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The Greatest: I like (this entry) the best in this franchise because...
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Fri, 11 Jul 2014 20:15:37

One line per game.

Let's start with the Halo Franchise, feel free to add others at will. I will add your choice to the list.


  • Foolz: Fable 1 as it's the only one he played
  • GG: Fable 1 as aside from an hour of Fable 2 it's the only one he's played... and it's shit
  • Dvader: FABLE 1 - Cause two is the same game as Fable only easier and more boring. Have not played 3.
  • Edgecrusher: Fable 2.....bigger and incorporated many ideas cut from the original.


  • GG: Halo 1 - this game felt like it had the balance just right, aside from being unfinished
  • Edgecrusher: Halo 1 perfect atmosphere and a great vibe, best story of the series, best use of surprise and horror.
  • Dvader: HALO 1 - Still the best campaign of the series and the only one to really feel like an open space war simulation.
  • Foolz: Halo 2. Why? Because what did Halo offer to gaming that hadn't been done before? Oh, nothing? Okay then. Halo 2
  • Archangel: Halo 4 - It's better then The Witcher 2
  • Ravenprose: Halo 4 - Is the greatest in that series because it played more like Combat Evolved


  • Ravenprose: Tomb Raider (2013) - Is the greatest in the series because it finally perfected the third-person action-adventure control scheme/camera
  • Dvader: TOMB RAIDER 2 - The best of the real Tomb Raider franchise when it was still about puzzles more than shooting people.
  • Edgecrusher: Tomb Raider 2....really close between this, the 1st game, and the 2013 game. TR2 was the best old school TR.


  • Foolz: Uncharted 2: because it was the only good one.
  • Dvader: UNCHARTED 2 - Absolute masterpiece and one of the greatest games ever made.
  • Uncharted 2....on a whole new level compared to 1 and 3. Perfect pacing, great environments.


  • Foolz: Killzone 2: because it was the only good one.
  • Dvader: KILLZONE 2 - Cause Guerrila Games accidentally made a good game.


  • Foolz: Call of Duty: because it was the only CoD game that didn't clone itself directly
  • GG: Modern Warfare 4, although simple it was still more complex than the others
  • Dvader: CALL OF DUTY 4 - Was amazing at the time cause even though it was a giant linear ride it was done in a way that was new and interesting. Revolutionary multiplayer
  • Edgecrusher: Call of Duty 4....the last one that was fresh and innovated at all.


  • Foolz: Gran Turismo 3: dat graphical leap + solid structure and gameplay
  • Dvader: GRAN TURISMO 3 - The leap to modern graphics, the incredible track and car selection. Great music, great structure.
  • Edgecrusher: Gran Turismo 2....20 times bigger than the original, amazing for a PS1 game and was still fresh.


  • GG: Super Mario Galaxy 1, although 2 is better it doesn't have the same wow factor as the first, an amazing game
  • Dvader: SUPER MARIO GALAXY - Cause 3D Mario is a deeper experience, still its really close.
  • Edgecrusher: Super Mario 3D World....first modern 3D Mario to FEEL like the old NES/SNES games.
  • Robio: Super Mario World - The cape rules all. Best 2-D platforming ever. And Star Road and those "Special" levels.... so good.


  • Dvader: Majora's Mask - Cause the time mechanic is totally unique and it has the greatest NPCs of any game. A magical game.
  • Edgecrusher: A Link To The Past....because it stands the test of time & the newer games can't match the magic of the dated N64 titles.
  • GG: Twilght Princess, it's the most complete, most classical and all encompassing Zelda experience.


  • Dvader: SOTN - The gold standard all Castlevania games are measured to, that perfect pacing and combat system.
  • Edgecrusher: Symphony of the of the best if not THE best 2d side scrollers ever.
  • GG: Dawn of Sorrow - I've only played the SNES, GBA and DS games
  • Robio: Super Castlevania IV -  Solid action, excellent controls, beautiful music and difficulty that ramps up perfectly


  • Dvader: MGS4 - Screw the haters this is MGSs greatest hits. It has the best gameplay of the series by FAR.
  • GG: MGS The Twin Snakes - the only one I've completed. Strange, exciting and bizaare melodrama cranked to max.
  • Edge: Metal Gear Solid 2....the gameplay was MGS1 perfected, the boss fights were awesome, production values insane....and I liked the switch in characters
  • Foolz: MGS2


  • Dvader: Resident Evil 4 - I don't have to say anything.
  • GG: RE4, totally awesome reworking, so polished, constantly moving forward
  • Edgecrusher: Resident Evil remake....old school RE perfected.


