Ubisoft Brazil plans a staff of 200
So this is where their Wii games are made...
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To me those Tunguska screens look pretty damn good.
It's a proper adventure game, not some err, graphic japanese electro novel thing right? Then it looks pretty good.
Weekly Extra!
Eternal Sonata (PS3) bonus features
two new playable characters, new special moves, new costumes, music, keeps and even new illustrations of characters.
Scheduled for a September launch in Japan.
Ah crap, the two ? marks above this post are mine. Ooops.
In Regards to Posting News
Oh I'd definitely be down, I'm not doing anything at all this summer, as in no job or other responsibilities...So yeah anyday you need me to do something I will, I just thought the vacancies were filled.
Oh no, nothing has been decided yet I'm just seeing who's interested. Then I'll hold a meeting next week in my 1up blog and you can tell me when is best for you and check your times etc on the world clock for where you are, then we can work out a schedule.
Stop the presses
Megaman 9 Confirmed for Wiiware in Nintendo Power.
Robot Masters:
Magma Man
Galaxy Man
Jewel Man
Concrete Man
Hornet Man
Plug Man
Tornado Man
Splash Woman (Um, not too sure on the last one.)
This better not be capcoms secret wii title!
I gave up caring about megaman....... well... since I was born. Does that count?
8 bit style graphics
So what about my forum deal thing? You still haven't responded
Anyway I could try inviting: tarheel, TrueReligion_, GamingQueen, Alaris_83, and smokeydabear.
Ash2X? Panzer_Zwei? Phobeous_Flows? wok7? Protoss_Rush? st1ka? Paintballz? True_Gamer? MikeE? Thedukelives? dracula?
Come on gamingeek how can you forget wonderful posters like these?
There is nothing to be "shameful" about. I mean do these companies REALLY expect us to buy their DVD's on a dinosaur distributing format? Volumes? Are they fucking serious? Seriously who buys volumes anymore? It took One Piece almost a full decade to get released at North America in its uncut and unedited form.
And now that something is out there competing against the market it is now all of a sudden a crisis and it is seemed to be the innocent victim. With the majority of these companies I have yet to see any significant steps to explore new routes of distribution.
How about making a system similar to STEAM where the entire community is connected. Being able to have contacts with friends, go into forums, having the community have polls to see what shows they should have licensed, have all anime they have ever published (even Japanese only) up for stream or direct download, have all the series mangas put up for stream or direct download as well as put up the ongoing mangas, they could even put up manga for non-anime released titles (hell even manga by the users) and if enough people request it it itself could become an anime, how about planing of how I pay (per watch, per episode, per season, per series)?
Or how about truly using piracy to its advantage? Step 1 is already down, they are watching the shows, all they have to do is buy them. Why not get rid of this volume shit and just have season and series boxsets and price them reasonably? And while doing this be sure to market it properly and give the fans incentive to buy them. If anybody enjoys a show and sees all of it or a good portion of it priced at a mere $20 - $25 they'd be sure to buy it.
Anime costs too much to be priced that low? Lulz even the more expensive anime, like "One Piece", cost around $100,000 to make *it's usually lower*. For 13 episodes that is what? $1.3 million? That's nothing considering that movies cost far more. Unless the movie is a documentry the usually cost a minimum of around $5 million, yet they make plenty of profit WITH piracy. There is also the fact that the animators get paid peanuts, but that is for another topic all together.
Piracy is the problem? Okay then how is PC gaming stronger then ever? How does Valve roll in the dough? How do smaller companies like Stardock do it? How do indie devs like Bit-Blot do it? How is the Virtual Console so successful being that many games on their are selling more on there then they did during their initial debut? How do all these small horror films pull in profit when piracy is about?
Personally I don't shed a tear for any of these companies, nor do I for the small section of whiny fans going "OMG piracy is destoying everything!!!".
MORE shooters? Oh come on I thought that this phase was over.
