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The Official Animal Crossing GOTY Hype Thread
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Country: GB
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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 18:39:38

SteelAttack said:
That's what I told you. It's 11:30 am now. I get back home at around 3, and I can stay online for about 30 minutes.

15:00 pm?

So for me, 21:00 pm

Okay got you. Quick visit. I hear you have to walk slowly with the kitten so you don't lose her.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 18:43:16

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:
That's what I told you. It's 11:30 am now. I get back home at around 3, and I can stay online for about 30 minutes.

15:00 pm?

So for me, 21:00 pm

Okay got you. Quick visit. I hear you have to walk slowly with the kitten so you don't lose her.

Yeah, I realized that the hard way last night. Walk a bit faster and she trips and falls down, and just stays there sobbing.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 18:46:42

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:
That's what I told you. It's 11:30 am now. I get back home at around 3, and I can stay online for about 30 minutes.

15:00 pm?

So for me, 21:00 pm

Okay got you. Quick visit. I hear you have to walk slowly with the kitten so you don't lose her.

Yeah, I realized that the hard way last night. Walk a bit faster and she trips and falls down, and just stays there sobbing.


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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:33:41


Village People night.

Animal Crossing has all the requisite costumes LOL I'm the Indian!

Fishing tourney night.

A high stakes game, we all bring 10'000 bells to the table. Hit the timer and whoever catches the most fish gets all the money.

Item swapping

If you see something in my house(s) you want and I can order it from the catalogue, I will check the price, you pay, I send it to you.

K.K. Saturdays

Because music is better with an audience


Any event holiday is awesome.

Edited: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:45:10

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:41:08
GG when's you and steel meeting for sex with the young kitten?  fancy a threesome?  i'll join you for a minute if it's sometime soon but it'll be midnight in 20 minutes here and i have work early tomorrow


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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:44:22

bugsonglass said:
GG when's you and steel meeting for sex with the young kitten?  fancy a threesome?  i'll join you for a minute if it's sometime soon but it'll be midnight in 20 minutes here and i have work early tomorrow

Steel cant get online till 3pm Mexico which is 10 pm here which is 12 pm where you are.

I wont stay on for more than 15 minutes. We're just trying to re-unite these kittens. I need sleep too. Come if you want but we're not hanging around.


I will open my gate right now.

Edited: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:46:36

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:46:03

gamingeek said:

bugsonglass said:
GG when's you and steel meeting for sex with the young kitten?  fancy a threesome?  i'll join you for a minute if it's sometime soon but it'll be midnight in 20 minutes here and i have work early tomorrow

Steel cant get online till 3pm Mexico which is 10 pm here which is 12 pm where you are.

I wont stay on for more than 15 minutes. We're just trying to re-unite these kittens. I need sleep too. Come if you want but we're not hanging around.

cool i'll log in just for a moment in 15 minutes


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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 21:47:09
I will open gate right now.

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Wed, 01 Apr 2009 23:15:04

Fuck, what the hell happened? Couldn't find the damn kitten and I looked for it all over my town. Maybe it has something to do with today being April Fool's day or something, since I am dead sure it hasn't spent a whole week by now on my place.

I'll look again tonight. Shit.

Guys what are your turnip prices? I only bought 20K of turnipst this week, but my fucking nook has been buying them at 60-ish for two days in a row now. This is not going to change.

Finally my peach tree gave me peaches! All I need now are pears and oranges. Palm trees grow so easily. Need to make a guide on tree planting.

Fucking Tortimer gave me a leaf. What the fuck am I supposed to do with it? Wipe my anus?

Definitely need to stage a fishing and bug catching contest. Might set it for this saturday. Or what do you guys think? LOL @ the Village People. I have no policeman outfit. And there was no doctor with the Village People.

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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 04:20:01

SteelAttack said:

Fuck, what the hell happened? Couldn't find the damn kitten and I looked for it all over my town. Maybe it has something to do with today being April Fool's day or something, since I am dead sure it hasn't spent a whole week by now on my place.

I'll look again tonight. Shit.

Guys what are your turnip prices? I only bought 20K of turnipst this week, but my fucking nook has been buying them at 60-ish for two days in a row now. This is not going to change.

Finally my peach tree gave me peaches! All I need now are pears and oranges. Palm trees grow so easily. Need to make a guide on tree planting.

Fucking Tortimer gave me a leaf. What the fuck am I supposed to do with it? Wipe my anus?

Definitely need to stage a fishing and bug catching contest. Might set it for this saturday. Or what do you guys think? LOL @ the Village People. I have no policeman outfit. And there was no doctor with the Village People.

How do you stage a contest. In fact what do you do when villagers gossip about other villagers and their names are colored in. I feel the game is hinting at me to do something but I have no clue what.

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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 12:01:48

SteelAttack said:

Fucking Tortimer gave me a leaf. What the fuck am I supposed to do with it? Wipe my anus?

April Fools!

My turnips today (thursday) post 12pm are:

135 bells.

My nooks closes at 9pm which is 2pm Mexico time, 11 pm Greece Time.  

