Forum > Podcasts > The Press Room Episode #133
The Press Room Episode #133
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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 10:45:21

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Shane "Aspro" and David "Dvader" return to host the 133rd episode of The Pressroom. Hands-on impressions of RE6 (360), X-COM: Enemy Unknown (360), and Blue Dragon (360).

September NPDs
Sony Store Gets a Makeover
GTA5 Game Informer's December Cover
Rayman Legends Pushed Out of Wii U Launch Window
Reviews Roundup
new Releases This Week - Crazy Huh?
Valve Recruiting Hardware Testers
RE6 On-Disc DLC is FREE
RE6 Sells a LOT in Japan
So What's Up With Epic?
Wii U Factory es en Fuego!
PS3 Lifetime Sales Yo.
Aspro Rants on Kevin Butler BS

Community Focus

Leo wants Us To Talk Abuot Borderlands 2 So We Do.


Intro Music by Nestrogen

Edited: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 22:03:16

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Fri, 12 Oct 2012 20:39:25
Just downloaded it, will listen later on.


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Sat, 13 Oct 2012 00:42:18

Whats with the picture?

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Sat, 13 Oct 2012 02:23:38
Dvader said:

Whats with the picture?

Isn't it a picture of you and Aspro?

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Sat, 13 Oct 2012 02:39:12

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Sat, 13 Oct 2012 13:21:08
Listening to it now.  You had me at Borderlands 2. Happy

I'm finally subscribing through my podcast app and will try to listen every weekend at work.
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Sat, 13 Oct 2012 14:43:57
I'm surprised the PS3 and 360 are THAT close in sales.
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Sun, 14 Oct 2012 21:54:42

^Even though I am aware of it it still surprises me everytime I read it. And thanks for listening Travo.

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Mon, 15 Oct 2012 04:33:35

Almost went into the debate...phew! Dodged a bullet there.

Turning point music...LOL

This microphone somehow makes you sound like an (even) old(er) man.

“Saving the industry is more important than creating the industry”

But if it wasn’t created, it couldn’t be saved!

I can’t stop paying attention to the microphone. It’s like looking into the future. We’ll have to come back to this podcast in 40 years time (obviously we’ll still be podcasting then) and see if it’s how you sound. If you’re still alive. Nyaa

“Portal didn’t fit”

It’s part of the Half-Life universe, isn't it?

Fuck the both of you. It’s an awesome pack. Actually, yes I’d take the ping pong game too. Perfect. FUCK YOU ASPRO FOR NOT SHOUTING OUT MIDNIGHT CLUB. Hrm

A first person mah-jong game would be a real game of mah-jong, no?

“Both averaging 89”

On what console?

“I know someone who works for Obsidian”

So nepotism is what was needed to make you appreciate the value of kickstarter? Nyaa

“Ridiculously stupid, or gamefaqs”

No wonder you’re not a fan of adventure games! LOL And Zack and Wiki. Hrm

Stick ball and monopoly>gaming.

Despite ignoring all my pre-podcast suggestions, you still managed to make a solid 'cast. Still really not a fan of doing news first, at all. Impressions are the best bit and should be at the beginning. They're also usually more impassioned at the beginning too, and they just don't mesh with the close out and community focus. News does because it's much more back and forth. Give us a fill of each preson first so we get to know them at the beginning, then it's easier to follow back and forth later on.

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Mon, 15 Oct 2012 06:26:24

You make the podcast sound so interesting!

That mic was an emergency one. I really have to get a new mic this week, though I am not sure I am going to a "big" city this week.  So that may effect my participation this week.

Oh on the averages, it is whatever Metacritic had on their front page. So PC for XCOM and 360 for Dishonored.  They are still both at 89.

Edited: Mon, 15 Oct 2012 06:27:57

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Mon, 15 Oct 2012 10:16:19

Listening nao

  • Volume is low, having to max out my speakers just to barely hear it
  • NFL talk! WHAT! I thought you learned your lesson!
  • I'm trying here but I have to give up, I can barely hear anything. Sorry guys.

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Mon, 15 Oct 2012 10:27:47

There was NFL talk? LOL

Perhaps I made the podcast sound interesting because I apparently missed most of it, Aspro. Nyaa

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Mon, 15 Oct 2012 22:07:09

We only talk about NFL for 5 seconds. at the start of the show, just to tweak you Foolz.

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Tue, 16 Oct 2012 00:33:41
gamingeek said:

Listening nao

  • Volume is low, having to max out my speakers just to barely hear it
  • NFL talk! WHAT! I thought you learned your lesson!
  • I'm trying here but I have to give up, I can barely hear anything. Sorry guys.

I plugged my iPhone into a stereo and it was fine.  Do you have a MP3 compatible stereo?
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Thu, 18 Oct 2012 01:14:11

Finally got around to listening.

  • Not really sure if Pandaria's numbers spell doom anytime soon for World of Warcraft. Does anyone know if Activision has a new MMO in the works? Just wondering because it's going to be a huge gamble to try and support one. No company that had a successful MMORPG did very well with it's sequel (though Guild Wars 2 may finally be the exception). The reality is even if WoW only has half of it's peak audience it's still a bigger audience than any other MMO has ever had. I just can't see them trying to support a new one, when they still have millions of people playing WoW.
  • Doubt we'll see  a GTA on the Wii, but who knows. Aside from Chinatown Wars (which fared no better on any other system) they've never thrown a Nintendo console a real bone. Just ports of Bully and Rockstar Presents Table Tennis years after they first came out. Not exactly great games to judge a system on.
  • Damn straight I'm sad about Rayman getting delayed, though I'm not entirely convinced it's because they think it's best to get out of Mario's way. Giving up a holiday season for a quieter launch period doesn't quite add up.
  • They have banks in Australia??  Really?  Do they serve beer?  Are they just giant coolers?
  • X-Com is like Valkyria Chronicles??  Really??  How the hell did I miss that?
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Thu, 18 Oct 2012 10:39:26

Oh yeah, the new X-com is a ripp-off of Valkyria Chronicles... How did you miss that?

Yeah, Blizzard has a new MMO in the works. It's space themed and named (or code named) Titan.  At various GDC and GDC-like events they have less than subtly spilt the beans on that one.

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Fri, 19 Oct 2012 12:41:11
travo said:

I plugged my iPhone into a stereo and it was fine.  Do you have a MP3 compatible stereo?

I play the podcast on my laptop.

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