Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobileWe will be playing the next gen consoles, I dont expect any big win or loss, should be about this same as this gen with Wii U being on par with the rest instead of being ahead. I dont know enough about social mobile games, I assume they will get better, be more like console games basically. The distribution will be the big difference. EA will make a move first probably to all digitial or to highly favor digital. The online stuff like having to be logged into a serve, companies having their own networks will continue to grow. Not sure I see any genres becoming more or less popular. There is always a surprise type of game each gen like rhythm games or skateboarding games but the core ones will always be there and be popular.
What are young people (under 18 ) around you thoughts on gaming? I know this is anecdotal, but I am wondering if they are going to be as into it as the generations before them.
My nephews are around 11 years old and they can't stop playing fucking Call of Duty.
COD is like videogame crack.
travo said:I don't get the appeal. What makes it so special?
Playing with friends would be my guess. Plus the drip feed of accomplishment. Also, if you are not age suitable for the game it'd feel like you are getting one over.
aspro said:
Also, if you are age suitable for the game it'd feel like you are getting one over.
Not all is lost. My 12-year old nephew got over his short stint of CoD fixation and has since finished such games as Ocarina of Time, Epic Mickey, Starfox 64, Super Mario 3D Land and New Super Mario Bros. Wii. He plays Minecraft, Downloaded NSMB2, Order Up 3DS... He's a well-rounded kid when it comes to the same kind of games we all like!
Foolz said:aspro said:
Also, if you are age suitable for the game it'd feel like you are getting one over.Fixed.

travo said:I'm curious what kind of game will be the breakout game for next gen? It seems like forever since Guitar Hero was so popular, though it has only been about four years ago.
Horse simulators. Not Horse-riding, not horse race gambling. But Horse Simulators. You are the horse.
Foolz said:To answer your question, Aspro:
To hell in a handbasket.
Plagiarist. See Above.
travo said:I'm curious what kind of game will be the breakout game for next gen? It seems like forever since Guitar Hero was so popular, though it has only been about four years ago.
Maybe Nintendo will finally release that Knitting game.
aspro said:
Plagiarist. See Above.
I'm not sure agreeing with someone constitutes plagiarism?
However unlike Archie (I assume) I was being serious.
I'm really very interested in where each of you think this industry is going. What you think the gaming landscape is going to look like in 3-4 years.
What consoles we'll be playing. What is happening with PC and social/ mobile gaming. How will we get our games and what will we pay. What genres will die off, which will flourish? What franchises will fall off?
Please offer any anecdotes you have as well, I'm looking for as many opinions as possible.