  • Edgecrusher: Perfect Dark 1....I consider Goldeneye to be in this series with PD Zero. Obviously PD was the best.
  • GG: Errrr, Perfect Dark. Goldeneye was great but PD was more complex


  • Edge: Metroid of the greatest, perfectly paced, most atmospheric games ever made.
  • GG: Metroid Prime 3 as it's better looking and more entertaining than the others


  • Edgecrusher: Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life....because its the only one I played.
  • GG: Harvest Moon A Wonderful Life was so great, if they did more like that I'd buy them. So peaceful and beautiful
  • Robio: Harvest Moon: Magical Melody - It is the "greatest hits" of the series. It brings back the best of each game that came before


  • Edgecrusher: Pikmin 2....biggest game in the series and better.
  • GG: Pikmin 3, mostly because of the graphics and gamepad intergration. Actually had some strategy


  • Edgecrusher: Mass Effect of the best games ever made, perfect blend of action and RPG.
  • GG: Mass effect 1 but I haven't touched the sequels


  • Edgecrusher: Elder Scrolls 3....because Morrowind had the most interesting world to explore.
  • GG: Oblivion, what a way to start a new generation, so big, all encompassing, immersive


  • Edgecrusher: Grand Theft Auto Vice the 80's vibe, best soundtrack in the series by far. Best main character.
  • GG: GTA Vice City, all GTAs should be cheesy sitcom parodies. The 80s made this game


  • Edgecrusher: Silent Hill 1.....the scariest game in the series.
  • GG: Shattered Memories, wildly innovate, controlled beatifully, great twist and intense chases which some babies couldn't handle


  • Edgecrusher: Final Fantasy 7....fuck the haters, its still the best. The Materia system added strategy and the summons were incredible.
  • Robio: Final Fantasy V - 22 job classes? Yes please. 26 jobs in the GBA version? Fuck yes please!


  • Edgecrusher: Jak & Daxter 1....this one is 100% platformer and the world is better.


  • Edgecrusher: Ratchet & Clank 2.....took the greatness of the original and built on it with insane weaponry and great comedy.


  • Edgecrusher: Hitman story, best levels, best music of the series.


  • Robio: Dragon Quest 8 - Level 5 at their very best. The generic save the world and the princess story has never been so polished, and no jRPG world as ever been so rich


  • Edge: Ass Creed 2.....biggest gameplay leap in the series, best character, best setting, was still fresh.


  • Edge: Sonic Adventure....because the old Sonics aren't as fun as you remember, and the new ones are horrible.


  • Edge: Star Fox Adventures...because it was the last Rare/Nintendo collaboration Sad


  • Edge: Bioshock can't beat underwater cities with flying apple drones.

Edited: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 12:01:25

Country: UN
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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 01:19:28

The best Halo game?

Halo 2. Why? Because what did Halo offer to gaming that hadn't been done before? Oh, nothing? Okay then. Halo 2, on the other hand, introduced proper online gameplay to the console in the same way that Halo supposedly (but did not) introduce FPSers to the console audience.

Fuck Halo, if only for its false legacy; even if its campaign is better, and its multiplayer is equally good.

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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 09:08:30

I was playing the shit out of Quake 3 Arena on the Dreamcast long before Halo or Halo 2 came out, or the Xbox in general. So fuck Halo 2 and its false legacy of introducing proper online gameplay and fuck the Xbox for the same reason.

I pick the first Halo. Its still my favorite. Halo just had the perfect vibe and atmosphere, smooth as butter controls, and an awesome shimmering world to explore. Also, the way the flood come in and introduce a horror atmosphere halfway through is something I haven't felt in Halo ever since.


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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 11:15:06
edgecrusher said:

I was playing the shit out of Quake 3 Arena on the Dreamcast long before Halo or Halo 2 came out, or the Xbox in general. So fuck Halo 2 and its false legacy of introducing proper online gameplay and fuck the Xbox for the same reason.

I pick the first Halo. Its still my favorite. Halo just had the perfect vibe and atmosphere, smooth as butter controls, and an awesome shimmering world to explore. Also, the way the flood come in and introduce a horror atmosphere halfway through is something I haven't felt in Halo ever since.

