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The Official Animal Crossing GOTY Hype Thread
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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 11:18:52

Guys see tortimer today at the townhall for an item. 12/21/08
Edited: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 16:39:31

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 16:42:45

SteelAttack said:
Thanks for the things you've sent me, guys. I got GG's invite to Redd's joint and bought a few things for both of you as well. I can't cram anything else in my house! Lol.
This game amazes me. It might not look like much at first glance, but as the days go through and you keep playing it, it slowly grows in you, delivering little doses of cool stuff at every moment.

 You should be telling this to Dvader and Archangel. This is the kind of game people have to reccomend to you really. I might have to shoot nintendo an email about animal tracks. 

I'm starting to think that the best thing to do is to email editors of games mags and sites. They would raise the issue better than some nintendo rep mass deleting emails.

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 17:57:56

gamingeek said:

SteelAttack said:
Thanks for the things you've sent me, guys. I got GG's invite to Redd's joint and bought a few things for both of you as well. I can't cram anything else in my house! Lol.
This game amazes me. It might not look like much at first glance, but as the days go through and you keep playing it, it slowly grows in you, delivering little doses of cool stuff at every moment.

 You should be telling this to Dvader and Archangel. This is the kind of game people have to reccomend to you really. I might have to shoot nintendo an email about animal tracks. 

I'm starting to think that the best thing to do is to email editors of games mags and sites. They would raise the issue better than some nintendo rep mass deleting emails.

 Good point, but none of the reviews or articles I read even talked about animal tracks, let alone mention it as a potential problem. I'm thinking only AC fans know or care about it. I laid down sidewalk patterns in my town, covering my main traffic areas, and have kept to mostly walking on  them. Unfortunately, over the last 3 days, I've seen no change in my grass whatsoever. Sad So much for it'll grow back in a couple days theory. I also watched several videos of other people's towns on Youtube, and some of them have virtually no grass at all now! This could've been an interesting feature, but it instead just makes me want to play the game less. Sad

Someone on the Animal Crossing Community Forums said that other players visiting your town cannot damge your grass/snow, now matter how much they walk or run on itl; only the host can damage his/her own grass. If this is true, then that's at least something good. Happy

Edited: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 17:58:13

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 18:34:18

gamingeek said:
Steel i gave you a refrigerator to store items in! If you want a new house you can start a new character. But it's best to pay Nook as he will add extensions to your existing one.

Lol. I just realized this today. Too bad I had sold a few things already. I can't store turnips in it, though. What am I supposed to do with them, just carry 'em with me? I bought 650 fucking turnips today!

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 18:35:25

SteelAttack said:

gamingeek said:
Steel i gave you a refrigerator to store items in! If you want a new house you can start a new character. But it's best to pay Nook as he will add extensions to your existing one.

Lol. I just realized this today. Too bad I had sold a few things already. I can't store turnips in it, though. What am I supposed to do with them, just carry 'em with me? I bought 650 fucking turnips today!

 You can drop them on the floor of your house. I drop mine in a corner.

Edited: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 18:35:58

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 18:36:01
I caught a fish on the river a couple nights ago! I dunno what fish was that, but Higgins yelled in a huge fucking text balloon. Nook wanted to give me 15 grand for it, but I gave it to the museum.
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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 18:37:28
And speaking about balloons, I've seen them floating across my town with gifts attached, but they never come down! That's so shitty.
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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 18:42:57

Ravenprose said:

 Good point, but none of the reviews or articles I read even talked about animal tracks, let alone mention it as a potential problem. I'm thinking only AC fans know or care about it. I laid down sidewalk patterns in my town, covering my main traffic areas, and have kept to mostly walking on  them. Unfortunately, over the last 3 days, I've seen no change in my grass whatsoever. Sad So much for it'll grow back in a couple days theory. I also watched several videos of other people's towns on Youtube, and some of them have virtually no grass at all now! This could've been an interesting feature, but it instead just makes me want to play the game less. Sad

Someone on the Animal Crossing Community Forums said that other players visiting your town cannot damge your grass/snow, now matter how much they walk or run on itl; only the host can damage his/her own grass. If this is true, then that's at least something good. Happy

Reviewers played it for a couple of days, time travelled and that is it. Or they had unlocked versions. The problem makes itself known over at least a couple of weeks.  I've shored up the patches with flowers and trees, but its not doing much good. I feel like I'm playing Metroid prime 2, walking between safe bubbles of light. 

Someone needs to email Craig Harris or Jeremy Parish or whoever does gamespot these days. Maybe Gonintendo could email nintendo about it. 

SteelAttack said:
And speaking about balloons, I've seen them floating across my town with gifts attached, but they never come down! That's so shitty.

 You get a slingshot in Nooks eventually, you may have to wait till Nooks upgrades. Then you can shoot them down. 

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 18:44:15

SteelAttack said:
I caught a fish on the river a couple nights ago! I dunno what fish was that, but Higgins yelled in a huge fucking text balloon. Nook wanted to give me 15 grand for it, but I gave it to the museum.

 Sounds like you caught a stringfish. Those are pretty hard to find; I've only found three so far.

SteelAttack said:
And speaking about balloons, I've seen them floating across my town with gifts attached, but they never come down! That's so shitty.

 You have to buy a slingshot from Nook, so that you can shoot them down. I got several cool items from thos balloons.

The VG Press

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 19:04:30

I sent this email to IGN, Raven send it to 1up

Dear 1up. I'm sending you this email in the hope that you can highlight and get a response on a big problem that is showing itself in animal Crossing City Folk on Wii. 

Most review sites didn't have the required time to play the game in reviews to see what this problem does as it manifests itself over a month or more. The problem is Animal Tracks. They put in this feature where the game remembers every step you take and wears down the grass in accordance to where you walk. 

