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The Press Room Episode #84
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Fri, 14 Jan 2011 14:01:40

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Iga_Bobovic returns to the podcast with Foolz and Dvader by his side.  They give first hand impressions of the following games, before going into this week's biggest stories in the video gaming world: Klonoa (Wii), Red Dead Redemption (PS3), Dead Rising 2 (PS3), Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii) and Donkey Kong Country Jungle Beat (GC).

25:07 NPD Totals for 2010 and December 2010

Iga_Bobovic's 3DS News Bonanza
36:36 3DS Region Locked
38:40 3DS Battery Life A bit Flat
49:26 UK Retailers List 3DS Price

59:30 Capcom's 3DS Offerings
1:07:46 SEGA's Pathetic Dreamcast Collection
1:09:42 Skyrim Details
1:16:59 Little Big Planet 2 Critical Reception

1:24:03 PlayStation expanding into China
1:24:37 Pac-Man Reality TV Show
1:26:06 ESA Warns of Bogus Study
1:26:35 Brain Scans Can Show Your Gaming Skills
1:27:42 Killzone 3 Has 70 Minutes of Cutscenes

Community Focus:
Where is the World is Gamingeek?
The VGPress GOTY

Running Time: 1:40:02

File Size: ~17.5 MB



Intro Music by Nestrogen

Outro Music by Spamtron

Edited: Fri, 14 Jan 2011 20:37:34

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Fri, 14 Jan 2011 14:07:13

- I heard at CES that they actually are promting some form of "3D Sound" It's like surround sound but in head phones.

- 3D Phones are already in Japan, have been for a couple of years.

- Korg DS -- As soon as you asked about the outs on the 3DS, I knew that was where you were going Foolz.

- "Average" Classic Iga.

Edited: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 21:52:20

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Fri, 14 Jan 2011 20:08:06

It is Iga_Bobovic not Bobovich

If you want to spel if correctly it would be Bobović and not Bobovich

aspro said:

- "Average" Classic Iga.

I do not comprehend. Explain!

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Fri, 14 Jan 2011 20:27:07

You breaking down what average means -- it was hilarious.

I wish I had been on the cast, we could have talked Donkey Kong.  I've played more of JB and am recently familiar with the 3 originals on the SNES.

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Sat, 15 Jan 2011 19:14:05

I just listened to the podcast again. It was really good to have Iga back on.  However, Iga, you have to figure out your microphone problem. At the start and middle fo the podcast it was terrible, but at the end it was good -- so you don't have to get a new one or anything, but figure out what was causing the interference.

If you are wearing a headset mic, the best place to position the microphone is just above the bottom of your nose (not for looks but for quality).  I fyou are using a built-in microphone, then I take back what I said about you not having to get a new microphone.

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Sat, 15 Jan 2011 20:11:06
aspro said:

- I heard at CES that they actually are promting some form of "3D Sound" It's like surround sound but in head phones.

- 3D Phones are already in Japan, have been for a couple of years.

- Korg DS -- As soon as you asked about the outs on the 3DS, I knew that was where you were going Foolz.

- "Average" Classic Iga.

Show is taking forever to encode, I will upload in my morning, about 6 hours from now.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there already 3D sound for movie theaters and shit? Or is that marketing spin?

And yes, that was an entertaining show. Did love the 3DS talk.

Edited: Sat, 15 Jan 2011 20:11:38

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Sat, 15 Jan 2011 21:52:04

No idea. I assume when theatres talk about 3D sound they mean Surround sound.  Again, though no idea.  I did hear coverage from CES where they were talking abuot providing the "3d" experience through small headphones for the "first time".

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Sun, 16 Jan 2011 02:14:45
darthhomer said:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there already 3D sound for movie theaters and shit? Or is that marketing spin?

And yes, that was an entertaining show. Did love the 3DS talk.

I think that's probably a case of calling something 3D because it's a fashionable term, like HD. High Density ftw!

Edited: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 02:14:58

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Sun, 16 Jan 2011 14:51:03

Thank You, Iga, for your logical explanation of the 3DS, both battery life and 3D function. The battery life reports didn't concern me in the least because I knew in my mind the way the brightness settings and wi-fi functions related to battery drain, but the way you explained THAT and the 3D functions made it make perfect sense for those who may not have gotten it otherwise.

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Sun, 16 Jan 2011 17:00:46

Remember Leo, the conclusion is that we know jack shit. We need more info before we can say anything, but the fact that DS games actually run less with a significant bigger battery is a red flag. About the 3D, it should not have a big influence to the battery life unless the parallax barrier block so much light that your backlight needs to be put on retina burning mode to get some decent lighting.

Here you can see a illusration to make the parallax barrier more clear

Also I fugered out how the analog 3d switch work. If you switch it to high the image your left and right eye will see would have a huge difference. Let's use a pen for example. If you put it close to your nose, the difference between what your left and right eye see would be big. If you put the pen very far away, the image that each eye would see would be identical. The 3d effect is lost, because each eye sees the same exact image. With the 3D switch you can switch between a huge difference that each eye sees making the 3D effect powerful to making it so that each eye receives a identical image, switching the 3D effect off altogether.

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Sun, 16 Jan 2011 17:22:10

But the one thing I KNOW about Nintendo is: They (in a not so obvious way) --ALWAYS-- present things in the "Worst Case Possible" kind of way.

If they DIDN'T warn parents about the 3DS eye-strain potential on 2 year olds, inevitably, the first toddler that needed glasses after playing the 3DS when they were two, would be blamed on the 3DS.

If they advertised a minimum of 3 hours of battery life on the highest settings, some nerd over at Gaf would time it and sue them if it weren't true.

Typically, in the past, when they weren't specifically outlined otherwise --ALL-- of their tolerance tests were under the assumption that the system was on its highest brightness, wi-fi enabled, loudest volume, etc. etc.

I don't remember what they said was the longest gameplay time for the DSiXL, but I always played on the next to lowest brightness setting, with low volume and wi-fi turned OFF and my hours far, far, far exceeded ALL of their estimations and this was with --CONSTANT-- use! I would go for ---WEEKS--- on a SINGLE charge, playing typically for 45 mintues at a time!

I have NO FEAR about the battery life of the 3DS.

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Sun, 16 Jan 2011 19:33:27

^Very much so.  Nintendo is excellent at under-promising and over-delivering.

And incidentally, I think Sammy-Sega is a Yakuza front.  Think about it, Sammy owns the Pachinko biz.  That is all.

Iga, I was guessing that the 3D slider worked in the following way.  The 3D is created using essentially 2 layered screens, as you move the slider the two screens become synchronized, to the point where when it is off they turn off the second screen entirely (to save battery).  Idle speculation.

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Sun, 16 Jan 2011 20:02:31


The synchronosation part is correct, but the screens are not layered. The 3D screen has twice the ammount of pixel than you can actually see. One half of the pixels reaches your left eye and the other reaches your righ. Above that, there is the parallax barrier. This barrier is actually a simple lcd screen. The slits are part of the LCD that are clear and the parts that block the pixel, so it only reaches on eye are are not clear.

So you are correct that if you turn the 3d effect of that the image are synchronized. This mean that you can turn of half of the pixels (not sure if they can turn off half of the pixels) and the barrier will be made clear. For the barrier is not needed anymore.  Or you could leave the barrier on and just have each eye see the exact same image.

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Mon, 17 Jan 2011 02:14:04
You mentioned the lack of a DS price cut, but nobody mentioned a Wii price cut.  I've called it all year that Nintendo would wait until the holidays, clean up with a huge December, then drop the price early-to-mid 2011.  It's got plenty of room to drop.


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