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Tue, 05 Jan 2016 11:43:27

Anyone else able to call whether you are going to lose or win a match just by seeing what weapons your team has?

2x sniper rifles = fail

2x brushes = fail

2x sniper rifles + 1 brush = epic fail

A sniper, a brush and a blaster = epic fail

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Tue, 05 Jan 2016 12:27:13
gamingeek said:

Anyone else able to call whether you are going to lose or win a match just by seeing what weapons your team has?

2x sniper rifles = fail

2x brushes = fail

2x sniper rifles + 1 brush = epic fail

A sniper, a brush and a blaster = epic fail

Yeah, nothing gets on my nerves like going into a ranked match with 2 snipers on my team.  Hrm

Also, playing with Travo I was amazed how many new players stick with rollers.

Edited: Tue, 05 Jan 2016 12:27:42
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Tue, 05 Jan 2016 12:35:00

3 rollers on your team and the enemy team has 2 dual squelchers and 2 normal machine guns. Eh..................

I think the game should limit teams to 1 sniper per team and 1 brush per team. If I want to mess around and try a brush I inevitably end up on a team with another brush and then a sniper and we get creamed.

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Tue, 05 Jan 2016 12:40:08
gamingeek said:

3 rollers on your team and the enemy team has 2 dual squelchers and 2 normal machine guns. Eh..................

I think the game should limit teams to 1 sniper per team and 1 brush per team. If I want to mess around and try a brush I inevitably end up on a team with another brush and then a sniper and we get creamed.

That would still be your fault though, as you would be the second brush.  Nyaa  Nowhere did you say that one brush and one sniper equals a fail.

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Tue, 05 Jan 2016 12:44:50
SupremeAC said:

That would still be your fault though, as you would be the second brush.  Nyaa

Perhaps but it discourages weapon experimentation. I was doing great with a Splat roller last night like the good old days, but my team..... yeah.

SupremeAC said:

Nowhere did you say that one brush and one sniper equals a fail.

Sometimes it's allright, depends on how good they are.

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Tue, 05 Jan 2016 15:43:22
SupremeAC said:

I am envious of your enjoyment of this game.  I won't have time to play any till the weekend.  Think you could make it for a splathour some time?  I'm currently rank A-, but I'm on the brink of dropping down to B+ again.

I won't be in this weekend.

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Wed, 06 Jan 2016 11:04:59

So Travo, does your whole family use the same NNID to play splatoon as the one character? I can see how that would allow you to level up more quickly but wont it hurt the enjoyment for the little ones when they are paired against high level players, because you've leveled up so much?

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Wed, 06 Jan 2016 15:35:01

Having been in paralysis over my A+ ranking for weeks I finally started playing ranked battles again with the attitude of - I don't care if it drops. I lost one match..... then won 7 matches in a row.

I'm now two wins away from S or S minus? Is there a minus?

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Wed, 06 Jan 2016 15:40:14
gamingeek said:

Having been in paralysis over my A+ ranking for weeks I finally started playing ranked battles again with the attitude of - I don't care if it drops. I lost one match..... then won 7 matches in a row.

I'm now two wins away from S or S minus? Is there a minus?

There is no S- .

I'd really like to get back into this.  But I also have Bravely Default i want to finish and XCX where I haven't even started chapter 5.  And then I still have half a dozen unopened 3DS and WiiU games.  And about a dozen games on Steam I'd like to play now I have a Steam Link.  I don't need more games, I need more time.  Maybe I coud cut back my sleep to 3 hours a night?  That'll surely do the trick.  Nyaa

Last time I played ranked I ended up losing 25 points.  Is it just me, or do you lose more points than you win once you hit A-?

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Wed, 06 Jan 2016 17:06:18
SupremeAC said:

There is no S- .

Last time I played ranked I ended up losing 25 points.  Is it just me, or do you lose more points than you win once you hit A-?

I've never noticed. I thought you won or lost 10 points per match.

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Wed, 06 Jan 2016 17:53:31

GG is splatoon god.


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Wed, 06 Jan 2016 18:42:00

2 more wins....

I actually stopped playing because I didn't want to get there too easily because I was on a wicked winning streak.

Instead I just randomly levelled up equipment in turf wars, dicked about with any weapon and lost about half the games.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2016 11:39:39
gamingeek said:

So Travo, does your whole family use the same NNID to play splatoon as the one character? I can see how that would allow you to level up more quickly but wont it hurt the enjoyment for the little ones when they are paired against high level players, because you've leveled up so much?

We all play the same NNID And he doesn't seem to mind right now.  My son is the one who plays ranked games at the moment which is why I have a solid C-.  When I get serious about ranked, I'll keep him off my NNID and let him use his.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2016 12:05:20
travo said:

We all play the same NNID And he doesn't seem to mind right now.  My son is the one who plays ranked games at the moment which is why I have a solid C-.  When I get serious about ranked, I'll keep him off my NNID and let him use his.

I've played a little bit of Splatoon with my son as well.  He's only 4 though, and he doesn't get to game all that much.  He's just content rolling over me in 1-on-1 fightts and getting paint all over the floor.  For some reason he has a good understanding of getting ink on walls so he can squid up them.

He dables with gaming, playing some mario kart or 3D world, but that's about it for the moment.  He can clear one or two levels in 3D world, and always finishes last in Kart, but he doesn't mind.

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Thu, 07 Jan 2016 20:13:44

Splat time!

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Fri, 08 Jan 2016 16:42:32

It's taking forever to reach level 50! sad

I'm level 49 and I won about 20 turf wars matches today killing between 7-11 people per match with a splat roller.

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Fri, 08 Jan 2016 16:53:20
gamingeek said:

It's taking forever to reach level 50! sad

I'm level 49 and I won about 20 turf wars matches today killing between 7-11 people per match with a splat roller.

It's because the Splatoon God, in all his wisdom, looks down upon all who play with rollers.

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Fri, 08 Jan 2016 18:02:29

I'm trying to dethrone the Splatoon god.

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Sat, 09 Jan 2016 12:56:06

Why is there two different Splatoon threads?


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Sat, 09 Jan 2016 21:25:25

^One was just the splatoon topic, this one is the VGP gettogether event I think.

Anyway, I put Splatoon in the other day just to see how it would go in my game of the year runnings.  I have no idea what any of the new modes are (by new I mean anything that was not available immediately after launch). Game is certainly what I remembered of it, I really should beat the single player mode.

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