A great theory, but in practice they did not configure or test it properly. It is leading to virtually all animal Crossing users having towns that look like deserts. You see the problem is that the grass wears down exceedingly quickly, but takes.... get this.... 6 months to regenerate. This is known because fans have used the wii calender to time travel and try to restore their grass. If you check youtube you can see, in the middle of winter, towns which look like deserts. 

It is ruining the game and making it feel like Metroid Prime 2, moving between safe zones. There are minimal things you can do to lessen the impact but it's like slapping a plaster on a dam, leaking water. Eventually most people by the end of Febuary who bought the game at launch, are going to end up with desert towns. 

No one at nintendo is responding to emails, and it would be helpful if a major journalistic source could chase up the matter with them directly. Perhaps do an editorial?

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 19:34:53
Nook just told me that he's going to be closed tomorrow. Is he going to change his store?
Bought a shitload of turnips, 106 each.
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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 19:36:57
I sent it to 1up, GG.

The VG Press

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 19:41:26

SteelAttack said:
Nook just told me that he's going to be closed tomorrow. Is he going to change his store?
Bought a shitload of turnips, 106 each.

Yup, you'll get a much bigger and better store on Tuesday called Nook 'n Go. It's open earlier in the morning, and stays open later a night too: 7am-1am.

I just bought 200 turnips at 106 each too, Steel. Grinning 

Hey, that reminds me, Joan has never been able to sell me any red turnips since I got the game; she claims she's sold out every week. I noticed that GG had one planted at his house, so why the hell can't I buy any in my own town? Sad

Edited: Sun, 21 Dec 2008 19:43:30

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 22:11:46

The first week she said that she didn't have any. Maybe you have to catch her early? I wonder what happens if you have an online visitor and he digs it up? 

I bought 77'000 bells worth of turnips this morning. 

I think on the animal tracks issue, the solution would be to not play the game for a few days for grass to regenerate. But you have to play saturday for KK, have to play sunday for turnips and have to check everyday for turnip prices and new items. 

WTH? This grass is never coming back. 

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 22:26:28

Possible solution? I read on gamefaqs a design list. Give Wendell the Walrus these items and you can get patterns for grass?

1) Freshwater Fish
...Cracked Ground - Piranha
...Field of Flowers - Angelfish, Guppy, Neon Tetra
...Footstep - Koi
...Grass - Black Bass
...Ground - Crucian Carp
...Gyroid - Gar
...Horizontal Path - Carp
...Intersection - Bitterling, Pond Smelt
...Manhole - Giant Snakehead
...Stone Paving - Pike
...Street Corner 1 - Cherry Salmon, Dace
...Street Corner 2 - Bluegill, Char
...Street Corner 3 - Rainbow Trout, Sweetfish
...Street Corner 4 - Pale Chub, Yellow Perch
...Vertical Path - Barbel Steed
...Curved Track 1 - Dab, Olive Flounder
...Curved Track 2 - Octopus, Squid
...Curved Track 3 - Barred Knifejaw, Red Snapper
...Curved Track 4 - Sea Horse, Clownfish

Black Bass for the Win? The only downside I see is that patterns are square so it will be obvious what is a design and what isn't. 

Tom Nook's Store Prizes
A single point is earned for every 100 Bells spent at Nook's store which can be used to purchase any of these ten special prizes. 
Banana: 500 points 
Triple Shells: 800 points 
Yoshi's Egg: 1,000 points 
Bad Bro 'Stache: 2,500 points 
Toad Hat: 3,000 points 
Peach's Parasol: 4,000 points 
Hero's Clothes, Varia Suit or Wario Hat: 5,000 points 
Hero's Cap, Majora's Mask or Samus Mask: 6,000 points 
Midna's Mask: 6,500 points 
Kart: 10,000 points

Whisp's Wish
On any Monday night, journey to the southeast corner of your town and listen for a voice. Its directtions will lead you to Whisp the Ghost who wants you to find his lost lamp. Find the lamp and go to your house's attic where Whisp will grant you one of three wishes.
Remove all the cockroaches 
Remove all the town's weeds 
Receive a random tie

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 23:28:38

This guy did the TTravelling thing and laid down designs beforehand to make paths. He put trees around the designs to speed up growth then TT. Then he just ran about on the patterns for a while and voila, animal tracks how it SHOULD fucking look:

Pics there. 

If you can stand all your villagers leaving etc and changing your godamn date and starting/saving again and again and again. This might be for you. Sad 

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Sun, 21 Dec 2008 23:35:49

gamingeek said:

This guy did the TTravelling thing and laid down designs beforehand to make paths. He put trees around the designs to speed up growth then TT. Then he just ran about on the patterns for a while and voila, animal tracks how it SHOULD fucking look:

Pics there. 

If you can stand all your villagers leaving etc and changing your godamn date and starting/saving again and again and again. This might be for you. Sad 

 Time traveling isn't for me, but I have already laid down some patterns on my most walked areas just like he did in this pic. It'll take months, but I'm going to wait it out, and have the grass grow back normally.

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Mon, 22 Dec 2008 17:01:12
I spent most of todays AC play laying down paths across my whole town. My problem is that my town is randomly designed really badly. The right side of the town is empty apart from the museum, literally empty. Which means I spend all my time on the left side of the map running down the grass. 

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Tue, 23 Dec 2008 05:00:56
I made an Animal Crossing: City Folk Loontown Tour video, and uploaded it to Youtube. You can read more about it in my blog too.

The VG Press

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Tue, 23 Dec 2008 20:19:22
Cant watch it now, read the blog though. I'm finding it hard to get you guys presents. I put 57'000 bells into turnips on Sunday and I cant even collect fruit or fish because I'm dodging worn grass. I've not even finished laying down my paths yet. Sad

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