patches, and other enhancements that we are able to do this generation. I love all the cool things they are able to add during a console's lifetime because new ideas are always coming up for new features to add so while just having a system that stays static all throughout it's lifespan is just way too limiting since after sometime that the system is out people will be wishing for certain things that just either weren't thought of at the time or the manufacturers just weren't able to implent. They do however need to really test these firmware updates as thoroughly as they can or just fully compensate users machines that get messed up by the updates.
As for what I'll be playing this month right now it looks like it will mostly be Virtua Fighter 5 which I've had sitting around for the longest time and finally decided to start playing it. I'll also be playing some Soul Calibur which I just downloaded on XBLA. This game is just prepping me up for Soul Calibur IV which I'll definately be getting. Hopefully Bionic Commando Rearmed will come out soon because I really want that game. I'm also planning on picking up Unreal Tournament III for the 360 which is finally coming out next week. Woo hoo!
It seems that 2.4 fucked up my PS3 as well. I can watch blu-rays, play PSN games, and access any video or music I've got on my HDD, but I can't play disc based games.
rag said:
I feel a little sheepish. I just unplugged everything, and vacuumed the hell out of my PS3, and now disc based games are working fine. It seems that my own filthy lifestyle caught up with me just in time for this firmware update. Truly an odd coincidence.
Well, I just use the brush attachement and I hit every hole on that son of a bitch. I always forget to do it, but if you vacuum it one every two months or so it keeps running quiet, and well, presumably it prevents the weirdness I've had in the last day or so. Every time I've thought my PS3 was acting up I've been able to fix it by simply vacuuming it,
Wow, it finally happened to me. Yeah that post above is me, and my name was listed too!
Yeah I forgot to mention that to Yoda...sometimes it just happens no matter what.
rag said:
edgecrusher said:
How exactly do you Vacuum a PS3???
Well, I just use the brush attachement and I hit every hole on that son of a bitch. I always forget to do it, but if you vacuum it one every two months or so it keeps running quiet, and well, presumably it prevents the weirdness I've had in the last day or so. Every time I've thought my PS3 was acting up I've been able to fix it by simply vacuuming it,
This is deep. I'm going to keep this in mind for the future. Maybe if it wasn't suck a dust magnet this wouldn't be nessessary?
Ravenprose said:
Games I've been playing
I'm trying (not too hard, mind you) to beat Perfect Dark Zero on "Secret Agent" difficulty. I've also started playing Super Mario Galaxy again Snce my DS is broken and can't play Animal Crossing WW, I went back to playing AC on GC. I haven't played it in 2 1/2 years; Man, weeds galore!
Dude tell Gamingeek (almost called you Minda for some reason) to get PD Zero. He's holding out.
While I certainly feel for you guys that got your systems messed up I have to say that I absolutely love system updates, patches, and other enhancements that we are able to do this generation. I love all the cool things they are able to add during a console's lifetime because new ideas are always coming up for new features to add so while just having a system that stays static all throughout it's lifespan is just way too limiting since after sometime that the system is out people will be wishing for certain things that just either weren't thought of at the time or the manufacturers just weren't able to implent. They do however need to really test these firmware updates as thoroughly as they can or just fully compensate users machines that get messed up by the updates.
Since you've been gaming since the begining of it all I'm just curious. Where do you feel that gaming in general should go? Sorry but again I'm just curious.
Anyway I put in a blog in and it didn't even show! What a load of poop!
I've played very little for a while. A little Brawl during podcasts, and started playing Geometry Wars: Galaxies on DS, and that's about it. I still need to get back to Metroid, but I have to check GameFAQs so I've not bothered.
Though not directed at me, I've held a pessimistic outlook on gaming for a while, which is that it's an unsustainable medium. Ultimately there will reach a saturation of repetition.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
Ding ding ding. Shitty Nintendo charging me to pay for their cracked hinge DS problem and trying to charge me for their overheating wii GPU and the red and green dots.
I haven't hassled myself with trying to get my Wii online again (since it wasn't working wirelessly in the dorms and my PC doesn't like the USB peripheral), but it just gets so warm during normal operation that I'm scared to leave it running for updates when I do go online. I swear, if my Wii has a faulty GPU and I find out, I am going to be super-pissed. Bought the thing in December '06, so it's definitely not under warranty. A friend of mine, unfortunately, has discovered that his Wii has a bad GPU.
This generation is a joke. The most reliable hardware is basically a last gen console with an interface that divides gamers, and even it doesn't have a spotless history--there was a harmful firmware update for it! Trying to constantly have a working 360 is, plain and simple, a money pit. And now Sony decides to be negligent about the consequences of its own software on its machines. Still, though, no matter how disappointing this generation is because of these facts, the PS3 still sounds like the best bet insofar as its a true "next gen" console and it's extremely reliable. It's only the company that's screwing up after the machine is out the door (and of course it made an even bigger screw-up before even launching it... damn price).
My brother recently had problems with his Wii overheating and freezing up. So I'm like Hmm that's weird, where do you keep it? He says I have it standing up next to the TV. Just for the hell of it, not really thinking he'd be this foolish about it, I have it on the stand right? Cause the stand lets the air vents on the bottom of the machine suck in much needed air and stuff....
He says oh man, you're joking right? There's a vent on the bottom? I don't have it in the stand, I just have it sitting up flat on its own. I'm like LOL there's your problem can't breathe! Ever since then, its been fine for him....but who knows what damage was done. Probably cut a few years off its lifespan.
