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The Press Room Podcast Thread
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Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:38:56

Listening now, that intro was amazing.

OMG Foolz is playing something different. Yes Minish Cap is a good one. No Yoda, no one is reading the wii sports resort thread. Nyaa Batman!!! I played that demo a ton of times. You can play that final stealth room a ton of times and try something new each time. I want to tes Aarny on MGS2s story. Nyaa I got all the chaos emeralds.  Rush 2 is better. Starfighter is ok.

I missed out on the Wipeout Ad thing, when I played it was ad free. But what the fuck where they thinking. PS thanks, what? Oh so its like Club Nintendo. If my trophies do something then I am all for it. How are you not familiar with Star Wars games? No games for 2009, yay!

The first MGS is on PSN Foolz. Substance is awesome, I enjoyed it a lot. Its pure gameplay which is the best part of that game. I think cause Subsistance has the online portion that is no longer working they dont like to release  that. The disc with the online portion had all the cool extras so they dont want to rework that. They probably will release dics 1 which is the game with the new camera.

50 Cent in MW2, what? FU FOOLZ!!! Bauer for life!  PSP sucks, let me play it on my PS3.

RPG crap whatever. Hey I love FFXII, wtf is wrong with you people. Holy hell its a podcast of crazy people except Homer. Wait Foolz is redeemed, he thinks FFVIII is the best which is true.

Yes looking at a box in a non visual medium is genius. LOL Uncharted 2! No wii price cut my ass.

When does he say "Where's the drugs", all I remember is "SWEAR TO ME!"

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Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:39:37

gamingeek said:
I enjoyed that podcast thanks guys.

Look at my post above, that is how you should respond to a podcast. Nyaa

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Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:44:09

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:
I enjoyed that podcast thanks guys.

Look at my post above, that is how you should respond to a podcast. Nyaa

 Or better yet and look at mine post. It has Fedor, Wand and Pride FC 2003 opening!

The VG Press
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Sat, 15 Aug 2009 20:44:40

Iga_Bobovic said:

Dvader said:

gamingeek said:
I enjoyed that podcast thanks guys.

Look at my post above, that is how you should respond to a podcast. Nyaa

Or better yet and look at mine post. It has Fedor, Wand and Pride FC 2003 opening!

That is true.

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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 00:04:50

SteelAttack said:
I'm down for tonight.


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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 00:16:11
I'm good, my brother didnt come over. Epic podcast confirmed.
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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 03:58:10

"The first MGS is on PSN Foolz."

Not in Australia. Sad

I think the exact line from begins might be "Where were the other drugs going?" Something like that anyway. When he's got somebody on a wire and is hanging upside down. I think it might have been raining? 


When looking that up in the script it's hilarious to see how many times "drugs" is mentioned.

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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 04:45:25
I might not be on, my brother is missing.
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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 05:05:05

Dvader said:
I might not be on, my brother is missing.

Missing? As in lost?

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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 05:38:35
Nevermind I am back. I dont want to talk about it, just need to say that my brother is a fucking moron.
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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 05:52:14

Dvader said:
Nevermind I am back. I dont want to talk about it, just need to say that my brother is a fucking moron.

It's cool, man. I thought he was lost or something. Glad he's alright, but if he's a moron kick his balls.

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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 05:57:34
Time to get on Skype, peoples


Tell me to get back to rewriting this site so it's not horrible on mobile
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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 05:59:34

Yodariquo said:
Time to get on Skype, peoples

What? Nao?

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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 06:02:24

I'll be on in a minute

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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 06:04:23
Ok I'm on. Where's everyone?
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Sun, 16 Aug 2009 06:06:21

SteelAttack said:
Ok I'm on. Where's everyone?

Its a trap!

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Tue, 18 Aug 2009 23:56:02
Won't be on this weeks cast. Got work.

...Where are your parts guys!!? I've got an excuse, mine fucked up.

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Wed, 19 Aug 2009 04:46:27

darthhomer said:
Won't be on this weeks cast. Got work.

...Where are your parts guys!!? I've got an excuse, mine fucked up.

 If yours fucked up then we don't need to upload do we? Nyaa

I'll do it today anyway.

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Wed, 19 Aug 2009 04:47:33

On scribblenauts:

Please try toulouse lautrac, phallice, and cane/walking stick!

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Wed, 19 Aug 2009 14:28:37
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