Can't disagree with that. Should have said "perfectly suited to consoles" rather than proper. Which still leaves Halo with nothing beyond having a better that really wasn't that great. But as long as no one picks any games later than 2, it doesn't really matter.

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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 12:02:11

What part of one line don't you understand? Nyaa

Make a big post but then add a one line summary I can add to the OP.

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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 17:46:26

Halo 1-- Perfect atmosphere and a great vibe, best story of the series, best use of surprise and horror.


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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 19:34:24

Halo 4 - It's better then The Witcher 2.


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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 19:43:44

Halo 4 - Is the greatest in that series because it played more like Combat Evolved, and they finally made Cortana super hot.

The VG Press

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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 19:45:58

Tomb Raider (2013) - Is the greatest in the series because it finally perfected the third-person action-adventure control scheme/camera, and was hella fun to play; also Lara was super hot.

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Sat, 12 Jul 2014 23:03:20

GG is slacking on this thread.


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Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:16:06

Halo 2: because matchmaking...but that went to shit, and it had no unlimited sticky grenades. So maybe I should go with 1. Eh.

Uncharted 2: because it was the only good one.

Killzone 2: because it was the only good one.

Call of Duty: because it was the only CoD game that didn't clone itself directly. It cloned Medal of Honour instead...which was made by many of the same people.

Gran Turismo 3: dat graphical leap + solid structure and gameplay.

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Sun, 13 Jul 2014 12:27:55
edgecrusher said:

GG is slacking on this thread.

No keyboard.

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Mon, 14 Jul 2014 12:19:56

Next franchise?

Errrr, Fable?

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Tue, 15 Jul 2014 01:14:45

Fable: Because it's the only one I've played.

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Tue, 15 Jul 2014 01:20:27

Hey! Why did you edit my posts, GG? Those are legitimate reasons! Nyaa

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Tue, 15 Jul 2014 10:56:01

They were longer than one line cheeky

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Tue, 15 Jul 2014 23:48:06
Foolz said:

The best Halo game?

Halo 2. Why? Because what did Halo offer to gaming that hadn't been done before? Oh, nothing? Okay then. Halo 2, on the other hand, introduced proper online gameplay to the console in the same way that Halo supposedly (but did not) introduce FPSers to the console audience.

Fuck Halo, if only for its false legacy; even if its campaign is better, and its multiplayer is equally good.

Name me a game before Halo that was like Halo. Giant battlefields, vehicles, AI battles taking place all around you.

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Tue, 15 Jul 2014 23:57:44

FABLE 1 - Cause two is the same game as Fable on easier and more boring. Have not played 3.

HALO 1 - Still the best campaign of the series and the only one to really feel like an open space war simulation.

TOMB RAIDER 2 - The best of the real Tomb Raider franchise when it was still about puzzles more than shooting people.

UNCHARTED 2 - Absolute masterpiece and one of the greatest games ever made.

KILLZONE 2 - Cause Guerrila Games accidentally made a good game.

CALL OF DUTY 4 - Was amazing at the time cause even though it was a giant linear ride it was done in a way that was new and interesting. Revolutionary multiplayer

GRAN TURISMO 3 - The leap to modern graphics, the incredible track and car selection. Great music, great structure.

SUPER MARIO GALAXY - Cause 3D Mario is a deeper experience, still its really close.

Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask - Cause the time mechanic is totally unique and it has the greatest NPCs of any game. A magical game.

Castlevania SOTN - The gold standard all Castlevania games are measured to, that perfect pacing and combat system.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Screw the haters this is MGSs greatest hits. It has the best gameplay of the series by FAR.

Resident Evil 4 - I don't have to say anything.

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Wed, 16 Jul 2014 01:19:29
Dvader said:

Name me a game before Halo that was like Halo. Giant battlefields, vehicles, AI battles taking place all around you.

Marathon was like Halo. Operation Flashpoint had all those elements, and used them better than Halo. Apart from the last point about the AI (which I don't agree with), then yeah those things were actually pretty new for consoles but those often aren't the main points brought up (they always have to begin with the factually incorrect controller bullshit, and broad revisionist or ignorant statements about the genre). Which was what I did in my original post, for obvious reasons.

Edited: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 03:02:25

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Wed, 16 Jul 2014 02:06:21

When are we getting to Harvest Moon?

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