Forum > Non-Gaming Discussion > Street Fighter Red Tape
Street Fighter Red Tape
Be sure to go to their YouTube page and watch the Dhalsim one. "Yoga is the thing where you stretch... there's a get froyo afterwards."
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travo (5m)
I'm probably late to the show, but has anyone seen the Pete Holmes show? Apparently he has a bit called Street Fighter Red Tape, where the various SF characters are brought into the Human Resources department and questioned about things regarding their history/fighting style/etc. that just don't make sense. I've killed about a half hour watching them.
Is Chun Li dressed too provacative to fight? -
Guile's veteran status questioned -
Why does Vega get to fight with a claw -
And sorry I can't post the videos. I used to be able to do it.... I just can't figure it out anymore.