SteelAttack said:

All I need now are pears and oranges. Palm trees grow so easily. Need to make a guide on tree planting.

Definitely need to stage a fishing and bug catching contest. Might set it for this saturday. Or what do you guys think? LOL @ the Village People. I have no policeman outfit. And there was no doctor with the Village People.

Didn't you nab the fruit from my town?

Steel Grinning You sent me the lucky Gold cat? That is near 6000 bells in my nooks today as a spotlight item. Thanks!

I have the Indian Outfit and the Captains hat and shirt. Damn, not sailor though. I have the construction hat. Need some dungarees though.

The contest is easy, as long as you have cash, a rod and a timer.

Dvader said:

How do you stage a contest. In fact what do you do when villagers gossip about other villagers and their names are colored in. I feel the game is hinting at me to do something but I have no clue what.

There's not much to it. By reading and remembering sometimes they ask you questions to gauge if you've been paying attention. If you get it right, sometimes they give you an item or some special dialogue. Do you know that when characters appear to be talking to each other, you can listen in by walking up and talking to them?

Contests are easy, you get a timer, set it for 5 or 10 or 20 minutes, fish or bug catch like crazy and then give up prizes of your choosing. This is why Wii Speak is needed though IMO.

Animal Crossing multiplayer is mainly just experiencing someone elses town. But with voice chat you can make up your own games, hide and seek for instance using the timer, or snowball soccer in winter. Or set up a wood chopping contest with the cheapest trees.

Bugs and Travo and Steel came over last night Happy Fun.

Got to say though, I need to get out more and see other peoples towns. You guys need to open your gates more.

Country: CO
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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 14:49:08
Yeah, I sent you the fat cat. LOL Glad you liked it. Happy
I sent it ages ago, though, I guess Pelly was right, after all. International mail can be delayed a bit. LOL
Oh fuck, 135 bells are a sweet price. I think I can make it home by 1 or 1:30 pm today. Besides, I found the kitten last night again!

Country: GB
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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 15:22:26

SteelAttack said:
Yeah, I sent you the fat cat. LOL Glad you liked it. Happy
I sent it ages ago, though, I guess Pelly was right, after all. International mail can be delayed a bit. LOL
Oh fuck, 135 bells are a sweet price. I think I can make it home by 1 or 1:30 pm today. Besides, I found the kitten last night again!

Okay so I will open my gate at 13:15 your time, which is 20:15 my time. Have to be quick though or I'll get complaints.

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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 18:05:15

gamingeek said:

Okay so I will open my gate at 13:15 your time, which is 20:15 my time. Have to be quick though or I'll get complaints.

Complaints about what?

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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 19:13:16

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Okay so I will open my gate at 13:15 your time, which is 20:15 my time. Have to be quick though or I'll get complaints.

Complaints about what?

Other idiots wanting to use the TV.

Country: CO
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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 19:18:27

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Okay so I will open my gate at 13:15 your time, which is 20:15 my time. Have to be quick though or I'll get complaints.

Complaints about what?

Other idiots wanting to use the TV.

Tell them to bog off. Knobheads.

Country: GB
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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 19:24:02

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Okay so I will open my gate at 13:15 your time, which is 20:15 my time. Have to be quick though or I'll get complaints.

Complaints about what?

Other idiots wanting to use the TV.

Tell them to bog off. Knobheads.

I tried to explain it. Yeah so I need to meet this guy online from mexico yeah? And he's trying to bring this kitten over so we can reunite them.... and ..... yeah.

Country: CY
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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 19:47:42

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:

Okay so I will open my gate at 13:15 your time, which is 20:15 my time. Have to be quick though or I'll get complaints.

Complaints about what?

Other idiots wanting to use the TV.

Tell them to bog off. Knobheads.

I tried to explain it. Yeah so I need to meet this guy online from mexico yeah? And he's trying to bring this kitten over so we can reunite them.... and ..... yeah.

trying to explain the gravity of animal crossing situations to outsiders never works, it only goes to re-instate your reputation as an eccentric at best or a psycho Nyaa  don't even think of telling them you're down over turnip prices WinkWink


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The VG Press

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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 19:55:02
my nook buys turnips at 184.  i have none GASP.  will open my gate if anyone wants to come sell but i won't be there


Listen to Wu-Tang and watch Kung-Fu

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Thu, 02 Apr 2009 19:58:56

bugsonglass said:

trying to explain the gravity of animal crossing situations to outsiders never works, it only goes to re-instate your reputation as an eccentric at best or a psycho Nyaa  don't even think of telling them you're down over turnip prices WinkWink

Yeah I lost 70% of a 100'000 investment and I was in a huff all weekend and I tried to explain: **** I lost so much money.

And then I explained it was virtual money on a turnip market. Blank stares.

Steel, you good to go in fifteen minutes?

bugsonglass said:
my nook buys turnips at 184.  i have none GASP.  will open my gate if anyone wants to come sell but i won't be there

I sold mine already.

Edited: Thu, 02 Apr 2009 20:00:02

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