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Your Best and Worst "Just Got It Home" Console Purchase
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Tue, 21 Aug 2012 22:06:38

No. This is different.

You just got the console you have been craving, got it home with a handful of games, hooked everything up and ...

sad trombone.

Or the converse.

Best: Dreamcast by far. I bought it with Blue Stinger, Soul Calibur, Ready to Rumble and SEGA Bass Fishing.  Essentially the party never stopped, we just kept playing, more and more people came over, it was great. And the launch never really ended, there were awesome new games for it every week.

Worst: GameCube. After waiting in line to pick it up we took it straight home. We were only allowed by the retailer we had purchsed it from to get two games, so we picked out Luigi's Mansion and Rogue Squadron.  Yeah. Not exactly fun games. Luigi's Mansion gets favorable nostalgia-glasses treatment now, but when you get a new console home and are expecting a Mario game, it sucks.

And Rogue Squadron isn't exactly a jump-in, jump-out experience you want for a launch game to show off to your friends.

Fortunately some short time later we got Super Monkey Ball and all was forgiven.

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Tue, 21 Aug 2012 23:09:50

Best: Gamecube. I got Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Time Splitters 2.

Worst: Xbox 360. Perfect Dark Zero and... Rumble Roses XX :/ . Maybe even the PSP since I could only find Tony Hawk Underground 2 Remix so I got that one.

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Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:05:02
Best: NES and Genesis. My dad randomly bought these for us and both times my uncle came over so we had me, my dad, my brother all playing these new consoles. For the NES we got SMB and rush n attack, we played a lot of Mario. For genesis we got the first Madden, pat Riley basketball, and Hardball, obviously my dad got it for the sports. The Genesis came with one game I was dying to play, Sonic and the rest is history.

Worst: PS3, I bought two ps3s at launch one to sell one to keep. Though it wasn't my money, the ps3 was to be a Christmas gift from my parents so out of respect for Christmas I waited till that day to open it. That day i spent hours doing updates and download a GT4 HD demo. I had resistance as well but who wants to play that.
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Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:17:08

You reminded me. I change my Worst to PS3.

I got one at the first price drop from Amazon along with four other associates at work.  We sat there all day with respective PS3's under our desks.

I took it home, without a game, hooked it up and was like... "So what am I going to play?". I ended up getting Resistance, and that was my PS3 library for the next 9 months or so.

Edited: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:17:36

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Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:26:24

Best: Super Nintendo - I put in on lay-away along with copies of Street Fighter II and Final Fantasy IV. It took a couple weeks but when I brought that bad boy home I just about had a nervous breakdown trying to decide which game I wanted to play.

Worst: Sega Genesis - As a super comic book freak, I decided to trade in that wonderful Super Nintendo because an X-men video game had just come out on the Genesis and there weren't any on the horizon for the SNES. When I got home I put in the game. . . and started cursing myself, sega, and whatever fucking company made that god awful piece of shit. X-men.... fucking awful game. And that was pretty much the only game I had for a few months, barring an occasional rental of Sonic or Road Rash.

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Wed, 22 Aug 2012 00:45:11
Best: N64.  Wanted it badly.  Mario Kart 64 is awesome.  Simple enough.

Worst: Imma cheat here since it's not a console, but BY FAR the GBA.  Like, landslide victory.  I wanted so much to be excited, but that screen was garbage.  Everything was so dark and hard to see.  There will never be a redesign as good as the GBA SP because there will never be as crippling as a defect as the GBA's awful screen brightness.


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Wed, 22 Aug 2012 02:57:33

^Yup. Especially if you live in cold, cloudy climate.  Until the SP came along the GBA was the "by-the-pool" console of choice in my house for about 9 months fo the year.

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Wed, 22 Aug 2012 03:13:23

Rogue Squadron was a perfect launch game simply due to how stunning it looked! Why would you expect Luigi's Mansion to be a Mario game?

Best: PS2 or PSX.

Wanted them a great deal.

Worst: N64.

Didn't have any games for it yet. (Though I may actually have had Lylat Wars. I'm not sure. I was planning to rely on borrowing games from a friend. Nyaa)

Edited: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 03:14:01

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Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:35:01

I've enjoyed all the consoles I have bought.

I guess the gba is the only one that saddened me. It had no backlight and no rechargable battery, unforgivable by todays standards. I had to get this accersory to strap a light on it.

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Wed, 22 Aug 2012 11:46:02

Best: Dreamcast....I already told you why. I got it home with Soul Calibur, NFL2K, and Sonic Adventure and had a fucking blast for like 3 days straight. And I bought it right before Resident Evil: Code Veronica came out, which was absolutely INSANE at the time. So I got that like 2 weeks later. Good times.

Worst: Playstation 3.

After getting the console home & paying $500 for it, I couldn't help but feel like I wasted my money for a system with mostly overrated exclusives at the time, and mediocre multi-platform ports.


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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 07:50:08

Best: Nintendo 64. I think Super Mario 64 was the only game I had, but playing a game in 3D like that felt so revolutionary, I was still having fun with it even as more games were coming out.

Worst: Imma cheat here since it's not a console, but the Nintendo DS. I only bought two games for it, and it basically became my backup GBA.


Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 10:28:33
Coopersville said:


Worst: Imma cheat here since it's not a console, but the Nintendo DS. I only bought two games for it, and it basically became my backup GBA.

You only EVER bought 2 games for it?

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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 20:25:22

I bought NEW Super Mario Bros. because I was hyped for a new side-scrolling Mario game. I bought Elite Beat Agents because of the rhythm games fad. I don't really see anything else worth playing. I wouldn't mind owning Resident Evil: Deadly Silence, but I've lost all my styluses and now the top screen doesn't really work.

Edited: Fri, 24 Aug 2012 20:26:02

Listen to Iced Earth and play Doom

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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 22:19:12

If your DS still worked I'd recommend Moon, if you saw it for cheap.

It was basically a Quake 2 clone. As for the stylus, you can use any capped ballpoint pen.

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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 22:35:25
aspro said:

If your DS still worked I'd recommend Moon, if you saw it for cheap.

It was basically a Quake 2 clone. As for the stylus, you can use any capped ballpoint pen.

As much as I loved Moon... I think Dementium and Dementium 2 are better.

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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 23:51:07
aspro said:

If your DS still worked I'd recommend Moon

Wait a minute...


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Fri, 24 Aug 2012 23:53:52


The VG Press

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Sat, 25 Aug 2012 01:54:58

I forgot all about that!

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Sat, 25 Aug 2012 02:19:42
LOL  Classic!
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Sat, 25 Aug 2012 02:50:53


I think I actually remember that...

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