Personally, I believe all firmware updates are nothing more than antipiracy patches disguised as "exciting new features".
Now, I have absolutely no problem with Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony trying to prevent priracy on their consoles, but they do need to test these things out better before sending them to the public. It's like gamers are nothing more than guinea pigs to these companies.
I'll be trading some stuff in to get Civilization Revolution, and I'll still be playing Persona 3: The Answer, as well as playing lots of MGS4 and MGO. I've also discovered that I'm a Trophy Whore, so I'll be playing some Super Stardust HD.
Hey Edge, sorry your PS3 shit on you. You seem to have exceptionally piss poor luck with your consoles.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
It seems that 2.4 fucked up my PS3 as well. I can watch blu-rays, play PSN games, and access any video or music I've got on my HDD, but I can't play disc based games.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
Wow just wow.
One of the site's forefathers.
Much less than breaking the system, but one of the Wii updates blocks Action Replay; I'm so glad I got a clock in exchange.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI feel a little sheepish. I just unplugged everything, and vacuumed the hell out of my PS3, and now disc based games are working fine. It seems that my own filthy lifestyle caught up with me just in time for this firmware update. Truly an odd coincidence.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
While I certainly feel for you guys that got your systems messed up I have to say that I absolutely love system updates, patches, and other enhancements that we are able to do this generation. I love all the cool things they are able to add during a console's lifetime because new ideas are always coming up for new features to add so while just having a system that stays static all throughout it's lifespan is just way too limiting since after sometime that the system is out people will be wishing for certain things that just either weren't thought of at the time or the manufacturers just weren't able to implent. They do however need to really test these firmware updates as thoroughly as they can or just fully compensate users machines that get messed up by the updates.
As for what I'll be playing this month right now it looks like it will mostly be Virtua Fighter 5 which I've had sitting around for the longest time and finally decided to start playing it. I'll also be playing some Soul Calibur which I just downloaded on XBLA. This game is just prepping me up for Soul Calibur IV which I'll definately be getting. Hopefully Bionic Commando Rearmed will come out soon because I really want that game. I'm also planning on picking up Unreal Tournament III for the 360 which is finally coming out next week. Woo hoo!
How exactly do you Vacuum a PS3???
Wow, it finally happened to me. Yeah that post above is me, and my name was listed too!
Well, I just use the brush attachement and I hit every hole on that son of a bitch.
I always forget to do it, but if you vacuum it one every two months or so it keeps running quiet, and well, presumably it prevents the weirdness I've had in the last day or so. Every time I've thought my PS3 was acting up I've been able to fix it by simply vacuuming it,
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
Yeah I forgot to mention that to Yoda...sometimes it just happens no matter what.
This is deep. I'm going to keep this in mind for the future. Maybe if it wasn't suck a dust magnet this wouldn't be nessessary?
Dude tell Gamingeek (almost called you Minda for some reason) to get PD Zero. He's holding out.
Since you've been gaming since the begining of it all I'm just curious. Where do you feel that gaming in general should go? Sorry but again I'm just curious.
Anyway I put in a blog in and it didn't even show! What a load of poop!
One of the site's forefathers.
I've played very little for a while. A little Brawl during podcasts, and started playing Geometry Wars: Galaxies on DS, and that's about it. I still need to get back to Metroid, but I have to check GameFAQs so I've not bothered.
Though not directed at me, I've held a pessimistic outlook on gaming for a while, which is that it's an unsustainable medium. Ultimately there will reach a saturation of repetition.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI've added a check in the PHP file for posting comments. This should hypothetically catch this problem.
And I've tested it by logging out while keeping this window open and it works perfectly. So no more of your mystery posts!
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileI haven't hassled myself with trying to get my Wii online again (since it wasn't working wirelessly in the dorms and my PC doesn't like the USB peripheral), but it just gets so warm during normal operation that I'm scared to leave it running for updates when I do go online. I swear, if my Wii has a faulty GPU and I find out, I am going to be super-pissed. Bought the thing in December '06, so it's definitely not under warranty. A friend of mine, unfortunately, has discovered that his Wii has a bad GPU.
This generation is a joke. The most reliable hardware is basically a last gen console with an interface that divides gamers, and even it doesn't have a spotless history--there was a harmful firmware update for it! Trying to constantly have a working 360 is, plain and simple, a money pit. And now Sony decides to be negligent about the consequences of its own software on its machines. Still, though, no matter how disappointing this generation is because of these facts, the PS3 still sounds like the best bet insofar as its a true "next gen" console and it's extremely reliable. It's only the company that's screwing up after the machine is out the door (and of course it made an even bigger screw-up before even launching it... damn price).
Can we PM people yet? >_>
You always could.
Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileBeaver, you DO keep your Wii on the stand, right?
My brother recently had problems with his Wii overheating and freezing up. So I'm like Hmm that's weird, where do you keep it? He says I have it standing up next to the TV. Just for the hell of it, not really thinking he'd be this foolish about it, I have it on the stand right? Cause the stand lets the air vents on the bottom of the machine suck in much needed air and stuff....
He says oh man, you're joking right? There's a vent on the bottom? I don't have it in the stand, I just have it sitting up flat on its own. I'm like LOL there's your problem can't breathe! Ever since then, its been fine for him....but who knows what damage was done. Probably cut a few years off its lifespan.