"Arc Rise Fantasia (Wii) Gorgeous new screens " - Umm...what?
One of the site's forefathers.
Penis Man is confirmed for MegaMan 9.
Woah Mega Man 9 a wiiware game, that means it will be a classic sidescroller (I think)!!!!
Whats with the old news in today's update. That Afrika video is from weeks ago. The PSN update was last weeks update.
Here is a big detailed post on the PS video service and Life service:
GS has a general summary of the event:
The video service is due out this summer:
According to a Dengeki Online report filed from the conference, Hirai showed a slide which showed a high-definition download of the film Ghost Rider for $5.99. Though the screen said "Purchase Confirmation," a subsequent slide confirmed PlayStation Network films would only be rentals, as they are on Xbox Live Marketplace. HD XBLM film rentals also cost $5.99, with SD rentals costing $3.99. The Dengeki report said the PlayStation Network would also offer SD video, but did not say if television shows would be available. Hirai promised more details at next month's E3 Media & Business Summit.
Though it was short on specifics, Sony was long on optimism about the PS3's video service. "In the Game segment, the two key drivers of new growth are non-game content and services in tandem with enhanced network capability," the company said in a statement. The company also said that in the current fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2009, it plans to "continue PS3 cost reduction initiatives," "accelerate PS3 sales through upcoming key franchise software titles, " and "continue to expand the PS3 customer base through the strength of Blu-ray Disc." Earlier this year, Blu-ray emerged victorious in the next-generation console war after Toshiba abruptly ceased HD-DVD support.
In addition to the video services and the financial details, Hirai's presentation also included the first details about a totally unexpected--but very familiar-looking--service, " Life with Playstation." Outlined in a slide show snapped by Dengeki, the service looks like a more complex of the Wii's news service, which allows users to take a satellite's-eye view, literally spin the globe, and peruse international news by clicking on dozens of cities. (Washington, DC was used as an example.) However, unlike Wii News, Life will Playstation will also apparently have more general information about major cities, including photos of landmarks
Pics from gaf:
White Knight confirmed for FY08!!

Price drop coming this year I guess.
Life with PS will be just like the Wii Weather and News channel in one:
I just went off what the site said before I even looked at the screens. Still, doesn't look bad at all, better than Tales 2 IMO.
PS 2.4 firmware to be shown and talked about on Monday, http://n4g.com/ps3/News-161711.aspx
Much better Media Create sales chart, http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=318880
TODAY's PS store update thread at gaf, gets update throughout the day, http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=319301
MGS4 has shipped 3 million copies, http://ps3.ign.com/articles/884/884552p1.html
WTF is this thing, http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/53328, is that an ugly wiimote.
Did I post about all the new SCIV details?
If a site posts it as new, I assume it's new. I have no PS3 and don't keep up, why would I be interested in the details of the firmware fixes or PSN stuff? I just post it for you guys.
SWeet! That's the novint falcon, before the wiimote was unveiled I speculated that the revolution controller would be similar. It does have 3-D movement compared to a mouse, but since it's tethered you can't get anything like the range of movement you can from the wii controller. You'll never be swinging it like a tennis racket for instance. But it has haptic feedback, it's said that if you move over a bumpy surface, you feel the bumps on your hand. If you move over a sticky surface, the resistance is increased and it feels gluey. It's cool stuff but it retailed for over $100 by itself and this was a couple of years ago.
That update maybe for Europe, that explains it.
Mega Man 9 news has me jumping for joy! Its an NES game!! Its like a dream come true, new NES games!!
Where is Leo, I want to hug him, its like a win for classic gamers everywhere.
Europe doesn't get PSN updates, however, every once in a while Sony posts a bulletin on the European store that simply says, "Yep, we still don't care about you. Thanks for buying our products." True story.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"
Capcom is just wrecking everyone else's shit this gen. They really seem to understand what people want.
"When I was around her, I felt like a goblin made entirely out of wicked genitals"